

The fantasy world was a game launched by the world's top gaming company ZEON, two years ago. It's a creation that made the perception of human change. After the launch of the game in December 2018, it had swept the whole world with its marvelousness. Because of the reality like game surroundings and the AI NPC that has the highest intelligence, it was flooded with half of the people around the world in less than two years. Watch as how Taylor one of the heroes that created a guild that is topmost, no actually he helped in the creation of the guild or maybe he just joined the guild... Well, fate Twist's a lot... So see for yourself how Taylor's fate takes a turn... Because of his Past and Future... ***** 7 chapters/week upon 1000 readers adding my book, it 10 chapters/week. Every chapter contains about 1000 to 1500 words. Respect readers suggestions, join my discord server, Discord link: https://discord.gg/cUSeDeP Support me at Patreon, for advance chapters, Patreon link, https://www.patreon.com/thefallendream I don't own the cover pic... I just remodeled it...

thefallendream · Games
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"Wow... This whole market is like a village, Big Bro"

Returning to the Fantasy world Dagromia, Taylor and Edward walked through the village the logged out, right after reaching there with Gideon.

Gideon walked to them, "Not that it's a market to the village; it's actually the village that evolved into the market"

The place was completely different from the time they left. Last night as they reached the village, it was normal. Normal like any other village, the only difference was the housing looked new and crude. Anyone could tell it was a fast build.

Taylor deducted it might be due to some beasts attack, since this village was deep in the forest and closer, unlike the other villages like Rosewood village that has taken the surrounding clean to facilitate themselves.

The village before them only had the natural barrier hill in the back and the wooden spike in their fence. These were things of the night.