
The End

Many people have wished for the end of the world.

From a meteor crashing down from the sky to the earth splitting realeasing monstrosities from an unknown plane to kill us all. We've all had thoughts somewhere along those lines with varying degrees of morbidity.

These thoughts are usually never true wishes, but made in passing.

For example, making a simple mistake in front of your whole classroom back in middleschool. Sure, the current you might look back on those days and have a good laugh but your fourteen year old self wished a sinkhole would swallow them and their school whole.

You had forgotten that wish overtime however, after a few embarrassing days of your friends reminding you that you had called your teacher 'mum', things had returned to normal and life went on.

There is one apocalyptic scenario that is head and shoulders above the rest.


Zombies, Walkers, Freakers, Shamblers, Clickers, and whatever else they may be called in the media. The undead doomsday scenario is something many have debated over the years, even discussed by well respected members of the government and the scientific community.

Many of us have imagined this scenario and how we as individuals. Like how would you fight the undead, where would you set up base, weapons, cars, food, and much more.

how would the government react to this? Would there still be order or would our society collapse?

Many of these questions and theories would float in our heads from time to time, but we would quickly discard them as Nonsense.

Surely no such outbreak is possible!

Surely our government will contain it if it were real!

Surely a few shambling corpses pose no threat to humanity right?

... right?


A large percentage of humanity were infected with an unidentified disease.

The infected were seemingly random individuals as many people of different ages, races, and social classes. initial reports stated that although the disease was highly infectious, scientists have found it to be no different from the common cold and would prove not to be fatal.

December 25th 2018

The public begins to voice their concerns over the disease claiming that no form of medication is lessening their symptoms and are begining to grow anxious and begin to wonder if this is more than a simple case of a winter cold

The Center for Disease Control urges people to remain calm as there have still been no serious cases or casualties.

The CDC does warn government authorities to be prepared for the worst, however.

December 29th 2018

There have been reports of the deterioration of the health of a small number of infected.

After public urging the scientific community had begun researching the unknown disease now designated as HI4DR. The Disease was given this name was because:

H- The disease was only known to infect humans and no other animal.

I- The symptoms of the infection were A fever, a light cough, fatigue and headaches, similar to Influenza or the flu.

4- lab tests show that symptoms usually occur around ninety six hours(four days) after infection.

DR- The infection was unusually resistant to any type of antibiotic. note that although a course of antibiotics could lessen the severity of the symptoms the infection would still persist.

the total number of cases was still unknown at that point in time so authorities do not take any action.

January 1st 2019

The first recorded death of the LI4DR was on that day. an autopsy was conducted immediately and they had discovered that the patient had died due to a preexisting medical condition extrapolated by the recent infection. severe brain damage had also been recorded but after further investigation, it was initially deemed unrelated to the infection.

Public morale was at an all time low as more and more cases of the infection were reported worldwide. now that there had been a death, although due to a preexisting illness, people began to panic. Small bursts of violence would appear in large cities but were quickly extinguished by the authorities.

Larger countries had begun to instal curfews on high risk cities.

January 5th 2019

It was sudden.

all infected people all over the world just ...died.

Following a short seizure, the infected would fall unconscious for a few hours at most and then their heart would just stop.

it was then the number of infected really became apparent just how many people were infected. the amount was ... staggering, to say the least.

Over Five Billion people died that day. Seventy percent of the human population had succumbed to the infection.

January 6th 2019

The Dead Began to rise.

The End begins.