
Burning from the start! 3 Vs.1 has to equal victory!

You don't get named a Powerful psychic without skill.

Not just pure power and hope; It takes skill in your mind.

Calculating, memorization, Damn near prediction of their next move. You can't just throw a punch without a counter. That's exactly how we'll beat Professor Headringer.

Good old Deception and misdirection

Whatever he did to completely dismiss my attack doesn't make sense. Everything has an explanation. No such thing as magic. He had to hide it somewhere.

"Macie!" Well, I shouted that in my head, No need tip off the professor to our next attack. "We need to pull him forward and close the distance." Her eyes only responded with confusion, then confidence. " I'll do what I can, Mr. Rose!"

Her too?! Was that a respect thing? Or was she just copying the Professor?

Hmph. No time to dwell. Instead, let's bring some hell!

I rush ahead again, Macie now my back-up from being thrown around. I barrage him with attacks, each of them being blocked with thought and even his hands on occasion. I put a ton of energy into those blows but none even leave a mark on him. My anger was building with each counter of my attacks.

I don't really have a good grasp of my anger, I'll admit it. I stopped thinking about Macie and Ruby. Just taking him down. I really began to believe I could do it. I started to let my other side take over.

This darker side I always feel with me. it would be terrifying if I truly knew what it was. For now, It's just me. Nothing to worry about. Well— Noting to worry about except the fire I started to create. Instead of punches, I had switched to wild kicks, All still blocked by Professor Headringer.

"It looked like you had a plan. I must've thought wrong!" Headringer shouted, his eyes shooting open behind his glasses. The force he sent my way was even my intense than the last time. I broke from my angered blinders and got back on my feet, shocking the Prof. too.

With his guard down, It was up to Ruby and Macie to keep up the distraction. Opposed to Macie catching me, Ruby caught me with her mental servant, Amaterasu. Even the flowing robes of the spirit couldn't absorb the impact from that push.

Time for some retaliation, then. Macie shuts her eyes tight before using her powers to pull Headringer closer to the center of the classroom. His feet were firmly planted against the floor. He was shocked by this anyway. Now for the finisher. Ruby's Vassal burns bright, blinding the classroom by filling it with light. While everyone was distracted, I let my anger take over again, setting my hands ablaze. All the force I put behind it, It felt like my face might tear-off. If I could use my feet to jettison the flames and myself, I would've.

As I shot past the Professor, our eyes met. His formerly serious eyes only spoke with fear. I landed feet first on the board in the front of the room and used all the strength in me to turn and kick, directly into Professor Headringer's back.

he caught on quick, though. He already began to use his telekinesis to push me back. The flames from my palms sputtered as I shot even more fire from my hands, Now it's started to burn too. But I'm not backing down. I'm too damn stubborn.

"You know how to keep up the dramatics, Adrian! My turn then!" Ruby shouted Playfully

Ruby's Avatar called off the light, beginning to transform the hiltless blade into a shield. " Reflector shot!" She yelled, signaling her Avatar to throw the disc, full force, towards Professor Headringer. The sudden attack distracted Headringer long enough for me to finally get through.

His constant defense would be his downfall.

He switched to block Ruby's strike, Leaving his back wide open.

"Finally!" I jet ahead, foot first, right into his back. The kick staggered him, losing his balance from the floor

In the air, his facade was finally revealed. He someone held all the energy from my first attack. Now that he was unfocused, the electricity shot from him, cascading the class with darkness after shorting the lights, then firing out with blue and white streaks and lights.

The professor fell to one knee, covered in smoke and scuffs

Time for Macie to finish this. She raises both of her hands high, weighing down on Headringer with everything she had

One second was all we needed; One second was all Macie had in her to hold down the professor before he shot back up

He readjusted his glasses, dusted himself off, and fixed his tie. " I must apologize for half-assing that one. I was right not doubt the 7th strongest." The professor said repairing his now limp and smooth white hair, adding "However I don't believe you would've done so well without help." with a smirk

He ain't wrong. I'm not sure there's much I could do without Ruby and especially that Macie girl.

"You did pin me, I will give that. The three of you pass for today. The rest of you...remedial lessons" He said with a devilish grin. The other students scream and yell in terror and defiance. " Well, then, Let's get this place cleaned up. Then, you can all go and complain to Dr. Yen Heart."

All I could do is slump to the floor, exhausting. Something like that wasn't good for the body after months of—


I just want to sleep for another 3 months. I'll admit it, I had some fun. It felt a bit nostalgic, fighting like a team again. Don't think I'll ever have that again, though.

The class is thankfully almost over. Soon I can slink back into my bed and—

"Mr. Rose, er, Number 7, Sir!" A high voice shouted to my right.

It was a horrible idea to turn my head, as the origin of the voice, Macie decided to bow immediately as I turned to look up.


We ended up with a horrible head-on collision.

Yep. Literally

You know, for such a small girl, her head was made of something fierce. We almost mirrored each other, as we both clutched our foreheads. I could tell somewhat that she wasn't as affected by this.

"I'm really, really, really, sorry about that Sir!" She begged

"Yeah, don't worry about it. It was just a mistake, I get it— You could stop with the honorifics, though. Adrian is just fine."

"Ah, right, Sir! Er, I mean Adrian!"

She had traded bowing for instead standing tall, akin to a soldier.

I placed my hands on her shoulders, trying to make her relax. Well, I tried. All it did was make her tense up even further, something I felt even through her uniform

"Well, uh, was there something you needed?"

She looked up to me with her wide, dark eyes, almost like actual windows into her souls. I could tell whatever it is she needed, it was important, Maybe not to me, but definitely to her. She did not say a word, only nodded with a nervous frown.

Outside of lessons building #1, Macie sat down on the steps in front of the door, sighing out what sounded like months of stress. "It's Uhm..." she struggled to explain her situation.

"Look if you—"

She loves cutting me off. She had shouted what sounded like "It's about Miss Latoya!"

I don't know crap about a Latoya, Other than the 7th...well now 6th strongest student in Kintetsu high. What could she want to say about Latoya? And what's up with the respect thing? Sounds like a gateway to some ego issues. I had walked down to the bottom of the steps to make sure I heard her right. My face probably said something like "What the hell are you even saying?" "I just thought that since your both really strong, you knew each other...and you could stop her."

Stop her? Like how? This is starting to sound like a real drawn side-quest of some sort.

"I know it's a bad idea to ask you but the way you helped and trusted me with the Professor, I thought I could trust you." She said, adding " Ever since I asked her for help, she's been pressuring me with this debt."

"Really? Debts? Pressure on some girl too. Who's to say it's just you too?" Questioning like a detective. Macie has picked up on my anger, perking up. "S-so you'll help me?" She said, her beige eyes shining with new hope. "Yeah, I can't just let that go."

Without thinking, I had peered down at the crouching Macie, almost catching a view of what was obscured by her legs. She quickly pulled her knees closer, a blush growing on her face. "T-that isn't for you to see.." She mumbled. Her blush was infectious, latching onto me too.

"Sorry about that. I'm passionate, is all. I want to help you." I said adding "That's a promise from Kintetsu High's 7th strongest!" before walking off. Before that, I need to find a friend of mine to help me. I need a little update before I go gung-ho.

Besides. I promised her. Like an idiot, I promised her I'd help. This is what Ira would've wanted. This is what she would've done.


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