I was killed in a car accident, and got reborn in a fantasy world by a God wich wouldn't tell me why, I find that vary suspicious, but a new life is a new life. Lest how my life goes in this world, I hope it's better than my last
"Well that's done"
I said as I walked out of the Funeral Home, not that I supposed to do now never liked them in the first place I think I really have to make a speech at her funeral it's gonna be a pain in the ***
Then I started walking down the sidewalk, as always walking I heard thevoice of the little girl
"mommy don't go in there, that's not good for you"
I heard little girl saying she helped her mother's arm to keep her for going into a liquor store?, yeah that's definitely not good
" Just let go you stupid child"
The mother said then she pushed little girl away, unfortunately the little girl lost her balance and fell in the middle of the road
Is all I could say as I ran towards a girl to push her out Of the way of the speeding car that was coming
"so this is how it end"
I say ias the car hits me and pushes me back a couple ofmeters, as it laid on the ground my vision started to fade
" My life was shit"
After my vision faded it was like I was floating in the endless void I could see nothing I could feel nothing, it was strangely calming, yeah terrifying
"What now do it just wait for someone to judge me, or do I just stay like this? Is this purgatory? gotta be"
I see insert just doing nothingness that is before my eyes but then I hear a voice that I couldn't tell if it was female or male
"It is not purgatory"
The voice said, the voice seemed kind in a weird way but I still felt a bit of fear
"So are you God? how are you to judge my actions when I was in the world of the living?"
I say, I don't think I've been that bad of a person, I don't think I've been that good of a person eithe
"No. that is not my purpose for coming here"
The voice said, then why is it here?
"Why are you here?"
"I'm here to give you a new life, as well as my blessing"
The voice said, blessing? Why?
"For what purpose would you give me your blessing"
I asked while making a really confused expression though I doubt the voice could actually see it
"that answer I cannot give you right now"
The voice said, yeah that doesn't sound suspicious at all, but a blessing is a blessing so why not, what else do we have to lose anyway
"so I'm going to be reborn?"
I Ask, a new life might be fun
"Yes, you are"
The voice said, I know I should be excited but the way this voice is just monotone makes it feel like a bad thing
"Alright then, start the process or something"
Then my vision went black again though this time I didn't fear it, was it because of the voice I heard earlier? Probably. Either way this is going to be fun