
The Defense Against the Dark Arts?

On the transfiguration class I had fun as always, I made some buttons from beetles and it was a normal class, at least for me and Hermione, because Harry seemed to be a first year again not being able to do it, and Ron, with his wand broken, was kind of hysterical. Maybe not as much as hysterical, but quite upset, but I heard him scream more than once... after class Harry asked him why not ask his parents for another wand, and he said that he didn't want another Howler because of the wand. And I couldn't argue against that logic.

Harry- what have we got this afternoon?

Hermione- Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Rainy- then I'm going to cool myself a little, I recommend you to do the same, we have to stand 1 hour of the great Gilderoy, after all.

I separated from the group and went to Hagrid, I was convinced that he knew what those skeletal horses were, and when I arrived, he was glad to see me.

Hagrid- Rainy! How are you?

Rainy- pretty well, thank you! I wanted to make a question, it's about the carriages that we boarded to come to the castle.

Hagrid- it's about what pulls them? It's magic Rainy...

Rainy- no, it's not. At least not exactly. What are those skeletal horses?

Hagrid- !! how can you see them?

Rainy- is something special needed to see them?

Hagrid- you need to have seen death to see them, they are called Thestrals... when have you seen death? If you don't mind the question...

Rainy- not that it's a secret... I killed Quirrell remember?

Hagrid- oh! I- I don't know how I couldn't think of that as death... well, they are Thestrals and they eat meat, if you want to feed them...

Rainy- why would I?

Hagrid- oh, I don't know... a Ravenclaw girl came 10 minutes ago to ask me if she could feed the Thestrals, so I gave her some food. Then you appear, I thought that you girls would find them cute or something like that...

Rainy- not at all, but is that girl still feeding them?

Hagrid- yes, she's on that direction.

Rainy- thanks, Hagrid.

I entered the forest, and I saw Luna, feeding the Thestrals with some dead animals Hagrid gave her. She really looks like she's always happy.

Rainy- hello! My name's Rainy Lionheart!

Luna- hello, Mine's Luna Lovegood.

Rainy-... so... do you like the Thestrals?

Luna- oh! You can see them too?

Rainy- yeah, I killed my professor last year so...

Luna- oh... well, I saw my mother die some time ago...

Rainy- (it seems like she will go along with whatever I say, so I'll be a little more straightforward than normal) well, you seem pretty cheerful! How about we become friends?

Luna-?? do you want to be friends? Why?

Rainy- because you are unique and memorable enough. Am I unique and memorable enough for you?

Luna- well ..... Yes, you are the first person here to ask me to be friends, and the first person that can see the Thestrals with me, and the first person I see that has killed her professor... so unique and memorable.

Rainy- good! Then it's decided, we are friends!

Luna- nice, now I have my first friend.

Rainy- well, it has been nice, but I have to go to my Defense Against the Dark Arts class. See you later Luna!

Luna- Good bye Rainy.

I left Luna with the Thestrals, wondering if she's always with a cheery charm on, and went to the classroom. When I arrived, I saw Harry with a red face behind some books and that Ron and Hermione were on both of his sides, so I thought that something else had happened with Gilderoy or Malfoy.

As the class started, he presented himself on as ''Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award'' and then he made a joke... I was having a hard time with my laughing problem, he was a walking joke. I went to Hagrid to cool myself, but in the end it doesn't matter, he's just too much. As I hoped he would stop talking, he said that he would give us an exam to see how many had read his books, and the exam was something like ''what is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite colour?'' ''what is G.L. secret ambition?'' and so on, with 54 questions! I couldn't believe it. I aced it by cheating because he's as horrible as a professor as he is as a wizard and he got the guts to say that Hermione and I were his fans because of the punctuation. But he gave us 10 points for Gryffindor each, so no complaining here.

After the interesting exam, he decided that he was going to show us some dangerous creatures, and I was really looking forward to see what is dangerous to the great Gilderoy, and it seems that the answer was Cornish pixies. Yes, Cornish, pixies. Seamus couldn't control his laugh anymore, and laughed a little. Something that Lockhart didn't like

Gilderoy- yes?

Seamus- Well, they're not- they're not very- dangerous, are they?

Gilderoy- don't be so sure! Devilish tricky little blighters they can be! But if you think so... Right, then, let's see what you can do!

Then he opened the cage that contained the pixies. It was a total chaos, I conjured a iron net and begun to hunt them as he said that we had to show what we could do. Once I had one, I conjured a crystal jar big enough for the pixie and I made my first pixie-in-a-jar, not quite as useful as a fairy, but whatever. A little later, the students begun to run from the class, and the great Gilderoy lost against a pixie, losing his wand in the process, so Hermione helped me, and with some freezing charms and some more pixies-in-a-jar. We had it controlled. We were the only ones in the class with Gilderoy, but it was controlled

Gilderoy- nice one, you four. I can really see what my books have done with you two, miss Lionheart, miss Granger. I could have done it in half the time... but the idea of the freezing charm was quite good. 5 more points to Gryffindor. You are dismissed.

Harry/Ron/Hermione/Rainy- ... (this is going to be a long, long year.)

another, as a thanks to the thanks!

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