


Have you ever wondered what Pride really is?

The most beautiful of all seven sins.

The ugliest of all seven sins.


That is what pride is, why do you think wars are waged? why armies rampage through lands.

Do they like blood, do they love killing their kind, DO THEY NOT FEAR DEATH !!

Or because they think they are a better Empire,

That they are the only ones who believe in the true god,

That they are born superior so they have the right to rule others.

"Hey, this year's harvest is lacking we wouldn't have enough food in winter. So what let's just raid the fields of those lowly southern's "

"We don't have enough harvest this year too, Let's just concur the southern lands. I mean we are loved by god so we must take all that god had bestowed upon us, those heathens could die and rot in hell for all I care "

"Huh, why you ask, well because we are superior and loved by god "

"So we deserve to own that land to satisfy our hunger "

"This is justice!!!"

"Hey, have you seen eastern women, man they're beautiful"

"So what those eastern barbarians didn't even know how to write and read, they are just animals with human appearance, I have seen some of them sleeping in the wild naked "

"Shit that beauty is wasted on them, how about we bring the most beautiful of them here "

"That's a good idea I need some household slaves anyway, those women will be happier this way too"

Pride leads to arrogance and arrogance leads to other sins.

Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.

Then is it okay to not have pride at all?

"Hey our country 'Y' is such a looser, our GOD is fake too, I am a looser too so were my ancestors  "

That doesn't sound right, does it?

When one loses all of his pride, The only thing that remains is Pity. Pity for himself and others.

That's why,

pride is a beautifully ugly sin.

'Ha ha ha ha you can also say it's pretty ugly'

Anyway, My father always told me.


So Today I have decided


Because Gods are #$%&


Jack was astonished and disappointed at the same time.

He himself was a proud individual but for the first time, he questioned his pride, Not for long though. He came back to his senses just after a few moments 

'Whoever wrote this letter must be crazy.'

'killing the gods!!  yeah, like that's possible

Jack puts the letter back in an old wooden box

He turned 16 this month

As the only hair of the 'Ignis' Duchy, of course, his birthday celebration will be big and grandiose. But this time not only it will be more big and grandiose than before but it will also be historic.

Because his father Joshua Augustus von Ignis will declare him as an official heir to the duchy and he will receive the Honorary title 'Count of Black Steel'. Which is given to every official hair of Ignis Duchy throughout history.

However, Jack had a different view on the matter.

And that is why he wanted to talk with his father.

He also wanted to ask his father the about origin of this black wooden box and the Letter within it. The box looked kind of ancient, Made from the remains of an unknown tree, although it was black it wasn't burned neither was it painted, the wood itself was as black as obsidian.

Currently, he was in his needlessly huge room, Sitting on a luxurious white chair with a thoughtful look on his pale young face.

Jack was of good height nearly six feet, lean athletic body full of vitality. His silver-white hair set deep black eyes formed a beautiful contrast with each other, Further giving his already sharp face more sharper feel.

'Killing the gods huh is that even possible for humans, oh but who said it was humans who wrote this letter but then again it was written in ancient human language, It is also possible it was just the rambling of a crazy person but the mysterious wooden box kind of feels important and valuable, also I haven't ever heard or read about a tree having obsidian black color, father might have some clue on this  '

Jack heads to meet his father.

Walking through the long corridor of pristine white walls. Jack ask himself

'Why is my family so obsessed with the Color white and black '

The Corridor was wide enough for ten people to walk side by side while maintaining some distance from each other, With black engravings of warriors arranged in beautiful but deadly battle formations wielding swords, spears, bows, and many other different weapons on both walls, while flames raging in the background representing the cruelty of battlefield. Every time Jack walked through this corridor he felt like walking in between two armies as they were about to begin their final murderous clash.

Walking a bit further Jack stops in front of a Big black metal door. Two tall guards stood at the front of the door blocking his way, The guards wore obsidian black full metal armor with a Crest of Ignis duchy White sword clad in blue fames engraved on its chest.

Guards bowed sixty degrees as they made way for him to knock on the door as if showing their respect towards him.

'hump,  do they think of me as a naive little young master '

People think of guards as human shields who would throw their lives away without any hesitation for their masters and king, but do they? No human can be selfless and alive at the same time. That was what Jack had understood through his short but ridiculously eventful life.

Six that's how old Jack was when someone had tried to assassinate him, Not only that at his tenth birthday party, his father was subjected to the same experience by two of his personal guards.

Though the Guards before him were different, they were not only the strongest force of the duchy but the most loyal as well. What made Jack warry of them was not their strength , Most of the duchy military officers and knights could kill him with just a slap, So no strength alone was not as terrifying as strength that has blind fate in something or someone. Especially if that someone was as crazy as his father.

After killing two of his trusted guards, his father changed his way of doing things . He Formed a new guard legion with twisted ideals and beliefs, And put himself in the center of those belives.

And among these past years, the atrocities these zombies had done on his father's orders were beyond his human understanding. He did not doubt that these so-called guards would kill him without a second of hesitation if showed even a little bit of hostility towards their master and his father. When he was twelve he tried to playfully ambush his father on his way to the library with a fake metal drager in hand, the result of that was a painful kick in stomach as he tried to jump on his father at the corner. Fortunately enough his father used his mana to save him in the nick of time or he would have been dead.

Just as Jack walked past them he saw glimpses of blue eyes hidden behind the visor of one of the guards, and a chill ran down his spine.

'Manipulative Bastard!!'

Of course, even after knowing of his father's shenanigans Jack still loved and respected him, It was just that hard for him to hate the man. Because everything he had done was always been with the big picture in mind and for the betterment of the duchy one way or another.

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