
Blooming Relationship

In the deep jungle, an anxious voice was heard all around the place.

"Kazuki! Kazuki! Where are you!?" Amane was worried about Kazuki's because of her arm being fractured.

"Would you not yelling my name so loudly?" Kazuki came out of nowhere and said

"Kazuki! Where have you been?" Amane immediately questioned Kazuki out of concern.

"Bathroom. While I was at it, I picked some grass that looks edible. Here. For now, let's get through breakfast with this." Kazuki explained like it was the natural thing to do.

"We've still got food left, though..." Amane was trying to argue to be Kazuki

"I want to save as much nonperishable food as possible. There's no guarantee we'll get out of here in three days, after all." Kazuki explained her views

"I see. You're right." Amane admits defeat at her rational approach and looks down.

"Don't look so disappointed. Although we're in a desperate situation, but it's not set in stone that we won't be saved." Kazuki showing a little concern and said.

"Is there any way for us to be saved?" Amane was once again, saying some negative comments.

"Rai's here so, I think there's nothing to worry about. All we can do now is wait patiently." Kazuki was not a bit worried about their situation and just kept looking ahead.

"Uh, hey... Kazuki, How can you be so sure that Raikou's gonna find a way, or will he even come?" Amane, who barely knew Raikou in 2 weeks started to doubt her claim.

"Ara, Amane! If anyone's gonna survive a situation like this it would be him. Please don't doubt Rai!" Kazuki was upset about Amane's comment on Raikou, who she loved the most, and left Amane.

"I'm really sorry Kazuki, I won't doubt Raikou again. Just don't leave me alone, please don't go off and do things on your own anymore!" Amane, realizing her comment was un need quickly apologize to appease Kazuki and chase after her.

"I was worried, you know" Amane tried to explain her main goal in finding Kazuki.

"You were? About me?" Kazuki turn and said in a mix of doubt and hope.

"Well, yeah. Maybe it was presumptuous of me..." Amane explained in a tsundere tone.

"No, I didn't mean it that way." Kazuki was quick to pick up that Amane was really concern about her.

"More like, I'm surprised there's anyone who would worry about me at all. But you're right. I'm also sorry. It's all right. I won't go off anywhere and leave you behind." Kazuki further clarify.

"Do you promise?" Amane was happy and said

"Yes, I promise," Kazuki answered in a happy tone.

Kazuki and Amane went back to their camp and the others are also finding different ways like tossing their phone at high altitudes or using kites to find a signal for their phones. And Kazuki and Amane are tending the injured and washing their body with wet towels.

After that Kazuki and Amane went to the near river to get some water.

"All the upperclassmen said their phones aren't connecting." Amane started a conversation to ease the moment.

"It's possible this entire area is out of range. But this is only the second day. It's best that we try everything we can." (Kazuki)

"Maybe we would've been better off not forming pairs, and working together as a group?" Amane asked.

"There are always lazy people to deal with when you act as a group. Splitting into pairs and handing out jobs is more efficient." Kazuki explains her mature view of things.

"I don't really get it, but if you say so, I'm sure it must be true." Amane quickly accepted Kazuki's approach due to her great mind.

"If you have something to say or a problem, just spit it out." Kazuki felt that if everyone agreed with her they are just reluctant or force by the situation.

"Huh? Oh, Sorry? I was just thinking that if you say that, it must be right. That's all I meant by it." Amane quickly explains to appease Kazuki.

"If you're not happy being paired with me, then I don't, mind if you switch with another girl." Kazuki felt hurt by her comment so she wants to stay away to not get herself hurt and to clarify their relationship.

"Ah" Amane remembered what Sakuma-senpai told her about Kazuki's tsundere attitude and what's her answer if ever Kazuki was sulking.

"What does that "ah" mean? Well, we did the only pair because you're the only one I knew in the club, right?" Kazuki was doubting Amane's intention because she was making sure before trusting her as it is her first time trusting someone other than Raikou.

"No, That's because I like you the most, Kazuki." Amane looks at Kazuki, straight in the eye with no lie, and answers.

"What? " Kazuki blushed because she was not used to being loved by anyone except Raikou.

"I said I paired up with you because out of everyone here, I like you the most. " Amane came closer to Kazuki and said

"O-Oh, is that right? "Kazuki distance herself from Amane and look away to hide her shy expression.

"What about you? Do you like me? Kazuki? "Amane want to tease Kazuki by seeing her expression

"I've got to clean my bandages... " Kazuki was new to the feeling of having a true friend, so she turns her back from Amane to calm herself down and tried changing the topic.

"Kazuki? " Amane thought 'No way... The Kazami Kazuki is blushing?'

"Hey, Kazuki? You like me, don't you? And you really like me at that, don't you? " Amane tried to pester Kazuki to know what she really felt about her.

"Sh-shut up! I'm Busy right now! " Kazuki, who didn't know how to respond to this situation just want it to stop because she felt embarrassed.

"Kazuki!" Amane jump and hug kazuki seeing her cute stundere side.

Kazuki was instead pushed down the river by Amane.

Suddenly a sound of a helicopter was heard and they started to gather around the bus. Waving and shouting for help, so that the helicopter can save them. Amane even went to the bus to use the bus horn but it was all in vain, the helicopter just pass by and never went to their location. They all slept with a little hope that the helicopter may come to their rescue.

3rd day

The dead bodies started to decay so, Ochi-sensei was assigned to bury their bodies.

Kazuki and Amane are sitting together while picking flowers.

"Kazuki, how much do you know Raikou?" Amane was curious about Raikou because she can't seem to know what he's thinking or his problem with Satsuki before they left.

"He's genius but he won't show it because our father always compares Rai to me and he's 2 years younger so, they always base his capabilities on mine. Maybe that's why he just gave up trying to show his worth to protect himself but Oka-san and I love him very much(as a Man)." Kazuki's expression was dejected at first then filled with love for Raikou.

"Your father, Huh? If everything had gone right, we'd have gone home long ago, eaten plenty for dinner, and been snoring away in our futons. I wonder why things turned out this way." Amane stare down and started to voice out her feelings

"Amane, please look around you. Only you and I are here right now" Kazuki was rational as always and tried to explain to Amane their situation.

"I want to go home. I want to go home, Kazuki!...." Amane started to cry but Kazuki hugged her to ease her anxiety

"Sorry, Kazuki... I'm sorry. Forgive me." Amane continues to cry and let out her frustration

"Rai's gonna find a way and get us home safe, I promise." Kazuki who's beginning to open up to Amane comforted her.


On the other side

Raikou's been taking care of Mifuyu and Tamaki and making full use of his Medical skills. Raikou's medical skills encompass almost every known medical skill to Chinese to western knowledge although he was limited by his talent and creativity in Yuuji's time where he did memorize every medical knowledge and biological knowledge like Oslo's biological technology in making a superhuman. In case he needed it in the future, just like his cautious and ever ready attitude in his missions.

After taking care of Mifuyu and Tamaki in their needs, Raikou was always watching Kazuki in case anything happens.

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