

Woosh! Jhin kept jumping from tree to tree until he finally saw the shadow of the first man running through the woods with a fast pace. He increased his speed again. Just as he got near 20 meters, the man seemed to notice something as he turned his head to look. But what he saw almost scared him to death.

The spy stopped running and saw the man they were tailing earlier, dashing towards him with great speed. He was not just fast, there was also a trace of ferocity contained in the mans eyes that scared the him. The spy shivered and felt like a prey being hunted by a dangerous wild beast.

Jhin increased his pace to half his full speed and dashed towards the spy. jhin himself did not know that he was also releasing his dangerous aura he formed when he trained for 6 years and 3 months.

Seeing the man speed towards him, the spy was frightened that his knee shook and he collapsed on a kneeling position. His eyes turned blank and tears were threatening to fall from it. He fainted!

"What the hell?" Jhin was confused. Why would a bandit collapse on his knees. I have not even done anything yet.

"And you call yourself a bandit? What a pathetic man... Haha... Mmm, when I see Curly Dadan later, I should probably report that his subordinates are cowardly." Jhin chuckled a little. It is a lucky thing that this place is located in East Blue where there is no notable powerhouse.

If the spy heard what Jhin said, he would probably faint again. I am just a small thug! Why chase me with a terrifying killing intent?!

Although Jhin have not killed a single person ...yet, he still developed enough killing intent that could frighten ordinary people.

"This is troublesome." Jhin said helplessly and extended his hands. Black smoke appeared and engulfed the bandit. Since he was half-step away from awakening his Yami Yami no Mi, he already mastered how to control the gravity inside his Black Hole. That means, he could store things without destroying them. Or suck in things, and completely destroy them inside it.

He released his Observation Haki and sensed some presence 200 kilometers ahead his location. It was the bungalow the Dadan Family stayed in. It was also the place Luffy and Ace are being raised at.

He again extended his Observation and found two energy signatures, but it was quite a distance from his place. Since there is only selected people who knew and lived in this mountain, Jhin was sure that they were Ace and Luffy.

"Should I go to meet Dadan or just directly meet them?" Jhin contemplated for a moment.

"I should just meet them, Dadan could wait. He he.." He eventually chuckled.

Woosh! Like a ninja from Naruto, he again started jumping from tree to tree, like a Tarzan in One Piece. With his speed, he should be able to reach in a few minutes.


If Jhin wants to recruit them, he first need to appear cool and strong. So he stopped just 100 meters away from them. He combed his hair with his hand and fixed his clothes. He checked himself from neck to toe.

Since he decided to be cool, he also took out his Katana, which he named Phantom Dancer!

The sword was 1 and a half meter long. It's sheath was completely black without any decoration. The sheath only had a black sageo tied on it. The handle was golden in color, but was also wrapped with black woven cloth so you could only see small holes with golden colors. Its Tsuba (the guard on the grip) shape was plane oblong and it was completely golden in color. Although it was just a 5th tier sword, it was still quite strong and cool looking.

But his clothes did not match his sword at all. He skimmed through the Tier 1 Armour and surprisingly found a set of black set of clothes which looked like the uniform of Kuroh Yatogami from the Anime K.

A long, black jacket with gold trimmings, opened with an upturned collar and rolled-up sleeves, straightened with an blue necktie, with a long-sleeved white shirt underneath, black pants and white shoes.

Jhin immediately bought and wore it, but he did not wear the tie, he did not like it.

As a Tier 1 armor, it could absorb a single attack from a level 20 being which is the limit, 2 attacks from a level 19, 3 from a level 18 and so on. And the attack of Level 10 and below would not even scratch it. But that is impossible, unless you are a baby.

In this world, an average ordinary 10 year old kid will at least be at level 10. An adult will have at least be on level 20.

The armor will not work if it is level 21. The limit of a tier 2 armor is level 30. Level 40 for a tier 3 and so on. Jhin did not like wearing armor, he liked fighting with his all might. Anyway, he has Haki.

The saying, 'Clothes make the man' was definitely true. Now, Jhin looked extremely handsome and seductive.

Jhin unsheathed his sword to look at his reflection. The blade was completely clean and it reflected everything it faced clearly. Just like a mirror. Jhin was satisfied with his looks.


In the woods, two young man was lying on the ground of grass, panting. They were out of breath from the sparring earlier.

The young man on the right had a bare muscular upper body, he was wearing red beads of unknown origin. There was also a tattoo on his left bicep that spells "ASCE"(But the letter was crossed out). He was wearing a black pants, tightened by a brown belt with a silver buckle that as a bold letter A on it. He also has a brown hat beside him.

The other on the left was wearing a 3 buttoned red sleeveless shirt. There was also a yellow straw hat lying on his stomach. He is wearing blue trousers with cuffs. He had a scar with two stitches right below his left eye.

They were Luffy and Ace! They would spar here everytime until they could not move anymore.

"I hit you ...more... than you hit me, so I win!" said Ace, still catching for his breath.

"No... I win.. my punch is more powerful than yours!" countered Luffy.

"No.. I win!"

"No... I win!"



They kept arguing until they eventually laughed. It was always like this, they would only admit defeat if it was obvious who won. They would argue, but would always laugh it off in the end.


Meanwhile, on top of a tree, Jhin was completely hiding his presence. He watched as they chattered, but he did not went to interrupt. He just watched with a smile.

When he watched the death of Ace in the anime, he cried very hard. It was one of the saddest part of the story. He even hated Oda until he saw Sabo alive.

When the two finally sat up, Jhin was ready to show himself. He jumped off the tree without making any noise, his presence completely erased.

Luffy suddenly had a change of expression.

"Sniff.. sniff.... Whose there?!" Luffy shouted. He jumped up and took a stance to fight. Ace also took a stance immediately after Luffy shouted. He looked at where Luffy was looking at.

He trusted his little brother. Even if it was a false alarm, he still took up guard.

Jhin was surprised he was noticed. 'Right, I forgot he has a good sense of smell.' thought Jhin. As shown in the anime, Luffy would always be able to identify food just by smell. He must have smelled a small change in the environment. He have already been here many times and was familiar with the smell of the surroundings.

Since he has already been found out, Jhin had no choice but to show himself. Stopped hiding behind the tree and stepped out.

"Who are you?!" asked Ace wearily.

"Don't take another step or we'll attack you!" added Luffy.

Jhin just ignored them and continued to walk towards them. He have not fought any real combat against humans. Until now, he only have fought some wild beast and animals. He knew he had only little to no experience against real combat.

Jhin released a little bit of aura.

"Stop, or we will really attack you! We're strong, you know?" Ace's face now was full of caution, he felt that the handsome man was very dangerous. He noticed the Katana Jhin was holding and was again alerted.

"Luffy, be careful!"

"I know!" Luffy was also on full alert. "Gomu Gomu no.. Pistol!" he shouted as his hand stretched backwards. He attacked, he already knew that the man in front was not going to stop when he released that aura.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Thank you!

Too bad, I can't afford the VIP membership... sigh.

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