
Chapter 2

Mike's full name is Mike Tully.

He could also be considered a successful person in his past life.

Undoubtedly, Mike has been lucky. Considering his background as a scrappy orphan who lived in an orphanage before being cast out to fend for himself on the streets at 14, acquiring a sprawling villa in an affluent New York neighborhood and starting a family is no small feat.

This remarkable turn of events can only be attributed to his extraordinary stroke of luck.

Mike is like a son of Lady Luck herself. From the day he was on the streets, whenever he was involved in a brawl or a gunfight, no matter how dire the situation, Mike would emerge unscathed.

Thus, people who knew Mike gave him a fitting nickname, Lucky Mike.

But luck didn't seem to favor Mike forever, or perhaps he had used up all his luck in that bank robbery.

After successfully robbing the bank and acquiring a huge fortune, middle-aged Mike encountered all sorts of nonsense. His daughter aspiring to star in adult films and his wife cheating on him were the least of his worries. The worst was when his past enemies, who he had evaded by changing his name, found him.

Finally, on the night of April 21, 2019, with the sound of a gunshot, Lucky Mike's luck ran out.

But when he woke up again, he was surprised to find that Lady Luck hadn't abandoned him. He was reborn, in the body of a frail and injured little kid, and had even returned to the year 1991.

After accessing the child's memories, Mike discovered something extraordinary. This child, also named Mike but without a surname, had superpowers!

Although he couldn't control these powers, which led him to be labeled a monster and ostracized and beaten to death by other children, Mike didn't care about the child's tragic past. He had seen too many sad stories from the lower echelons of society to the point of becoming numb.

Without his extraordinary abilities, Mike might have found himself compelled to join a gang or end up in one of those notorious orphanages often referred to as delinquent training grounds. Drawing from his past experiences, Mike was confident that he could adapt and succeed in such challenging environments.

Later, by using these people, he could acquire a large amount of money and retire bravely, moving into the investment industry to completely launder his identity. And Mike already had several foolproof investment plans in mind, having heard many success stories back when he was a wealthy man.

What about studying?

Expecting a gang leader and bank robber to hit the books and aim for self-improvement? That's laughable. Studying was Mike's least favorite activity; he only bothered to learn the basics of reading and writing after amassing his fortune, and that was merely to avoid humiliation.

According to Mike, in a society like this, individuals like him are compelled to find shortcuts to success. Adhering to the established rules only ensures that people like him would never get their moment in the spotlight.

But superpowers disrupted Mike's plans. If he had such powers in his previous life, he wouldn't have been killed by a gun. If he had these powers before, he would have succeeded without needing to risk a bank robbery.

Thus, Mike was determined to harness these powers, no matter if it required years or even decades. He believed that with such power at his disposal, he could rapidly amass wealth and influence in no time.

Thus, in the six months since he arrived in this world, Mike spent every day holed up in his garbage house, practicing his abilities. The method of training was quite simple: he just needed to calm his emotions and focus on making the wind chime hanging from the ceiling move by thinking about it.

Mike had some experience with controlling his emotions, which allowed him to stabilize his abilities quickly. No longer would he accidentally set the small hut on fire. However, he made no progress with the wind chime, feeling perhaps his desire to make it move wasn't firm enough.

Then, just last night, Mike felt like he had succeeded.

In the midst of a skirmish with a large black dog, the short stick in his grip responded to his commands, gaining speed and strength. Thrilled by this development, Mike hurried back to his makeshift home to begin his routine training. Remarkably, the wind chime telekinesis method, which had previously failed, was successful.

Now, inside the garbage house.

Mike woke up and the moment he opened his eyes, the wind chime came into view.

Seeing the wind chime made Mike smile. Over the past six months, he had fallen asleep watching this wind chime every night and woken up to it every morning. Although it was just made of broken glass and fishing line he had collected, Mike had decided to take this wind chime with him when he left this dreadful place and keep it until he died.

Yes, Mike had decided to leave the garbage house.

Having significantly honed his superpowers, Mike decided it was the right moment to start earning money. Moreover, his physical condition had improved over the last six months; given his current stature, the bullies from the welfare home would no longer see him as prey.

However, as Mike was daydreaming about marrying a mafia princess and becoming a mafia godfather, reaching the pinnacle of life while looking at the wind chime, he found a letter lying next to his pillow.

Mike was taken aback. Despite the simplicity of his makeshift dwelling, he had implemented solid security measures. The fact that someone was able to place a letter beside his pillow undetected suggested they could have harmed him just as stealthily.

Thinking this, Mike didn't hesitate to open the envelope. Since the person came to deliver a letter, they probably meant no harm for the moment; otherwise, they would have acted while he was asleep.

After a while, Mike finished reading the letter and sat dumbfounded on the mattress.

"Hogwarts... Isn't that Harry Potter, my son Jimmy's favorite?"

Because of Jimmy, Mike found himself repeatedly reading through the entire Harry Potter series and watching every film in the saga alongside his son. He was well-acquainted with what he once considered merely a "children's book."

In that instant, everything clicked for Mike. What he perceived as superpowers were, in fact, the erratic surges of magic typical of a young wizard.

of magic can be lethal; numerous young wizards have perished due to such outbursts. Despite this, he had been approaching these manifestations as if they were mere superpowers, deliberately attempting to provoke and master them.

It appeared that Lady Luck still favored him, for without her grace, he might have already met a catastrophic end.

Just then, a sheet of parchment slipped from the Hogwarts acceptance letter he held.

Dear Mr. Tully,

Given your special circumstances, we will send someone to your residence to answer your questions and provide you with necessary assistance.

Please note, our staff will arrive at your residence at 8:30 AM on July 16, 1991.

After reading the note, Mike instinctively looked at the strapless digital watch next to his pillow, which displayed 8:31.

"Mr. Mike Tully, it seems you have read the letter we sent you."

At the noise, Mike spun around to see the door of his makeshift abode had somehow swung open. There, framed by the doorway, stood an elderly man with a white beard, greeting him with a warm smile.

Holy hell is this... is this Dumbledore?!

Had to remove some comments about capitalist England evil and such. Only a few sentences were removed and a couple of others were edited.

Delvogencreators' thoughts
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