
Login 2: Graduation

<<Legend Internet Cafe>>

There was a huge smile on Nico's face, as he logs out of the game. His heart could just burst at any moment as his mind kept looking back at the Pearl Grade Item that he acquired, and he could just let out a sigh of contentment. His heart was full of joy that he couldn't contain it, that he did a fist-pump from his sit. But then his celebration was cut short when he saw the time on his wrist watch, Making his eyes widen with panic.

Time: 16:30 PM (4:30 PM)

"I'm going to be late!" Leaping out of his chair, he immediately grab his backpack and got to the cashier counter in record time.

The cashier was surprised when she saw Nico. "Isn't today your graduation? why are you still here?"

"Yeah!" Nico just answered, as he fumbled getting a bill from his wallet and handing it to the cashier.

"Hmmmm! you never change do you!" The cashier said, handing Nico his change.

"Thanks Ate!" Nico took the change with a smile then sprinted out of the internet cafe.

"The Boss and his wife already left!" Lila shouted as she leaned over the counter.

"Thank you!" Nico shouted back, before before exiting the door.

"Kids these days..... So carefree" Lila could only say in amusement as she shakes her head, before tending to another customer.


<<Pearl of the Orient Seas University of the Arts>>

"Where that hell is he!" Allyson said in aggravation, as she paced back and fort, checking her watch after checking it five minutes ago.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Nico shouted as he ran towards Allyson making her turn his direction.

Nico panted as he tried catching his breath, from running all the way to the university. Nico befriended Allyson a few months after Nico's first day of university life and his parents death. Although they don't have the same majors, Nico being a Music major while Allyson was a Dance major, their friendship was instant and it only got stronger. Allyson is a very cheerful and out going while Nico was very quiet and shy, together they made the perfect pair. Allyson's graduation was earlier than Nico's, which was today, so she came to give him her full support. But instead of support, Nico received a beating.

"Y...Y....YOU! Do you really want to die! HUH?!" Allyson said smacking Nico's head hard.

"Do you know what time it is?!" Smack

"Where have you been?!" Smack

"Will you ever change?!" Smack

"Why are you so irresponsible?!" Smack

"Ah! I'm.....Ah! already...Ahhh! here... Ahhh! Right?! Ow!!" Nico could only try reasoning while shielding himself as Allyson's aggro was dead set on him.

"Yeah you're here but just barely!" Another smack

"Where have you been?!" Allyson asked putting her hands on her waist, looking very scary and dangerous. If stares could kill, Nico would be long dead by now.

"I had something important to attend too" Nico said, having the nerve to give her a signature charming rueful smile.

"Something to attend too?! You were just playing games again!" raising her hands for another smack

"Wait!" Nico shouted making her freeze mid way. "If you keep hitting me, won't we be really late?"

"And whose fault was it?!" Allyson said wanting to smack him more, but he does have a point. "Look at you, you're not even wearing your toga yet." Allyson said as she smoothed out Nico's wrinkled clothes and straightened his necktie. "How can you graduate as a 'Summa cum laude' and be this irresponsible? the world sure is full of mysteries."

"Hey, I'm just great that way" Nico teased, winking at her.

"Yes, you are" She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Now wear your toga mister greaty-pants, you still have a speech to deliver"

"Yepee....." Nico said in a very unenthusiastic way, not at all looking forward to it.

"Honestly though, I really don't understand why do I still need to attend; I mean they're gonna make you sit for hours and for what? a piece of paper?" Nico whined as he wears his toga.

"Do you really wanna die?!" Allyson said, giving him a death glare once again.

"No ma'am!" Nico answered immediately, while furiously shaking his head. He was still too young to die.

"Good" Allyson said in satisfaction. "Now be a good boy and follow me" she then started walking towards the auditorium.

"Scary... very scary" Nico murmured as he follows behind her, still not getting used to Allyson's instant expression and mood changes.


<<Legend Internet Cafe: Second floor (Rizal Residence)>>

Time: 8:00 PM

"Cheers and Congratulations to Nico!" Joseph announced standing up and raising his glass of wine.

"Cheers!" Everyone shouted.

