
Chapter 27

Lin Xia took out a mirror and saw that her hideous scar was gone, she looked very similar to her past life but way prettier. She decided to always wear a mask because being too beautiful is also worrisome.

Lin Xia decided to leave here immediately, she needs to adjust her newfound power. She opened a portal and went back to the forest Heaven.

Lin Xia started to remember her first time in this forest, she got the Destruction Viper demonic snake as her familiar, the Destruction Viper demonic snake is currently recovering its powers. It had told her that it won't be awake for quite some time.

Lin Xia felt sad for all those kids who were with her at that time, they all had to fight to live. It was too cruel, but this world has the rule, strong rules, weak dies.

Lin Xia has no trouble going through the forest. Lin Xia is currently at Master immortal stage 3, she needs a bit more push and she will breakthrough.

Lin Xia began to find some magical beast to gain fighting experience.

Lin Xia kept on killing, but non of the beast could help her break through. They were all too weak, Lin Xia could kill them all in one move.

Lin Xia found this very annoying. Lin Xia decided to go deeper in hopes of finding a worthy opponent.

Deep in the forest

"Stupid fool! Why are you not listening to what I'm trying to say! All we need to do is to sell her, she is just a kid. No one will know who did it!"said a woman

"But older sister! What if we get find out! It's too risky."said a young man

"Stupid fool! She is in the way for our eldest sister, how do you expect her to win his heart?"said the woman while rolling her eyes

A young girl was being tied up, she looked scared but tried to remain calm.

The young girl was non other than Xiao Zhan's sister and also the main female protagonist of a millennium years of cultivation, I will become the strongest.

The young girl looked very delicate, it felt like even a slightest wind could knock her down. The young girl also had long eyelashes, and a charming pair of silver eyes. The young girl could be considered a gentle beauty. She was definitely very beautiful.

"Older sister, it's too risky to sell her, why don't we leave her here? She should not be able to survive here."adviced the young man

"Stupid fool! What if she survives? It's better to sell her to him! He is interested in young girls like her, we could sell her to that old man! He is such a lustful guy. He will play her till she is broken! Her face and body is just to his type."said the woman

Su Ziya felt disgusted! She knew who that woman was talking about! It was that old prevert! He loved to torture his wife and concubine! One of the worse scum in the middle realm! He will definitely touch her! She felt so horrible! Why didn't I listen to my father? That so called best friend actually betrayed me!

"Older Sister! Where will we meet him?"asked the young man

"Stupid fool! Why do you think we entered this forest? He will be here soon."replied the woman

At the meantime

Lin Xia was going deeper into the forest when she heard

"Master! We have arrived!"said a servant

The man looks were a bit over average. He did not looked particularly good but did not look bad as well. The man had a creepy smile on his face.

Lin Xia did not know why but she felt chill.

Suddenly she saw a woman and a young man carrying a huge bag walking towards that creep.

"Take it out! If she looks good then I will consider buying her."said the creep

Lin Xia saw the young man opening the bag and a young girl was inside, she seemed very familiar to her, then she remembered she is Su Ziya. The heroine of the novel. Lin Xia found this kind of interesting, if she is not wrong then the Su Ziya will be sold to this creep. Then later on when the man wants to do the deed somehow Zero appears and saves her.

Lin Xia never thought that she will meet the heroine so quickly.

Lin Xia began ponder if she should save her or let Zero save her.

Should she save her?

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