
Chapter 51

Of course.

Redeeming herself, in the midst of her three-month probation for daring to take her aunt to chemotherapy. Out-protesting the protestors. Raising unnecessary hell like a good little Riot Dyke. Wielding Layla’s language like a sword; still, her bravado not big enough to cover her lemming mentality.

“Good Lord, I ask in your name that you show these lost women the way before Judgment Day.”

“RIOT! Down with the patriarchy! Down with men!”

At this, the march behind me starts to pick up in a chant.

“Down with the patriarchy! Down with men!”rises rhythmically from the crowd behind me, drowning out the Angel Hill bigotry. The man continues shouting at the top of his lungs, red-faced and sputtering, but his tirade is lost in the rising voices of the women.

“Down with the patriarchy! Down with men!”

“Down with the patriarchy! Down with men!”