
World Order

Once I was inside the main building, the first to come rushing were Dad and Mom.

The look of worry and fear in their eyes was both painful to see and at the same time, made me glad that they were still alive.

I won't let the same shit happen as last time.

"Lucas," spoke Dilbert in a very worried tone. "You have a guest," he said. "But I suppose they can wait, you look like a mess." He said.

"A bit, I'll need to clean up," I said.

"I have a medical facility at the ready, I also placed all the people you brought down like you had advised everyone needs to get a thorough screening before getting admitted."

"Yeah, you don't want a bitten person inside this place. Anyway, I'll also need you to do something else. You'll need to close down the sewers. A lot of people might think of using them to get inside." I said.

"I already thought about that, we closed all access to this Safe Zone, added a full barricade though the whole area, we locked down the buildings with cement and concrete and also made a full motion security system in all of the buildings anyone wandering or tries to gain access to the safe zone will be immediately dealt with," he said.

"This will be enough for now, but once the hunters start getting skills, getting inside here will be far easier than you think, I'll still show you how to deal with that once the first Phase is over though," I said.

"Enough with all this, get cleaned up, you're a huge mess. Take him to the infirmary," Dilbert said.

As we went, Dilbert added, "Oh yeah, Vivian's been asking about you. I wonder what you did to get that girl's attention, she is usually very cold to people." Dilbert grinned.

"Bruh, she's your daughter," I said.

"Well, she'll need a good man in the future, and I say you're a good candidate," he said.

"Please don't joke around stuff like this."

Dilbert shrugged and left smiling.

While I sighed as I was helped into the infirmary.

It took a while for me to get treated.

The worst of the damage I received was my broken ankle. Though I say broken as if it was nothing serious, it actually wasn't.

In this world, anything besides a killing blow isn't serious. Broken bones can mend easily with time thanks to Vitality, but since I don't have access to the Stats Window yet, I can't push my vitality higher to heal faster, so I'll have to wait.

Secondly, I don't want to use the potion yet. I'll only use that in case of great danger or serious injury that needs immediate attention.

I have a few more, and I can make many more. But resources are scarce right now, especially since the first Phase has yet to end. Communication and methods of obtaining more resources are currently on hold. So, I'm better off saving as many potions as I can.

Once the nurse got all the glass out of my back fixed placed gauze over my wounds and around my forehead, and a cast over my foot, I was given a crutch to use.

Once I was done I had to move back, it was annoying to have to use this crutch at first, but I got used to it pretty fast.

Now, John Dilbert said that I had a guest, I could probably guess who the guest is.

Soon, I headed upstairs and got to Dilbert's bureau where a woman was sitting patiently there.

She was wearing a tight vest and a low-cut skirt which would be a crime if it got any bit shorter. The dream of every high school boy.

However, her identity was immediately revealed the moment I saw the logo on her vest.

"CIA… to what do I owe this pleasure," I said.

The woman looked at me and said, "Please sit, Lucas," she said.

"I rather not," I said.

"Don't you think it will be easier if you sit, I mean, with the crutch and all," she said.

"Just cut to the chase I don't have all day," I said.

"Oh, you seem in a hurry, let me guess, you know why this is happening do you?" she said.

"And what if I did?" I said.

"Then by the authority given to me, you will have to accompany me, we'll need to be asking you a few questions," she said.

"Oh, authority? Please elaborate, who the fuck do you think you are?" I spoke.

The words came out rather forcefully, and she clearly didn't expect it.

"I don't know why you're trying to act tough, you know that we're the CIA and you really don't want to be playing hard to get with us," she said.

"Oh, is that so, then please tell me, what is the CIA, world government, FBI, and even national security doing right now? Where is the army? How is your handling of this clusterfuck going?" I spoke.

Because I already knew the answer.

"You were hit very hard weren't you?" I grinned.

"Seems like you know many things, this act of terrorism, perhaps you're an instigator," she said.

"You can say whatever the fuck you want, it's clear as day that the world order you used to know is no longer functional. If you come here trying to threaten me while your full military power is completely useless against the shit that's happening right now, you have no value, nor does the organization behind you. You should realize it by now, you're all, are nothing but a relic of the past," I said.

My words were provocative, on purpose.

Immediately she stood up and from out of fucking nowhere pulled out a gun, "Your security should do a better job at frisking," she said, "You feel like talking now."

"Try me, bitch," I said.

My unphased reaction was too much for her to handle, and the fucking bitch really pressed the trigger. Only for something expected to happen.

The gun didn't shoot.

Well, of course, it wouldn't, unless it was tampered with using mana, like the guns I modified personally with Mana Crystals, the guns that Dilbert owned.

"Are you stupid? You really are dumb, shouldn't you have realized that gunpowder is no longer working?" I said.

"But… I heard gunshots. Their guns…"

"Oh you're talking about the security personnel, well their guns are a bit special. it's not that the security was not tight to allow the gun, they know that your gun would never work."

"You're holding the information that could help national security and the army! We're unable to use firepower against these creatures! If you know how to you should share!" she said.

"Why would I? What do I gain from it?" I said.

"What? Are you some sort of psychopath? Of course patriotism, it is your job as a citizen to help your governem-"

"Will you please shut the fuck up? Don't you realize it, there is no such thing as governments anymore. When will you realize that this isn't the same world you used to know? Wake the fuck up!" I said.

My words were clearly too much for her, so she frowned and threw the gun away, "Then I'm taking you using force!" she said and came at me for a grab.

I dodged to the side, even with a broken ankle. And easily used my crutch to trip her forward.

"You? Overpowering me? Not in a million years," I grinned.

My taunt was too much for her so she rushed back in.

I didn't really want to keep this any longer, so, I let her grab me. Only to grin at her face, I used my free hand to grab hers, then twisted her hand forcing her on her knees.

She tried to struggle, but I pressed her down against the ground and sat on her back.

She futilely tried to struggle only for me to speak, "Look," I said as I placed my open palm in front of her face.

My hand began darkening and a wide slit opened up from it, revealing a disgusting row of sharp teeth.

The sight of something like this close to her caused her face to visibly pale.

"Before you say I'm a monster or some corny shit like that, I'm not. I cannot help you turn this situation, nor will I even help you, I know your kind, you'll want to capture me and use me as some rat lab, sorry shit like that won't work. I'm not someone you can handle. Secondly, if you come for a favor, you should ask nicely and not threaten me. Lastly, don't fucking get on my nerves or I'll eat your face off."

The last words were spoken, and for some reason, the mouth in my hand snapped open and close as if trying to take a bite of her face.

'Good hand, sadly I'll never be able to use that one to masturbate anymore…'

"We good?"

"No, we're not! I'm not leaving this place before I know how you made your guns work!" she said.



"How about this, I'll show you how, though I really do advise you shouldn't rely on it. But you'll have to give me something in return," I said.

"… okay, just get off me," she said.

"I won't unless you promise to be a good girl and not attack me again," I said.


"Promise," I said smiling.

"Okay, I won't attack."

"No; you really need to say the words, I promise," I added.

"Okay, I promise," she said.

I stood up, and I could see her struggling to get back at me, but considering the occasional gazes she took at my hand she smartly decided that it would be a very bad idea.

"… what do you want? Write down anything you want and I'll see if I can make it work with the higher-ups," she said.

'Yeah right, paper contracts are useless, but.'

"Oh, a lot of things, but first, let me prepare a contract," I grinned.

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