
Chapter Three - My First Purchase And Encounter

A week had passed since Nagisa had left his village and stood before the tall capital inner walls.


He was left flabbergasted. It was quite the sight. The wall was tall and covered with magical knights on full patrol, both from the ground and on top. There were a few things that still felt amiss about this world, however that would hopefully be answered in a larger library.

Nagisa hurriedly rushed in after the magical scan had noted his presence.

'Nagisa Iwase' has been successfully scanned.


The scanner had Nagisa confused. Iwase? He was pretty sure his mother's last name was Shimizu. He shook away the thought of it and proceed by normal, rushing through the various places throughout the capital. Apparently he had entered the more poor quarter of the capital from what it looked at. People selling things way cheaper than what Odo had explained to him in the past prior to his travel, and the quality seemed to decline as well.

All of Nagisa's swords that had been sold had made him a fortune, so he disregarded his spendings and proceeded to buy an apple to snack on. Taking a bite from the bitter apple which had a fading red color, it reminded him that even apples taste different in this world. In the village he grew up with, there were only pears in the forest, something he had forced himself to come to like.

A commotion was heard in the surrounding plaza of the quarter. Nagisa headed over, he had some leeway time before the entrance exam was in order.

"Gather around folks! A rare catch today is on for sale today! A young werebeast girl!"

Nagisa scratched his head. Werebeast? His memory served well of furry beasts being slain ingame. When he had reached the front row that is when he saw her.

A small frame built girl with animal ears. She appeared to be quite young, from the looks of it she looked like a normal twelve year old. The girl had rugged and dirtied white hair and faded worn out blue eyes. Her tail and ears were white as snow as well apart from the dirt covering them. She appeared to be in poor condition and treated harshly by whomever was holding the auction.

"The bid will start at two-thousand gold!"

The man announced with an malicious smile around the corners of his mouth.

"You can treat her however you want under this magic enhanced slave collar attached to her neck!"

The man gestured in a cackling laughter while rolling his palms together. As soon as the auctioning had begun, people went bidding quickly. Nagisa immediately realized at this quarter this was possible the illegal plaza where almost no rules or laws followed. Else there would be less looking rich or shady people around in the crowd altogether. Two-thousand-five-hundred. Three-thousand. Four-thousand. The bid quickly rose to a halt after an immediate doubled increase. A silenced pause was in the air.


A middle-aged man with a refined beard that made him look noble announced. Nagisa shook her head, all the noise and the commotion, and the heavy lust filled aura had caused the girl to shiver. She was trembling in fear, it was too much for him to bear to watch.


Nagisa immediately announced after taking one look at the girl in front who needed rescue without giving it a second thought. It reminded him of the times when he used to be bullied in school, and they ganged up on him. Not only once, but even more so after his mother had taken her own life, he was an easy victim. The aura and sheer fear she emitted from the event had made him nostalgic and punched a hard hole inside stomach, making it turn, almost making him feel nauseated, remembering the harsh times.

The man promptly brushed off a look at the young looking boy who had over bid him. Giving him a cold look, as if to say, 'This one is mine, what do you think you are doing?'. He bid once more.

"Seven-Thousand-Five-Hundred, final bid."

He smirked back at Nagisa to assume his victory. Everyone shook their heads. To bid over five-thousand for a supposed slave, even if it was another race, was just seemingly pointless. Nagisa shook his head and arose his hand accordingly.


A calm and cool collected voice came from the young teen which shocked everyone upon the number he had bid. His clothes were obviously not from a noble looking background, how could he have so much money on hand? This made the middle-aged man frown in anger, then sigh in defeat in a distasteful manner whilst leaving the plaza.

Everyone scattered a few minutes later and the transaction was underway. The smug looking seller drooled while counting the gold by hand, thinking he had made a marginal profit of a dumb young kid.

"Where would a young master such as yourself gather such fortune?"

