
Ganesh the Elephant

By the time the stranger left the route Rana got on his and Zolo who was too scared to run along also got on the bike which was big enough for both of them. Rana sped the bike to a 170 kmph (kilometre per hour). Within the next half an hour the reach the News network. Rana had never visited the News station. But he had heard rumours that the network was run by a single person and no one can enter the place without permission. Rana and Zolo walk to the entrance of the tall building in the middle of nowhere, leaving his bike near the gate. To their surprise the door to the building was already open and they could hear low moans from inside the building. The both rush inside to see who was making the noise. Surprisingly the whole building was empty. They at last went to the only place that they didn't check. The kitchen. As they neared the kitchen, the moans became louder. They pushed open the Kitchen door and found a huge elephant lying on the floor, covered in blood, on the verge of death. Apart from the fact that he was about to die, the elephant seemed calm and he was eating a huge banana. He didn't care about the wound at all. The most weird thing was the elephants body was like a human beings, except it was huge like a elephant.

"What the-" Rana shouted.

"Its ok, calm down kid, I am Ganesh, the Newskeeper." The elephant spoke and Zolo fainted.

"Is this a time for introductions? I mean, you are bleeding, man!" Rana shouted.

"Don't worry about me. It is time for me to leave this form. Now, I suppose you have something for me, kid." The elephant said pointing to the letter. Rana handed over the letter to Ganesh. While Ganesh was going through the letter, Rana remembered something that his grandmother had once said to him. It was a story about a man whose head was replaced by an elephants head. And later in life he becomes the god of wisdom. According to his grandmother, Ganesh was worshiped till the second war but then, the belief died. But legend of Ganesh lived for the next 500 years and still more.

"Are you the god of wisdom?" Rana asked.

"Well I was called like that once but later people forgot me. They didn't even know that I was the one sending them the world news everyday. And your father has requested me to get him something without even knowing that, it was just under his eyes." Ganesh said and then threw away the paper.

"What should I do now? The hospital is far away from here and you have already lost so much of blood!" Rana was freaking out.

"The situation here is not much of a problem but still, the world is in a grave danger. When I die I shall be reborn in an another form in which you will not be able to recognise me but I will be watching over you. My death will be put on your shoulders. Your father won't be able to protect you. And so the whole world will be against you without knowing who the true enemies is. That is why, you should go after the man who is the cause of my death. Only through him you will be able to fight the real enemy. The world is in grave danger, kid. Grave danger!" With his last words Ganesh closed his eyes and rested.

Rana was shivering with fear. He picked up Zolo and ran out of the building to his bike.

To his surprise the whole Weltings and Roltings police force was before him.

"Hands up, kid. It is all over." A police officer said.

"But I didn't murder him. Someone else killed him. Someone is trying to frame me. Please believe me." Rana pleaded.

"Nope. Don't listen to him. He is lying. Now arrest him, June." The voice was familiar.

Rana turned to see the chief, his father pointing the gun towards him. With tears of fear and hopelessness Rana and Zolo surrendered to the police.

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