
The Seven Loops Promise- Part 3 [Surya]

God King's warning did not prevent the apsara, Prajakta, from descending to the earth realm to keep her mute husband company. Since then, centuries had passed. Although still alive, she grew old as her divine power faded. But the ember of love and hope burning inside her had not dwindled one bit. Every morning and night, she visited the sculpture with a cup of water and a plate full of sweets, in case the curse broke and her husband woke hungry and thirsty.

Surya remained quiet for a long time after Vidyut finished narrating his tale. The sun started to descend from the highest point of the sky, and the shadows began to lengthen again. 

"The flowers that grow in this little area around the sculpture," Vidyut pointed, "we believe they are imbibed with the divine power of Gandharva Kadamba and believe them to be best for prayer rituals."

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