I'm just gonna write random things that I will probably not continue
Herald was just another villager, that trully loves his village and country. It seems heroes are being summoned again to fight another vile evil. His village borders his country and a ancient forest that has some troubles with wildlife now and then.
There always seems to be new problems even with every generation of heroes but that doesn't affect his home if the "problems" didn't spawn near his country. Herald dreams of ridding the world or at least his homeland of such darkness. He knows it is not possible without the power of heroes or the talants of genius but a boy can dream like many other children.
Unlike most stories he wasn't betrayed, his village destroyed, or some tragic situation that forces him on to the path of ending all evil. No Herald is all but a mortal an average one that grew to become a guardsman at his village.
Hearld would soon stumble upon the legacy of the Guardian on one of his patrols into the surrounding Ancient forest. The Guardian was known as a hero who during his generation did the impossible he created peace, true peace where there was no war, mass death, or even great plagues.
Herald by his own choice took on the mantle of the Guardian on a whim of his childhood dream failing to realise the suffering that would soon come.
The Guardian wasn't able to create peace only from his talent he wasn't even a hero. The Guardian was a mortal born of this planet who decides to take on the worlds suffering.
Herald is now set on the path of the Guardian to rebuild Pandora's Box using his own body as a vessel. He would collect the worlds curses at lost temples, pull them in and inscribe the curses upon his mortal body. Herald is to resists the curses temptations and effects with each curse bearing more weight on his mind and body.
These are unlike manmade curse they can be called The Original Sin of; Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Wrath, and Envy. The evil that escaped Pandora's box that fateful day. On Heralds journey the 4 horseman of apocalypse; Conquest, War, Famine, and Death will seek to stop him for their power stems from these source of suffering and evil.
Like the Guardian he is to tame these 4 horseman and bear the weight of the worlds sin on his shoulders like the Guardian before him or will he be crushed by the temptations that is whispered to his ears.
Lucky for Herald Not all are born with a strong will but a true will is forged by time.
coming soon