
Lightened delight

Ace made Jay tag along behind him. It was more like dragging her in such a way, as if he had the rights of an Alpha on her. Not for a moment his grip loosened on her wrist.

Jay didn't raise any objection at all. She was content and relieved to have escaped Arthur so miraculously. She was sure that her chronic would give away her doom because none of them were in their usual form.

Ace .....the boy had been there the whole time.

Waiting for Jay as he has let her know earlier.

Only after studying the situation when both of them created the ruckus outside for half a second, his eyes didn't waste time to switch to Jay's face to read her inner silent screams. Another second, and he was sure of what that expression denoted. Only he can read that depth of suffering which might appear so common to the pesky normals.

He had been glad that all the secret efforts he was putting for a while behind her, was bearing positive consequences. Therefore, there was no way he would let it all and Jay go in vain and hell. Portraying himself of what he cannot show to Jay, is the only way to bail her out of it. And damn he's going to give a fuck to anyone who thinks they can get away with what is seems to be abuse. May it be her blood relative, or not!

All the way from her house, Ace had been heart close to her skin as well as her inner self. Only by the touch of her wrist, he could feel the scare in her mind, the eventually fading away tremble and her trying to suppress and summon back her calm.

Nevertheless, Ace didn't let go!

He could feel Jay's stare at his back as she struggled to meet up with his pace. What he couldn't see, was Jay gathering up her voice for the first time at the night and initiating to strike up a conversation ...…which is unlike her.

It was more like to satisfy her confusion as well as get a break.

Does he practice psychometry?

The first time she ever thought of him actually when she was in dire need, only that time …..just when she needed the person to rescue her, he was there to her aid. He was the same person who came to her mind at once. Not Travis, not Chris, not anyone else!

Jay knew that she might be needing help when her regular chronic ushers up. But this was an emergency case and the thought never crossed her mind that she might have to call out or recognize help from anyone.

They why all of a sudden, she needed him this desperately?

She never wanted to rely on him, she wanted both of them to be dependent on each other.

Him, of all people?

Not even Travis? Not like his help would be the best priority ...….

"Why?", she asked short and soft, still walking.

Ace's pace slowed down by hearing her voice, but he still strolled on holding on to her. He didn't reply immediately, but the effect of the question just made him relax a little. He had heard her. He spoke after a few seconds, reluctant to pause, turn back or meet her eyes.

"Why .... you ask?", his voice mocking," Why do you think?".

Jay looked elsewhere except Ace.

He was obviously aware of what was incoming.

After residing for so many years with her brothers, they could never catch a clue of what Jay was undergoing. They just believed the reality, but never looked beyond it. And only weeks of visits with Ace, had granted him such an unfair capability to read her with a glance. This sorcery, wasn't two way for both of them.

It proved to be true that indeed two of a kind are best at understanding each other.

'You're too fast", Jay complained about the less important thing in a dull manner.

"Fast enough to get you out", Ace said," Aren't you glad?".

- So then ...…...are you gonna help me suppress it?

- No!

- Why not?

- Coz you don't need it now.

- How are you so sure?

- I can study it better than you Jay!

- It would be better to just teach me. That way, you won't have to bother every time.

Ace suddenly stopped and turned, startling Jay midway. She lightly stumbled. Ace hovered and leaned towards her face with no warning and a never seen seriously cold face with completely different eyes again. They were emitting stoic rays, but the warmth in them was too exposing. A mixture of concern, disappointment and sorrow. Jay hates such times when she's unable to identify them, leaving her in a state of confusion.

Ace gently placed his hands on her shoulders and concentrated his gaze on her eyes.

"When you're still suffering but alive ....", he began with his deep accent," you are cleansed and pure. But when learn to remedise it yourself, that's when you're corrupted and hollowed", he paused," And that is when you're actually dead".

His voice grew rhythmic," Like me", he continued," So just sit back, listen to me a bit and lemme take care of the messy deals, okay? It was my remedy before, habit a while back, and now .... it's different! I've decided to limit myself, but do it just for your sake. I won't take it to extremes. And I'll never allow YOU to corrupt yourself, not till I'm alive!!!".

