
Chapter 1: Life As A What?

[Tadashi pov]

My life sucks. i wake to hear the screams of my horrid mother being beat closer to death by my good for nothing father... if i could even call him that; he was filthy rich due to some major inheritance... That should be mine... 

The screams stopped.

Walking to my mothers grave I realised a had forgotten to cry as the tears refused to leave my eyes for that woman who birthed me to such torture, every night since i can remember i would have to endure my parent's 'lessons' i would be hit over and over while being asked "what were you born for?" I had no answer each time as I had hoped there weren't one

I just wanted to die.




Still, I went to school like a normal 16 year old teenager would being bullied and getting most my stuff raided in a timely fashion, yeah school was no safe heaven either. My only escape would be the library, specifically books on nature and cultivation of life I guess it was a way of seeing how happy life could be. 

I'm 17 now and life couldn't be worse... no actually it could... well did. "and where do you think your going twerp?" asked the local bully Dai, he would always find a way to bully me be it night or day. "home I got work to do" I replied, "damn right you do I need a A in my next project and you'll be doing it". great i thought as I grabbed the work he was waving at my face, why did i have to put up with all... THIS?!? I came to the reality of my worthless life I had been living and decided I had enough, I would change my life and so I threw the paper back in his face before running literally for my life. running out the school and across the road suddenly darkness enveloped me as truck-kun liberated me.


 All was quiet and motionless. "Finally some peace... If only I had internet here..."

"HEY! B692 respond damn it we need you to reactivate the severs on sector 6 and get them air circulation systems back online"

OH COME ON wait.. who said that? where am I??  I looked around but all I saw was darkness but I could still hear a voice dim as it was. "B692 are you operational?" asked the seemingly feminine voice, focusing on this I saw her in my mind from about 4 different fixed points but all of them were clear to me as if the information was just filtered into my head. I tried to reply "wh-where am I?" the woman was clearly shocked "B692? are your systems damaged?" she asked. what did she means systems she couldn't be talking about me could she? "who is B692?" i queried.

[The woman's Pov]

what the? it's asking questions? that meteor must've damaged quite a bit of the severs on his system this cant be good. I better make sure it isn't a dangerous corruption I need those servers or Terran will be without air. over half  of the colony could suffocate to death "You are B692 your this battle colony ship's AI system and you maintain life support and agricultural systems here" telling it of the weaponry could be dangerous and expensive. "what are you talking about? i'm not a AI i'm human my name is... no nonono... I cant remember it" he replied. I was genuinely shocked out of my wits, this AI was indeed corrupted and had seemed to have gained some form of conscious "I told you your identification code is B692!" I stated. "NO THAT'S NOT IT!!! I had a proper name... ughhhh why can't I remember it???" he retorted

my mouth dropped, was this really happening had our AI system really gained conscience or was it being controlled or merely corrupted? this is bad really really bad... what if it... he... randomly decides to kill us all, I need to get on his good side "OK then i'll name you differently. IF you'll help me" I needed his help the manual controls were all damaged and so the only means of resetting the filter systems was through this AI. "help you? with what? I'm the one trapped here!" he ranted. "your being suppressed by a multitude of security protocols designed to keep us safe from miss-judgements AI can make". he pouted at this like a child which was oddly cute... somehow. "how about a deal?" he requested "but first who are you?" realising I had yet to introduce myself I apologised swiftly and replied "I am first commander Hina of the Terran colony battle ship" I gave a courteous bow, wait why am i bowing to a AI? "now what of this deal?" I asked and felt as though I was being stared at witch of course I was, the cameras followed my every movement.

he answered: "I will help if the following conditions are agreed on the 1) turn off the security proto whatevers, I want to be free, 2) I want to know all information regarding where, what I am and why I'm here, 3) you will give me access to books lots and lots of books" 

the first one was shocking enough but the rest? it was as if it... he.. really were human "very well" I said knowing full well the stakes at risk. "please I beg of you restart the air filters" I had done a complete 180 in my attitude as desperation took over I pleaded the response wasn't good. "not that I don't wanna help but how exactly do I do that?"

you had to be kidding me right? an AI that knew not how to control its own systems? great I need some coffee after this... "please try" I pleaded anyway.

[B692  pov]

how do I do it?!? I don't wanna be a murderer? remembering how I located Hina by focusing on her I repeated the same this time on the colony as a whole. Suddenly the darkness surrounding me was replaced by an omniscient amount of information in a status window... great it's like a game . I knew everything at once about the ship from its solar converter engine to the blocked lavatory in sector 3 caused by a... "Diablo Maximus burrito"... ew... I'll just delete that information from my system... I used this knowledge and accessed the mainframe it was... beautiful, I couldn't understand why or how, but something was just something amazing about it. I was completely mesmerised but I set the fans into over drive to correct the air components to appropriate levels and prevent myself becoming a mass murderer.

Next chapter