
Rainbow Six Seige: Unaufhaltsamer Blitz

I never was one for tactical, nor serious physical senerios. I was more of a caring, supportive person who would help others in need. Sadly, even if I died quite young in live, I lived my life to its fullest. Now, it's time to prepare and see what is in store for me in the future. --- I'll be honest, I came up with this idea on the toilet and I have no clue on how this will go. I am going to try and keep this as lore accurate and follow the timeliness. I loved playing seige as I grew up with it, and it may take some time for updates. Bare with me and stick around to see how this goes.

Dylvain · Video Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning Before a Tragedy...


"Scheiße... is it already 430 in the mornin..."

I groggily wake myself up as I rise out of bed like a living dead. Once out of bee, I do a light stretch to get ready for the day. I make my way to the bathroom to get ready. I turn the shower onto cold and jump in. After a few minutes of freshening up, I exit the shower and dry myself off. I make my way to the mirror and start to brush my teeth. In the mirror is a 21 year old blonde hair blue eyes male, with a tanky and muscular build that made other guys jealous and girls wet.

I smile at myself as I had to admit that I was a total upgrade from before. All that grind and dedication with my knowledge from my past life was an epic combo. As I was admiring myself in the mirror, my phone then buzzed as a call came. Peeking at the caller ID, I grin as I answer.

"Hallo Kleine, someone's up early now~ Where's your beauty sleep at?"

A sarcastic, feminine laugh came through as the caller responded. "Haha Elias, good to see your humor is still existing. Just making sure you remember that we got to make it to our flight to the Hereford Base to meet Six to talk about this new terrorist organization running around the world. I figured you were already awake due to your absurd daily routine... I'll call Dominic and Marius later to remind then as well."

I grin as I respond back jokingly.

"Aww, I thought you were only just calling to ask when our next hook up may be~"

The caller chuckles as seductively responds back.

"I would, but even with all my exercise I can't keep up with your insane stamina."

"Well, I can't fail my nickname 'The Unstoppable Flash' as I need to be just as efficient with my operations as well as with the ladies~ Still though, any luck on finding a partner to help tag team me with? Most of the ones you asked didn't even last a minute before succumbing to the organisms and passing out on us. If you want, I can be excessively for yo-"

"NEIN NEIN NEIN! After every session, I can barely even function or lift a finger the next morning! I'll look into it more, but you got to let my poor holes relax..."

I chuckle at her response as she was always funny to mess with. I then respond back to her casually.

"No worries Monika, I'll go easy on you for a while till then. Make sure to take care of yourself this morning as we got to be ready to fly over at 900. I'll also check in with the guys to remind them as well. If we have to, I'll bait Dominic with bag of coccaine if needed."

Monika signs over the phone.

"I hoped rehab would help, but it appears he went to far in the deep end..."

"I'll keep my eye on him my kleine, he knows that we got his back, but it's up to him to break away from his addiction. Anyways, heading off now as I just finished my shower now."

I grin as I finish saying. "I'll also send you a nice pic for your fap collection you have. Tell me if it's better or worse then the ones you got."

I can he Monika spurting in embarrassment over the phone as I hang up. I chuckle as I take a quick picture and send it her way. I had no worries of her posting it as I planned on going to the data base to wipe it completely off the servers and phone, and I know she will add it go to her scrap book she has on me.

I finish getting dressed in my workout clothes as I begin my morning exercise. I did a 5k for my morning run, then went to my weight room I had in my apartment and started to do bench 280lbs of weight. After that, I went and grabbed myself a banana and made myself a protein shake... I should see if I can swap Dominic's coccane bags with vanilla protein powder, see how long it takes for him to notice. I chuckle at that thought as I started to get dressed. From the mail sent to us, we were supposed to be dressed in our operations uniform, no dress code required. It also said for us to bring our equipment and some change of cloths and extra uniforms if needed. I grabbed a big suitcase and started to pack my daily essentials and my cloths into them. Once done, I I specter my apartment and once done, I shut everything down and locked up the place tightly. Even though I lived in a good area, still better safe then not.

I then started to make my way to the private airport owned by GSG 9. I do a quick check on time and see it is only 734. I send a quick text to Dominic and Marius to let them know. As I was texting, I felt a pair of slender arms wrap around me. Knowing who it was after feeling her arms, I smile.

"Guess who~"

I chuckle as I reply back.

"Well, after feeling those slender arms, that ample chest, and that beautiful voice... it must be my kleine!~"

I turn to see a cute blonde in a Grey casual cloths, but with a bullet proof Vest and a helicopter helmet on her head, as well as adorning a mask.

"Correct, I should reward you for guessing correctly with those compliments, but we should hold off on that for now~"

I chuckle as I pat her head.

"No worries, just let me know when your down. Now, any response for the two goons?"

Monika laughs as she starts to explain that Marius and Dominic are on their way. Since Marius and Domic lived near by, Marius picked Dominic up and is driving him to the airport. Apparently Dominic had a little to much last night so Marius helped him out.

Me and Monika decided to pretty much chat at the private jet as we discussed what exactly may be going on. After 30 minutes, we see two guys make their way over.

One was dressed in a black leather jacket with a bullet proof Vest, a mask, and a helicopter helmet. The other was dressed in a green airforce jacket, a full face mask, and a helicopter helmet as well. I walk towards both and grasp their hands chuckling.

"Well well well, if it isn't the two goons. Happy you guy made it!"

Dominic (in the black leather jacket) laughs as he responds. "Sorry for making you two wait, which you both probably didn't mind. Misshaps happened this mornin and all. At least we made it!"

Marius signs as he retorts. "I should of let you or Monika handle Dominic this mornin. It was annoying, but he surpsingly easy to handle this time..."

Dominic puts Marius into a headlock. "I'm not always that bad." He turns to me and Monika. "Right?"

We both stare at him with a poke face, which Dominic then signs. "Alright Alright, moving on. Let's get Marius in the pilot seat so we can start heading to Hereford Base or what not."

He staggers on in to the plane as Monika follows in behind him. I look to Marius staring at the plane and I chuckle, putting my arm on his shoulder.

"It may not be a Apache Helicopter, but it is something."

Marius nods as he enters. I do a double check with everyone see if they got their bags, which they confirm they do. Once Marius cleared us, we went up into the air, towards the United Kingom.

Howdy Ho, hope you enjoy the chapter. I'll probably upload tomorrow night. Feel free to let me know if I made any errors with any lore and such as I typed this up at 3 in the mornin.

Dylvaincreators' thoughts