The slave trader asked, who assumed Nagisa was in disguise, portraying someone outside the capital and stealthing his noble status.

"None of your business, your kind irritates the living soul out of me."

Nagisa gave a serious cold look in response. The slave trader began sweating cold from the aura and intent he emitted, this young boy already seemed to know what kind of things happen to slaves.

"Here is the contract of purchase and your ring which has a magical link attached to the collar."

The man rushed the transaction as soon as he finished counting and scurried off rapidly.

"Tssk… What a lowlife..."

Nagisa bit his underlip in discontent then looked at the frail girl before him. He attempted to reach out to touch her shoulder. However she instantly lowered her head to look away, closing her eyes and began to shiver slightly again as his arm approached her.


He pondered and sighed then took a deep look at the ring to remember what was mentioned. After awhile Nagisa clenched his fist, imbuing it with magic to crush the ring in his bare hands. Slowly did the ring crack, and blood began to seep through his fingers as the material of the ring was being hard pressed within his palm. The ring cracked and a magical essence floated away in the air, and then the collar came undone on the girl's neck to fall on the ground.

The girl began to cry, in mesmerization of the scene, being purely captivated by her new supposed owner. Nagisa then held out his left hand and pat her on the head.

"Everything will be alright, you are free now."

He bowed down and hugged the frail figure whom was sobbing deeply. A few minutes passed and he looked to part ways. But as he left, she tugged away at his shirt, indicating shyly to follow.

"Alright, let's get something to eat, shall we?"

He laughed and the girl started wagging her tails excitingly in the mention of food as her stomach gave off a tiny growl in agreement. The blood was still dropping and Nagisa tended to look for something to cover it up, to not dirty the streets. The girl took notice and quickly snatched his hand gracefully without any notice.

She put her lips gently on the wound and began licking it slightly. The saliva coated the wound and Nagisa felt a tingly feeling before he came to realize what had happened and turned his head.

"Wha--at are you doing?!"

Nagisa's immediate stutter made her pause immediate and curl down on her knees, protecting her head, assuming she would be hit. Nagisa sighed.

"I am not hitting you, you are free remember?"

He helped her right back up with his hand held out. She took it and nodded. Nagisa still waited for an answer with a calm face.


The girl mumbled in a stuttered tone. Nagisa held up his palm and noticed the wound had completely healed and closed up.

"Thank you."

He smiled back at the girl and pat her anew on the head. She wagged her tail happily from the praise and gentle strokes, something that she had not experienced in a long time.

They found a small quiet tavern in the inner section that looked more discreet towards its customers, as the previous one had given various looks when Nagisa had entered with the werebeast girl. He ordered meat and some fries, Nagisa had secretly longed for potatoes for awhile now. Even though the culture is heavily under the influence of rice back in Japan, he missed the days of snacking on chips back home after work in his previous life.

The young girl before him began to immediately dig in to the meat portion, finishing it rapidly.

"Want some more?"

She nodded several times which made him laugh. After awhile Nagisa took notice she did not touch her vegetables and chips.

"Do not like them?"

She looked down without a response. Nagisa snatched them away swiftly and braced her with a smile when she lifted her head.

"Do not worry! Luckily, they are my favorites!"

He smiled which lifted her spirits back and made her tail wag once more.

"By the way what is your name?"

Nagisa asked nonchalantly while waving his hand for the tab.

"... For...got"

She sniffled in tears in trying to remember, letting her tail down.


Nagisa startled her with his sudden tone.

"From now on your name will be, Yui. Cute, huh? I think it will be perfect for you!"

The girl who was now named Yui started wagging her tail again.

"You like it?"

She shyly looked away once again, embarrassed. However Nagisa took that with a yes and made a small chuckle before leaving the shop. Walking on the streets of the capital, Nagisa began to ponder again, where would he see her off to? Did people even house or have like orphanages or something here… Nagisa scratched his head while scrambling his thoughts.

