

The Other Woman


Day 380

I pushed my trolley forward as I gazed at the shopping list in my hands. I loved stocking up on groceries and food stuffs for home before we completely ran out. I turned into the next aisle and that is when I saw her. At first glance it looked like she was looking at diapers and was struggling to pick a brand but after observing her for a while I noticed that her shoulders were slumped and she wasn't even paying attention to the diapers. I wanted to turn around and pretend I hadn't seen anything but the little whimper that escaped her lips got to me.

She wasn't my favourite person at all but then again what sort of a human being would I be if I didn't help out someone who seemed trouble. Against my better judgement I pushed my trolley towards her.


She slowly shifted her gaze from the diapers to me. The sadness in her eyes made me realise that I had made the right decision of coming over.

"Are you alright?"

She smiled but it never reached her eyes. "I am, just struggling on which brand of diapers to get. They have run out of huggies," she mumbled.

I looked at the shelves and pointed at pampers. "These are normally good as well."

She nodded and made an attempt of reaching for a packet.

"Are you sure you are ok?" I asked again.

She turned to look at me. "I have had better days," she said honestly. "It could be me adjusting to motherhood. I haven't been getting much sleep," she quickly added after realising she had said more than she should have.

"It is hard. Listen let me just get done with my shopping then maybe we can grab some tea at Vasillis."

She wanted to refuse but I insisted so she said she would go drop the diapers in her car and would wait for me outside vasillis. I watched as she walked away. She looked as though the whole weight of the world was on her shoulders. I quickly got done with my own shopping then took everything to the car before calling home to tell the maid to get started on getting the food for supper ready and I would finish up. After that I headed to Vasillis. Nesta was standing just outside the cafe. I waved at her and indicated that we go in.

We found a table and ordered some tea and I opted for a doughnut while Nesta ordered black forest cake. I waited until our orders came through before I shifted the conversation from the small talk we had been having.

"What is really going on?" I asked as I picked my cup.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and when I looked at her in the eyes she dropped her gaze.

"Look we all need someone to talk to. I know am not the right person you would probably talk to but am here if you need to offload your problems,"I said as genuinely as I could.

The first thing I noticed was tears glistening in her eyes. I quickly reached for a napkin and she got it thankfully and she dabbed at her eyes.

"Thank you," she said whilst sniffing.

I smiled. She looked away momentarily before she turned back to me.

"I don't know.....how did you manage?"


She gave me a slow smile. "How did you manage with dealing with a cheating man?"

Oh. Her question got to me. I guessed then that the reason for her disorientation was due to Daniel. I remembered Martha telling me about the girl she had seen him with. Nesta dabbed at her eyes again.

"Daniel is cheating on me and is doing absolutely nothing to hide that fact from me. He sleeps out...I have no one to turn to. No one to advise me. My aunt won't hear of it and as for my cousin she is busy with her life."

I stared at her as I listened to her talk. At this point most people would have expected me to gloat since Karma was doing a number on Nesta but I wasn't the type. You see realising your worth and learning to just let go and let God do what only he could do. I had learnt that once you forgive others and yourself moving on was not so bad. I so wanted to tell her about karma but then again I was sure that she already knew that karma was the one knocking on her door. After all we all reap what we sow whether good or bad.

"I prayed," I said quietly.

She looked at me in puzzlement. I smiled.

"Prayer is what got me through the days when Daniel cheated. I didn't ask for God to punish him but instead I asked for Wisdom on how best to act as a woman who knew her worth,as a mother and most importantly as a child of the most high. I prayed that he would remember what we once shared at times but then I realised that I needed to pray for him to grow as a person and to decide on what he really wanted."

She seemed not to believe what I was telling her. Instinctively I got hold of her hands.

"The best way to fight all battles is on your knees my dear. Only God is the comforter. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He alone can heal the broken hearted, he alone can help you pick up the broken pieces." I smiled at her momentarily. "He knows our pain,our fears and he alone knows what will happen tomorrow but for him to completely work in you,you need to confess your sins. You need to open up your heart and let him in."

At this point she allowed the tears to flow. "I have done so many bad things. I don't know how I can seek the Lord."

"He never said the burden would be easy to carry but neither did he say he would turn away those who have sinned. He in fact said come all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I shall give you rest. Though your sins be as scarlet I shall make them whiter than snow."


I normally found myself stalking Lulu on social media from the time she returned from her vacation with the kids. Donald had shown me some photos they had taken whilst on holiday and I couldn't help but admire how great she looked. Her eyes were glowing and her smile had such warmth. I found myself missing her terribly. I had actually realised that her personality is what had attracted me to her in the first place. I missed her sense of humour, her advice and how she always was just there when I needed her.

I sighed as I stared at the latest photo that she had taken. She was in black knee high riding boots, blue jeans and a white t-shirt. She had a riding hat on and the caption on the photo was "Never too weary to try new things." I figured that she was learning to ride a horse and I found myself wishing that I was the one behind the camera as she had this really huge grin. She seemed to be glowing day in and day out.

The door to the bedroom opened and I hastily closed the laptop. I was spending yet another night at Tory's place. I only spent nights in my matrimonial home on weekends as that was when the kids came through. Nesta and I had completely drifted apart. We were basically living like strangers and she never not once ever questioned my movements. I could see the sadness in her eyes but I found myself not really caring.

"The water is hot and I have filled the bath," Tory said.

I smiled at her. I felt guilty for stalking another woman when Tory had been nothing but good to me. She catered to all my needs and I honestly had nothing to complain about. I stood up and pulled her into my arms. I planted my lips on hers as I reached for the belt straps of her gown. I needed the distraction. I needed to push Lulu out of my mind and concentrate on the goddess in my arms. I heard her groan and I knew that the bath would be a whole lot more.


I had pretended to be asleep until I was certain he was completely asleep before I pushed his hand off me gently then pushed back the covers. I needed to know what he had been looking at before our bath. I knew him well enough to know that guilt had made him seek me out the way he had.

Luckily he hadn't locked the laptop and the minute I lifted the top the screen came on and what I saw had my blood boiling. I had been right all along. Daniel wasn't over his ex wife. I stared at her smiling face as my hands rolled into fists. I had been right in thinking Nesta wasn't a factor. My real contender was Luyando and I needed to ensure that Daniel forgot her at all costs and If I had to ruffle a few of her feathers to achieve my goal then I would do just that.

