
rape deal

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What is rape deal

Read ‘rape deal’ Online for Free, written by the author Queensley_Ehita_9637, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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المقدمه بطبيعته العسكريه وشخصيته المهيمنة تقف تلك الصغيره الساحره تتحداه لا تعلم اى مأزق ألقت بنفسها به كلما حاولت التخلص منه تكتشف أنها القت نفسها فى حصاره أكثر لتنهى بنفسها تحت سيطرته التامه من قبل زواجه بها فماذا يفعل إذن عندما تصبح فى مملكته اقتباس من الروايه قفذ خلفها في المياه وبمجرد رؤيتها له يقفذ ورأها وهي تنزل اسفل المياه وتحاول ان تكتم نفسها  توقف الزمان حولها لتري نفس المشهد وهو ينتشلها من المياه نعم....نعم لقد تذكرت الان فتحت اعينها علي مصراعيها .....عرفته الان انه هو منقذها سابقا .....انه هو رفعها علي سطح المياه اخذت نفس عميق وظلت تسعل بشده وجدت نفسها بين احضانه انه هو ذلك الوسيم التي ظلت تفكر فيه ليالي نظرت له نظره مختلفه الان ...لقد شعر بنظراتها انها هي نفس النظره عندما انقذها قبل ذلك لم تشعر بشئ سوا عودتها مره اخري تذكرت الان كل شئ فكرت في عقلها هكذا اذن هو صاحب هذا الفندق العائم ولم يكن احدي اصدقاء العريس كما قال لها لما خدعها سابقا ولما لم يذكرها به لما ظهر بوجه اخر...... لقد احبت هذا الوسيم سابقا وتهابه الان لقد رات الصوره كامله ولكن جاء الوقت لتخدعه هي قليلا ....بدايتا قررت ان لا تعرفه انها تذكرت شئ وستلاعبه كما هو تلاعب به

Zohrabolbol13_4 · Fantasy
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Pengalaman Terusik yang Tak Terlihat Oleh Mata

Assalamu’alaikum Perkenalkan Saya Vikron, hanya manusia biasa dari kampung yang suka bercerita. Oh iya menurut kalian hal ghaib, makhluk ghaib dan segala hal yang tak KASAT MATA itu benar-benar ada tidak? Pasti jika ada pertanyaan semacam ini akan banyak asumsi, pro dan kontra bahkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan yang tak akan 100% merujuk ke satu pendapat yang sama, banyak yang percaya, dan banyak pula yang tidak. Karna Hal semacam ini sudah untuk dijelaskan, ditafsirkan bahkan dipahami oleh orang-orang yang percaya ataupun yang tidak, iya kan? Hmmm menurutku seperti itu. Ok baiklah, dalam coretan pena ini eh atau Bahasa sekarang bilangnya dalam ketikan kalimat ini saya akan berbagi kisah-kisah dan pengalaman saya tentang hal-hal diluar nalar yang mungkin kalian sekalian juga sempat mengalami. Mulai malam ini saya akan bercerita pengalaman-pengalaman tersebut, banyak yang ingin saya ceritakan, ya karena sudah cukup capek juga bila dipendam sendiri, akan saya ceritakan realita yang ada sejelas dan sebisa saya mengulas apa yang sudah saya alami dalam torehan cerita-cerita ini, tapi saya ingin sedikit merahasiakan tempat atauapun lokasi, nama-nama tokoh yang ada didalam cerita ini, takut nanti tersinggung karna sekarang sedang rawan ketersinggungan ya kan, kalaupun nanti kalian tahu mohon jangan disebar luaskan dan cukup disimpan sendiri. Saya harap kalian mengerti, biarkan rahasia akan tetap jadi rahasia, dan biarkan saya bercerita dan biarkan kalian menikmatinya, semoga bisa jadi pembelajaran bagi kita semua sebagai makhluk ciptaan-Nya bahwa kita diciptakan tidak serta merta hanya kita saja yang menghuni bumi ini. Kita tidak SENDIRI, masih ada mereka yang HADIR lebih dulu dari kita, umurnya pun jangan ditanya. Ya begitulah mereka dengan alamya yang penuh misteri. ada makhluk-makhluk lain yang juga mungkin sudah lebih dulu ada sebelum kita ada. Sekali lagi, Saya hanya ingin bercerita, semoga menghibur para pembaca semua penikmat dunia tak kasat mata tetangga dunia nyata ini. Terus ikuti jejak ceriyta saya tentang Pengalaman saya Terusik yang Tak Terlihat Oleh Mata. Salam Telo dari saya, kenapa telo, Karna Telo ini akan selalu enak saat hangat dan mengenyangkan pula, seperti telo ini, salam hangat dan bersahabat. Terimakasih Selamat Membaca!