After the graduation, everyone went back to celebrate. It was held at the second floor of the Legend internet cafe which was owned by Joseph Rizal and his wife Alexa Rizal, which also attended Nico's graduation. They are also the bosses of the of the internet cafe. Discovering the internet cafe was pure accidental for Nico. In his first year of collage, while playing on his laptop at the dorms, there was a power outage that interrupted his current progress. Not wanting his whole progress go to waste, he rushed out of his dorm room, rode his bike and searched for the nearest internet cafe. Legend Internet cafe was a few blocks away from the university and is very well known to a lot of university students, so he went there. When Joseph saw Nico playing a Minstrel, and playing it well, made him very astound. After exchanging a few conversation, they immediately became friends. Nico was initially going to play on his laptop until he graduates but he then started visiting the internet cafe daily and became a regular.

As the years passed, Nico was basically adopted and treated him as family by the couple that owns the internet cafe, which became his family after his parent's death. Both of the owners of the internet cafe also plays Rampage, although not as good as Nico, their skills are worthy of being called expert veterans.

"Nico why don't you say a few words to commemorate this day" Alexa suggested mischievously

"Ate!" Nico whined, they knew that Nico doesn't like being in the spotlight. Today's speech took a lot of effort from him. It took all of his strength to finish delivering it without fainting.

Alexa was just teasing Nico but then Allyson and Joseph also wanted him to make a speech.

"Not gonna!" Nico refused, trying to make himself as small as possible.

"Aw c'mon, it won't hurt to say a few words" Allyson said, who stood and tried pulling Nico up.

"Ally I really don't wanna!" Nico tried fighting but in the end Allyson succeeded in making him stand up.

Allyson then excitedly returned to her chair, while clapping in celebration. Nico gave her an irritated look but Allyson just winked at him. Looking around the table, everyone was starring at Nico eagerly and expectant.

"I really don't know what to say" Nico reasoned out

"It's okay, anything will do" Alexa encouraged.

"Okay" Nico said as he put his hands in his pocket, trying to clam his nerves. He cleared his throat, trying to stall for time, hoping that they won't make him talk anymore but they still waited for him.

He kept his head down, then took a deep breathe and said "I want to thank you guys for being here tonight.... Honestly it really means so much to me" Nico started stiff at first but once he spoke, the words just kept coming out. "Ever since my parents died, the only thing I had left was Music and Rampage. They never like me playing Rampage, but tolerated it because I always had good grades and saw how much I love it. Even though they could never accept that part of me, they still loved me and became the parents that any child could ever ask for. The day when the accident happened, my world turned upside down. Since I was already eighteen that time, I was already considered an adult, and I had to start learning how to live independently. Respecting my parents wishes, I went to Music Collage with the collage fund that they saved for me and worked hard. But days passed I was still miserable and sad, day and night I played and played trying to escape the sad world that I was in. For some reason, My grades never got affected by it and I was thankful for that, but I never had any social life because I never wanted to leave the amazing bubble that I was in. I thought that my life would be like that for the rest of my collage life, until I graduate. I would have never thought that I would make such amazing friends that cared for me and treated me like family. I almost forgot the feeling of being loved until you guys showed it to me again. This celebration is not just for me but for you guys as well..... Thank you. I could never repay what you guys have done for me but I will always cherish them forever."

After Nico finished, that room was dead silent. He was afraid that what he said was too long. He lifted his head, nervous to see their reactions, but he was surprised instead. There was not a single dry eye in the room. Allyson, Alexa and even Joseph teared up while he was giving his speech.

"You big dummy!" Allyson said as she stood up and hugged Nico catching him off guard.

"To us you're always gonna be family" Alexa said, hugging Nico after Allyson.

"Thanks ate" Nico said, getting chocked up by the love that's being given to him.

"She's right, you're always gonna be family bro" Joseph said, giving Nico a bro hug.

"Thanks kuya"

"Besides having you here profits me as well" Joseph said light heartedly, trying to lighten the mood, which made Nico chuckle.

And with that the Celebration continued with a good note.


- The term "Kuya" is used in Filipino for older brother and "Ate" is used in Filipino for older sister, and those terms are what one also usually use to refer to or respect other people (including cousins, other strangers, etc...) who are in the same generation but a little older.

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