His hands dropped off her shoulders as he stepped back.

The usual goofy smile returned to his face.

The face Jay knew well.

How can he be the same person but so different at 3 different situations? And the kind of concern he shows for her? Someone he met a while back? Even to preserve a cover like that, his voice doesn't play along to convince Jay. The earn look in those eyes, are so not helping.

He is definitely moving her!

Without knowing, she has started to rely on him. She could only gaze at him with perfectly widened eyes with no reply for his words.

This person …...is fucking irritating!

She can't possibly be at ease with him.

Must be hypnosis.

Ace started walking giving her the back again as she raised a question," Where are we going?".

"My den", and again the voice was different from other times.


For the first time in her life, Jay was amused!

It was just like the 3D version of her mind where she resides. She felt as if she has entered her own fucked up mind! It really left her dumbstruck. Something compelled her to scrutinize every detail of such a fantasy place. And here she was thinking no place can give her better salvation than her own room for her messed up suffering phases. The outside world seems a different place, and this place seems like an outside world apart from everything else.

Also, for the first time, Jay wore an expression which is not poker or cold. She wasn't laughing or smiling, but the light was reflecting through the glass pupils. Till then, she had nothing she could think of which has pleased her this much.

This time, she was really giving her all to feel it deep inside. She was trying to feel it!!!

The place was indeed an indifferent choice. For all, Jay had predicted the 'Den' to be a shabby broken leaking place or under a bridge to be all. Because no matter how much a person can fake, their nest is always built on their character based on their true feelings.

An underground room, totally hidden from attention. It was warmer than other places or even Jay's home. The ceiling was low with no fans attached to them. The light source wasn't detectable but the whole place glowed with dim neon blue shade. Must be hidden in corners. The retro touches and the warm color appliances and furniture was the perfect contrast to it. One floor, large and cozy enough with a couch, sofa and chairs with covered fur. Ace sure seems to detest the cold!

"You seem delighted", Ace's voice woke her up.

Jay's cheeks were pink and ears were red with warmth. She refrained from gaping around like a fool and turn towards him.

Ace had transformed from his usual leather jacket, jeans, cap or shirt with a compulsory black theme to emit the Grim aura to comfortable full sleeves T-shirt, a wine color half sweater and track pants. He looked different with the tousled head free from the head accessory most time and bare footed.

Jay judged that one little thing.

"Too cold to move around bare?", she asked," You dislike it!".

Ace threw himself on the sofa and raised an eyebrow," You noticed? Try removing yours", he suggested.

Jay obeyed and obliged.

As she thought so, the floor was warm to feel. Maybe he has a furnace beneath it. It was more suitable without footwear. For that very reason Jay didn't feel cold even though she was dresses lightly.

"Be the owner", Ace mocked instead of telling 'be my guest'. Jay never reacted to such humor coming from him.

As she finished removing her other shoe, she looked up to see Ace tapping the seat on the sofa beside him. Jay just went right past him and used the chair to his amusement.

Ace purposely faked his fallen face, only to receive her usual poker stare. He gave up in a second and fell back on the sofa pouting a little. He laid completely closing his eyes, folding his arms on his chest and raising up a leg.

Jay preferred the form since it kept him quiet and away from rotten humor sense. But the uneasiness didn't cease with the silence around. Maybe she had turned to his chattering more than that. That would be the undertaking of a weird habit!

But then, uselessly sitting .... Jay had no job but to study the person before her!

No debate that he's is unfairly gorgeous. Unique beauty. The messy hair, blunt locks falling all over his eyes and temple. The shiny chocolate brown hair, whose smoothness can be felt with just taking a glance at it from afar. Even with his arms covered, the veins on his biceps were popping out so shamelessly and visible through the shirt. Somehow, needlessly to say, only his position covered half of his attractive charisma all around. Pretty normal to view him in such properties.

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