
The day I died

「Run... run... run...」

It is what I hearing last 10 minutes.

"Who's voice is this by the way? ... Mine...?"

Then I am waiting for a while until the sound is being heard again.

「Run! Run! Run!」

"Yes, it is definitely not mine. It is a woman's voice which is I am not!"

"But It doesn't fucking matter! Yeah, it is typical me. Even being chased by a killer, can't control own thoughts. This time... and that time too"

10 minutes ago, I was going home from a convenience store. But a someone killed a person in front of my eyes. I didn't see a killer face, I don't even now his or her gender. But a victim was a male for sure. Since then, I am being chased by the killer.

Where the fuck I am going? I have been living here for 10 years, and I have no idea where is this. Does it end on this street? And where is the lights???

My head filled by random thoughts. Then I heard that voice again.

「Run! Run! Run!」

I am running through very long and dark street. No lights, no hiding places, no windows...

Sudennly I fell. Actually I stumbled.

- A hand!... no a corpse!

I stumbled by the corpse. It is dark ofcourse, but I definitely know it is a corpse! And because of it, I caught. I had no chance.

- It hurts... It hurts a lot...

- Blood... my blood...

- I am dazzling...

- I am losing my mind...

- I am going to die... But somehow I am happy now. At last, I will not disappoint anyone.

In last minute, I realized something. The corpse that I stumbled is me!




It is dark.

No! I just closed my eyes. And I don't want to open it anyway.

Then I heard a voice. A woman's voice.

- We supposed to send him before the apocalypse, not after!


And I am losing my mind again...