
Re- uniperation

Ace's steps were measured and steady. He didn't take a second look at Travis after stopping him on his tracks. Just walking past him and his piercing curious gaze, he just reached and stopped up to Jay. The younger girl was looking down. She was shaking a little, hating the situation to the fullest, feeling nothing more than a submissive under the glare which couldn't get any fiercer. She was aware, that he has witnessed this all. He has heard and seen every bit of it from the start. Only this reaction can be the conclusion of it.

Ace just was studying the vulnerable kid beneath his eyes.

He was angry, really angry.

Not on Jay.

But because every time he gets closer to open her heart, some motherfucker always has to interrupt with no motive and fucking end all shit for him .... throwing them back at square one. And it always leaves Jay as the poor victim. And himself, always stepping in late!

Slowing reaching for the damp haired girl, he ran his hand around her and pulled her closer to himself. He had a perfect sense, that he acquired from sharp observation skills. His scent had a remarkably calming effect on Jay somehow. He held the back of her head softly and pressed her against his neck. He could feel her inhaling in and letting out a relieving breath. She nudged in more relaxing, and to Ace's most surprise ...…she lifted her hands and wrapped them around his waist, fisting her palms. That was an extreme first move on her part. An invisible smile creeped on his face, as her hold tightened more as she hid her face more in his embrace. Afraid to lose him if let go.

Ace rubbed his cheeks against her once and turned back slowly, letting her snuggle on to him. There is a bigger shit to deal with for the moment.

Travis looked like thrown off from a peak.

In so many years, he is seeing Ace back again. And the boy is nothing like what he had been before. In spite of all his physical changes, the blue orbs with intense depth, the ones he loved were no more the same. Did the shade turn darker?

It's so lifeless and sharp, not sparkly and full of positivity like back then. And staring at Travis, it made him feel that his soul is being ripped through. It is reflecting the trapped holograms of so many wronged innocents, screaming out loud to be put to justice. And all their pain and suffering, drunk empty by Ace himself.

Every bit of it, Travis could see through.

He shuddered as he witnessed the affection Jay has been displaying.

But chose to ignore that for the time, reverting to nothing less than a dick!

"The color suits", he remarked coldly.

Ace doesn't change his expression but brushes his dark chocolate brown bangs by jerking his head showily," Disappointed?".

Travis bit his lower lip.

Of course, he should have known that he's gonna start attacking the weak points from past.

"Actually glad", he retorted," Not seems like a bitch anymore".

"What was that?", Ace mocked," Remind me of a more turned on body please!".

It only made Travis grunt annoyingly. Everything seemed like childish mockeries between them.

Jay had calmed down by the time and she looked up at Ace. He immediately turned with his usual goofy smile pasted on his face," Better babe?".

She nodded and shifted her gaze towards Travis.

"How do you know him?", Ace asks again. His voice little serious.

Jay parted her lips to speak, but Travis beat her to it.

"She lives.... because of me!", he said more firmly stating his position," She can control herself coz I help her!".

Jay eyes bulged in fear horror; Ace doesn't miss it beneath his non-shifting pupils.

She looked up at him trying to shake her head to deny it, she doesn't at all want him of all person to know what has she resorted to survive before. But he doesn't look back at her.

He spoke quietly, "So .... it's you".

Travis replied with a hint of unnoticeable pride in his voice," It's me of cour ...…."

"IT WAS YOU!!!", Ace screamed suddenly, shocking both of them. Only giving the deadly glare to Travis and pulling Jay closer to depict his priority intentions. He clearly portrayed his directed anger at the person.

Travis speakers go dysfunctional.

He stood motionless at the sudden outburst.

"Don't think I don't realize those scars upon her skin, bruises and dosages of heavy drugs in her blood?", Ace spat disgusted," How dare you FUCKING, impose your messed up lifestyle upon her???".

"She...…wanted those, to live", Travis spoke claiming his voice and, in his defence," I had limited them, I knew she was minor and so----".

"So, you just had just thrown your trash logic, letting her get beaten up and inject her with shit .... your fucktard!!!", Ace completed with a bitter tone," Have some mercy on Edrei at least….".

Ace's voice trailed on the last line.

Jay noticed the change in Travis too. The older boy was back at his attitude all over again. His expressions had darkened at the very mention of the particular name. His prominent popped out veins on his throat were visible from afar, denoting his very anger.

"Mercy ....", he spoke with a stern manner," …...is not something your likes can afford, Ace", he bit on to the name.

Jay felt herself tightened more against Ace's chest. She looked up at him, and he didn't seem in his most friendly state more the moment. The intimating aura from both of them was pressuring her, along with the undying competition to win on clashing glares.

Ace tilted his head cracking a neck bone," You don't know a fucking thing!", he spat.

"Enough which I need to", Travis wasn't backing down. He didn't seem the least afraid even after he knew what Ace was capable of," She's gonna end up like them soon!".

Saying he shifted his glare towards Jay, locking eyes with her shooting daggers. Ace immediately held her aside, shielding her protectively. Deep growl started emerging from his stomach. He let out a rude snarl in protest.

"Not her!", He scoffed," Never her ...…mine!". He had stamped his claim on her before Travis.

"I will make sure of that too!", Travis challenged.

"Not your place fucker", Ace growled again," You won't get near her".

"Let's play then", came the quick reply," You continue your game, and watch how I beat it!".

A moment passed with Jay still trying to penetrate through the conversation between them, and watching them scowl silently at each other. They sure have had a strange history which is more than meeting the eye. Travis knew him, and Ace did entertain that fact. And also, there's more to this hatred for each other.

Ace is holding back!!!

Jay could just feel it, she has never seen or depicted this. Him, holding it back .... on Travis!!!

Suddenly she felt a tug on her waist, out from her daze. Ace let go of her and instead took up on her hand, wrist to be exact. That's the sign when he's in his possessive mode. Else it's always an entangle with the fingers.

"Let's go", he said lasering a last look at Travis who returned it back," It's getting colder". And he didn't give Jay any more choice as he jerked pull her along with him, walking away.

Jay knew she didn't imagine it when her last check on Travis found his face slightly falling in to a sorrowful trance.

Still looking at them!

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