

Walking through the town I once loved, I chastised myself for believing the people here to be innocent. Each and everyone of them has sinister intent. Evil people. The dead leaves on the ground crunched as I walked. The wind whistled and the birds fluttered their wings.

This place, is a place I wish I didn't have to come. I'm leaving now, escaping, going home to my place. Groaning I checked the time. Six in the evening. Good. I have enough time to stop by the bakery on my way. Smiling, I quickened my pace.

After walking for what seemed like forever, I made it to my favorite bakery in town. The fresh smell of pastries lingers in the air.

" Good evening. Is Marco here?" I questioned, staring at the woman at the counter. Her eyes were a piercing blue, with little flecks of green. They were gorgeous to say the least. My breath caught in my throat as she replied.

" Ah, not today sorry. What would you like?"

Her voice felt like a soft melody in my ears. Her pale skin looked soft and inviting, her clothing sat perfectly on her skin. She is simply stunning.

" Only a coffee. With cream please." I stuttered, barely able to catch my breath. She smiled, flashing her pearly teeth at me. regaining my composure I fixed my shirt that had slackened on my shoulders.

She turned after nodding at me, and began making my drink. I took my chance to look around the bakery. It's the same as always, but somehow, I feel more enticed to come now that I know that this woman works here.

She seems familiar though, curious. Do I know this beauty from somewhere?

" Sorry to intrude miss, but may I ask if I've met you before?" I spoke with confusion.

"Yes Blake, you do know me. We were classmates back in high school." My name coming from her lips brung goosebumps to my skin.

" Mia?" I gasped, finally remembering. My high school sweetheart. Now. Here? It's been so long, we parted paths directly out of high school with no further contact.

"Surprising you remember me. Saves me from having to introduce myself again!" She laughed, handing me my drink.

I pulled out my money as I smiled. Handing her the money, her hand brushed my finger tips as she grabbed it from me. A smirk made its way onto my face.