

Frank imagined leaving the world with a bang would be great, but not slamming into the ground head first from the tenth floor. his head slamming all over the floor. brain matter splattering over the innocent passer-by.

As the chill of the winter night settled around him like a heavy cloak, he envisioned the simple act of flicking on the heater, the warmth gradually permeating the room and chasing away the cold. Yet, in the corner of his mind, a nagging thought crept in—the inevitable condensation that would form on the smooth tile floor, transforming it into a treacherous surface waiting to betray him.

He could almost see the sheen left behind by the water droplets as they gathered on the floor. The mental image was enough to make him shudder, especially considering his unfortunate lactose intolerance. The thought of navigating a slippery floor with a full jug of juice in hand was enough to send a pang of apprehension through him.

With a sudden urgency, he felt the telltale signs of impending gastrointestinal distress. Panic surged within him as he sprinted towards the sanctuary of the bathroom, his mind racing with thoughts of impending disaster. But fate, it seemed, had a cruel sense of humor.

In his haste his foot lost traction on the slick surface, sending him hurtling towards the glass door leading to the balcony.

The impact was jarring, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the apartment as he crashed through the barrier. In a surreal moment of disbelief, he found himself teetering on the edge of the balcony, the cold night air biting at his skin as he desperately grasped for something, anything, to steady himself.

But it was too late. With a final, heart-wrenching lurch, he plummeted over the edge, his scream lost amidst the howling wind as he fell from the tenth floor of his apartment building. In those fleeting moments of free fall, his mind raced with a kaleidoscope of thoughts—regret, fear, disbelief.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. His body collided with the unforgiving ground below, the impact silencing his screams and extinguishing the fragile flame of his life. In the cold silence of the winter night, his tragic demise went unnoticed by all but the indifferent stars above.

His death was too instant to even accept what happened, the average time someone responds and comprehends something is five seconds, but he plopped onto the ground far before that.

His soul physically left his body, as a translucent soul shaped in a human form was ascending towards the sky, the words screamed by the soul were.

"No don't take me, please don't, now without my baby, please I need my laptop"

Struggling he moved his soul towards the apartment building, maybe because of his last attachment to the world, passing through all the walls he stopped at his apartment. Seeing his laptop on the table he felt his spirit burn with passion.

"I definitely won't leave without my laptop" He rushed for the laptop, grabbing it with his translucent hands. He grabbed it as if his life depended on it.

Grabbing onto the laptop he felt like his soul had anchored to the world unable to ascend. his soul felt as if it was being torn apart by two forces, one by the pulling force from above and one by the laptop.

"I won't let you go, even if it means my soul ripping apart" he held onto the laptop as if holding onto it for his life, His soul was hurting as much as his physical body would.

The Light from his body slightly started to dwindle from trying too hard, he was burning his soul to stay in the world holding onto his laptop. His screams would be heard at least two blocks over if he was alive.

His effort started to pay off, as the laptop started to lift off the table.

'My roommate would probably think the apartment was haunted, especially after seeing my dead body on the road' he thought laughing to himself.

The laptop started to melt where he was holding it, an unknown energy slowly started flowing into him from the laptop, nurturing his soul. His soul felt like it was being filled with something, it almost felt as laying in a hot bath, very comfortable.

His hands fully melted through the laptop, He rose towards the sky with almost unimaginable speed. He didn't open his mouth to scream, he felt like throwing up.

'Oh no, people are gonna think I killed myself after my laptop melted' this was the only thought that ran through his head.

His soul traveled through the universe with almost unimaginable speed, he passed many galaxies on the way until he reached the middle of the universe, finally being pulled into the black hole.

His soul appeared in another place, exiting a black hole. Speeding towards a distinct planet. He was conscious through all this, at light speed he approached the planet, a continent, a country then into an open field, and finally into the ground. And swoosh everything went dark.

An undefined amount of time later the boy inside the underground chamber opened his eyes.

"Wow, that was better than any roller-coaster ride eve, but how would I know? never done it" said Frank moving around. The underground chamber seemed large enough to move around in. It was 50 cm in width. 1.5 meters in length and 1 meter in height, it seemed like a grave. He sat inside the chamber with his back to the wall to organize his thoughts.

"Ok, so to sum this up, I died and got isekai'd, and my soul was transferred into another body. The original owner of this body must be dead, is there no afterlife or anything, and where the f**k is my laptop, I risked my soul to bring it with me" said Frank sitting in the chamber tapping his head against the wall.

He closed his eyes thinking back to his life on earth, 22 years old University student, spending literally all of his time on his laptop. living in an apartment with a roommate and spending his daddy's money, possibly the lowest possible CGPA, Antisocial and fat and probably very unpopular.

Let's see if I can see the original bodies memories' thought Frank.

As he lay his head on the ground, he tried to remember what happened to the original owner that led to his death. Memories flooded back from an ancient time: people cultivating, training, fighting, and belonging to different sects. These memories initially brought him some comfort, like a soothing melody. But soon, the peaceful scene was shattered by the horrors of war—scenes of violence, bloodshed, and explosions..

This Almost made Flank throw up.

'Looks like the original died, not like I took over someone's body ' he thought.

As he rose to his feet, a determined glint in his eye, he set his sights on the task at hand: clearing the stones that obstructed the entrance to the grave. With a firm resolve, he began to exert all his strength to move them aside. Each stone, heavy and resistant, seemed to test his determination, but he persisted, driven by the need to leave this darned place.

With each heave and grunt, the stones gradually shifted, yielding to his relentless efforts. Sweat trickled down his brow as he labored, his muscles straining against the weight. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he succeeded in clearing the path out of the grave.

As he stood there, catching his breath, a wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Probably should put the stone back," he mused aloud, his voice echoing in the stillness of the cemetery. "We wouldn't want people thinking there's a zombie outbreak," he added, a hint of amusement in his tone.

With that, he carefully replaced the stones, restoring the grave to its former state. Satisfied with his work, he climbed out of the excavation site, his mind already racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.






[1: STATUS][2: CRAFT ][3: HELP ]

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