Ace73 · Horror
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Gone but loved

Being raised in a children's home was the best thing that could ever happen to me at least I wasn't on the streets or so I thought I didn't know that it had deprived me of some important things like love my name is Brittney and below is my life story I was raised at St Mary's children home under the strict but loving care of mother Benedicta I wasn't alone we were several kids In the children's home. I knew nothing about my parents or my whereabouts but I was happy to be alive .I had a condition that would make my head ache like crazy but I never knew what would cause it maybe I inherited it from my parents I don't know. All my life at the home I could not wait to get to 18 years since that was the time I would be released in to the world and given to a loving family as a young teenager the 17 years I had stayed at the home I would always fantasize about how awesome it would be. Some of the other children who had been given to a loving home would come back and tell us how awesome it was and my day was almost here just a few more months and it would be here. As I sat there thinking and smiling I did not notice Alicia my best friend who quietly stood at the door " Brittney are you fantasizing again and don't you dare lie to me I can see you smiling",she said bringing me back to reality" oh no am not I was just seated" I said as I smiled " you can not lie to me young lady I know how much you await your day ,anyway mother Benedicta wants to see you in her office right now",she said then left

Ivy_Cate · Fantasy
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Bleach: Hollows paradise(on hold)

Author notes: (Unfortunately, My flash drive got corrupted (and I did not make copies like I should have) and I lost all my notes and chapters on this. so I have no choice but to delete this novel and start again some time in the future.) In a world where souls and Mortals intertwine, I exist as a hollow shell of my former self. My name, my memories, all swallowed by the darkness that consumes my very being. There's an emptiness in my chest, a void I cannot fill, and it echoes with the lingering desire for revenge. I remember being a soul reaper once, tasked with maintaining the balance between the living and the dead. But those memories are fragments, mere whispers in the recesses of my mind. What I do recall is being used as an experiment, a guinea pig for some twisted ambition. My commanding officer, once someone I trusted, subjected me to an unspeakable fate. A hollow transformation, they called it. An abomination born from the depths of darkness. Now, I am neither soul reaper nor hollow, but something else entirely. A creature with no identity, no purpose, only the insatiable urge for vengeance against those who robbed me of my former self. I roam this vast desolate Land of sand with no name, no purpose, and no understanding of what I've become. I am a lost soul, yearning for answers, trying to grasp onto any shred of my past. My heart aches with every step, haunted by the person I once was and the monster I've become. In this abyss of uncertainty, I am driven by an unyielding desire for justice. But as I seek my retribution, I wonder if it will fill the void inside me or only deepen the hollowness that consumes my soul. I am no longer the soul reaper I once was, nor the hollow I was turned into. I am something new, something different, and the path I walk is dark and uncertain. But with every step, I am determined to uncover the truth of my existence and find a way to reclaim my lost identity.

starkight · Anime & Comics
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Her: the Slayer of Kings (Taekook/YoonMin)

Kim Taehyung, like most of his ancestors, possesses the uncanny gift of seeing future events which it is his duty to prevent. When he witnesses the death of Jeon Jungkook, a popular young singer, he finds himself plunged into the hidden world of Korea's elite, only to realize he knew nothing of its true darkness. Jeon Jungkook's apparent suicide involves much more than depression. Taehyung has eleven months to prevent Jungkook's death and to expose to the world the deep secrets of those involved in his terrible fate. Min Yoon-Gi is a composer whose name is unknown to everyone. In fact, he has given up his own name to sign his songs with the name of Jeon Jungkook, the singer who performs them. However, his whole life seems to be shrouded in secrecy. Even his relationship with Park Jimin, the only son of the family his mother has worked for for thirty years, has to be hidden. Park Jimin is the son of a highly influential member of parliament who enjoys the unwavering support of most of Korea's citizens. But Jimin is beginning to lose himself, torn between the different faces of his father. Deputy Park is at once a loving father, an image-perfect deputy and a ruthless man who doesn't hesitate to cover his hands with the blood of those who stand in his way. Unwittingly, he holds the fate of Jeon Jungkook in his hands, the singer for whom the man he loves has been working for years. "Her" is the pseudonym of a mysterious author who provides the press with articles capable of bringing down certain influential figures of the Korean elite. "Her" is the name behind which Kim Taehyung hides. "Her" is Jeon Jungkook's last hope. "Her" is the sincerity to which Min Yoon-Gi aspires. "Her" is one of Park Jimin's obsessions. "Her" is what links the destinies of the four young men.

Vivienne_Taylor · Celebrities
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