"Places to be… places to go…"

He rambled on.

"Places to be?"

A cold realization dreaded over Nagisa as he started sweating. The entrance exam!

"Come we have to hurry!"

He took Yui's arm and rushed through the plaza causing a ruckus. People were telling him to slow down and other gesting mischief with suspicion. Nagisa finally managed to reach the academy's quarter, panting heavily. He looked to see if Yui was alright, but she appeared fine, just heavily blushing until he let go off her hand.

"Ah… Sorry…"

Nagisa apologized promptly with a hand held before his face in an apologetic gesture. Yui shook her head.

"It is okay…"

She spoke out in a hushed tone. Nagisa passed through to the registry where he met a woman standing behind the counter.

"How may I help you?"

The woman put on a friendly-neutral smile.

"Hello, I am Nagisa, I am here for my entrance exam, I know I am late… but…"

He attempted to explain his situation while attempting to catch his breath.

"Right this way."

She made way and showed him. Both him and Yui tagged along. After a few minutes of walking they reached a hallway, then an examination room with the door being left open, and there stood a teacher explaining the various of tests prior to the examination start.

"Ugh… who brought this smell?"

"Is that a werebeast?"

"What is it doing here…"

A few people began discussing and got distracted while gazing on the new arrivals.

"Leave your dog at home… this is no place for pets nor slaves…"

A noble handsome looking man spoke.

"You tell him Sakaki!"

Sakaki quickly gave him a cold look to remain quiet as it was not a befitting gesture.

"It is alright, Daiki, no need to comment, it will all be fine, just as soon as this commoner leaves with his dog."

Daiki nodded in response and remained silent for the time being. The examiner came forth and told Nagisa to take a seat if he was here for the exams.

"No werebeasts allowed, sorry. Keep her outside."

The teacher informed.

"Can you fix her up… she reeks… You can fine her owner later for the fee charges."

He continued and the receptionist nodded in response. She approached Yui to separate her from Nagisa. She held her hand out, to try and reach for Nagisa. He walked back to her and whispered softly in her soft and fluffy ears.

"I will come back for you, do not worry. I am Nagisa by the way. Go with the nice lady and wait for me, okay? Nod, if you understand."

Yui nodded with teardrops forming at the corner of her eyes. However she managed to hold them back.

"Your seat…"

The examiner grew impatient. Nagisa returned and saw Yui's small silhouette disappearing through the hallway and the door closing in between them. Nagisa headed towards the only empty seat available in the room and found himself tripped on the floor.

When he looked up, a confused looking Sakaki stared intently at him.

"Are you going to apologize or were you taught no manners?"

Sakaki asked raised up, shaking his head to hint Nagisa's cluelessness.

"You are kidding right?"

Nagisa looked back at him intently.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You are the one who tripped where my foot was resting, in addition to also delaying our examination? Surely you can find it in your heart to apologize for one of them, if not both?"

Nagisa thought about it reasonably for a second, not to make a ruckus he decided on his next move, even if it not might have been a sincere choice.

"Sorry for have delayed our exami…"

He attempted to speak.

"While you are at it, can you add in another apology for the stench? It reeks of that werebeast girl you brought alongside you…"

Sakaki cut Nagisa short in mid-sentence. Both again found themselves glaring at each other. Some people were slightly laughing in the background at Sakaki's relentless assault to humiliate Nagisa further.

"Take your seat and stop this nonsense!"

The teacher interrupted. Nagisa walked and brushed it off. Sakaki, a name he would make sure to remember. The examination was now in session, and Nagisa tried to block out what happened and focus on the exam itself, also with Yui beckoning in his back mind. The humiliation brought to him, he could live with, but to target a young girl, his newly acquainted Yui, he could not.

In this life Nagisa had already plead to himself, to not tolerate people who come at him, no more sitting back and taking the beating. Not now, after all, he still had things up his sleeves for his future to come.

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