
Rasa's Struggle: The Fourth Kazekage's Tale

"Rasa's Struggle" delves into the life of Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village. As he grapples with the ever-present threat of Orochimaru and the daunting responsibilities of leadership, Rasa's journey unfolds in a turbulent era of shifting alliances and power plays in the Naruto world.

Hungry_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Retreat and Consequences

The harsh desert winds whispered secrets of victory and vengeance as Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage, stood amidst the aftermath of the fierce battle. Orochimaru, Kimimaro, and Kabuto had managed to retreat, but they left the Sound Ninja Four behind, their corpses a testament to the ferocity of Rasa's wrath.

The sun-scorched battlefield bore witness to their swift and brutal demise, the sand absorbing their blood like a thirst-quenched desert. They never had a chance to intervene in the grand battle between Rasa and Orochimaru, their aspirations snuffed out before they could take flight.

The Suna ANBU, loyal and unwavering in their duties, had been the unsung heroes of this confrontation. Their vigilance prevented the Sound Ninja Four from erecting any barriers or attempting to interject themselves into the battle between the two titans.

While Rasa couldn't claim the head of Orochimaru, Kabuto or Kimimaro, he did find solace in the fact that he had eliminated the Sound Ninja Four. This accomplishment opened the door for him to collect them for a sum of money, a valuable source of income for the ailing Hidden Sand Village.

Simultaneously, he had thwarted those who had aided Sasuke's defection from the Hidden Leaf Village. The possibility lingered that if Sasuke had never defected, he might have reached his full potential sooner and contributed to the protection of the ninja world against the looming threat of the Akatsuki.

However, Rasa remained uncertain about how this situation would unfold. He couldn't discount the possibility that Orochimaru might discover an alternative method to abscond with Sasuke.

Rasa, ever the pragmatic leader, understood the importance of covering his tracks. He immediately issued orders to the ANBU to collect all evidence, including the bodies of the Sound Ninja Four, and remove any traces of the battle from the unforgiving sands of the desert.

The Hidden Sand was already in dire straits due to its unforgiving environment, and any blemishes on their reputation would only exacerbate their challenges.

With his mind focused on the future of his village and its survival, Rasa devised a strategic plan. He intended to leverage the valuable intelligence gathered during the battle with Orochimaru to secure alliances and financial support, starting with Konoha and other villages willing to pay for such information.

The Raikage, from the Hidden Cloud Village would most likely cooperate. After all, he is a man that, like Danzo, will take any opportunity when it presents itself.

Additionally, he aimed to negotiate the exchange of the Sound Ninja Four's remains for further monetary assistance. The Hidden Sand's situation was undeniably dire, and Rasa was determined to seize every opportunity to secure its future.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson glow over the battlefield, Rasa stood victorious yet burdened with the weight of the challenges that lay ahead.

His confrontation with Orochimaru had far-reaching consequences, and he was resolved to navigate them to the Hidden Sand's advantage, whatever the cost.

He pledged to address the dire situation in the Hidden Sand after the Chunin Exams. Nevertheless, this edition of the Chunin Exams held unparalleled significance, surpassing even the pressing financial concerns of the Hidden Sand.

The Suna ANBU efficiently sealed the corpses within specialized scrolls, and they hurried back to the Hidden Sand to report to Chiyo as per Rasa's explicit orders.

Meanwhile, Rasa, flanked by two vigilant guards, pressed on toward the Hidden Leaf Village.

The very same guards as in the original timeline.

Upon their arrival, they were met by Hiruzen Sarutobi, who extended a somewhat warm welcome. Rasa's feelings toward Hiruzen were far from amicable, and he responded with the bare minimum of respect required in such diplomatic exchanges.

Rasa was lodged in an opulent residence within the village but made it clear that his stay was solely for the duration of the Chunin Exams; no longer. However, he conveyed a request to Hiruzen, stressing the need for a private meeting devoid of their respective guards, as the subject matter was of utmost importance - concerning Rasa's prized pupil, Orochimaru.

Hiruzen, taken by surprise but keen to hear more, swiftly acquiesced. He extended an invitation to Rasa, welcoming him into the sanctum of the Hokage's study for a confidential discussion.

Hiruzen gestured toward a pair of high-backed chairs opposite his desk. "Please, have a seat, Kazekage," he offered, his voice carrying a tone of professional courtesy.

Rasa complied, lowering himself into one of the chairs with an air of deliberate nonchalance. He leaned back slightly, his gaze never leaving Hiruzen's.

"I assume you're aware of the subject of our conversation," Rasa began, his voice steady and cool. "It was an ambush, and he made no secret of his intentions. He attempted to kill me and thus acquire my place to enter the Hidden Leaf and usurp your place as Hokage."

Hiruzen's expression remained composed, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of concern. "I see," he replied, choosing his words carefully. "Orochimaru's ambitions have always been a cause for worry. The power of the Hokage is not to be taken lightly."

Rasa nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I have managed to thwart his efforts for now. I disrupted his attempts to summon the dead during our battle."

"Yes, a jutsu developed to resurrect the dead shinobi under his command. It quite frightening really"

Hiruzen leaned forward slightly, his hands steepled before him. "That is a significant accomplishment, Kazekage. Orochimaru's mastery of forbidden jutsu makes him a formidable adversary. What are your intentions moving forward?"

Rasa's lips curled into a subtle, humorless smirk. "I have a proposal," he said, his tone laced with veiled tension. "I will share the intelligence I gathered during our battle with you, concerning Orochimaru's abilities and objectives.

In exchange, I ask for a guarantee of payment toward my village as recompensation."

Hiruzen considered Rasa's offer carefully. The information Rasa possessed could prove invaluable in countering Orochimaru's plans. Yet, granting the Hidden Sand preferential treatment during the Chunin Exams was a complex matter, one that required delicate diplomacy.

Hiruzen's expression remained inscrutable as he extended a hand. "Then we have an agreement, Kazekage."

Rasa clasped Hiruzen's hand firmly, sealing their pact. The fate of two great ninja villages hung in the balance, and their alliance, however reluctant, was a step toward ensuring their continued survival in the perilous world of shinobi.