
Ragnarok:Struggling To Survive

With the greatest Prophet's last remaining breath he told us a great change will come the weak will perish the strong will survive don't run, don't hide, fight back and survive. Then a few years later, his warning was right the world had changed as we know it. every person had heard a voice in their head saying, that the wait is over as earthquakes soon appeared in every part of the world before sending them to a random place Monsters appear that gave birth to living breathing calamities did I forget that they kill and eat humans? The world expanded and a few unknown races came to our planet, a leveling system that has a motive of helping the inhabitants I'm Rei kirigaya. this is my story about the new world that transpired a mystery that I have no connections to, yet I travel to seek the truth. Traveling in this mysterious world that once was known as earth I climb every obstacle and face many difficulties. I wonder what awaits me in the end of it all [Disclaimer, I don't own the cover]

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Item Farming

Day 5

"There has to be another easier way to grind a ton of experience without risking my life for an ambush," Three days have passed since the incident that made his entire life change for the worst. Not only does he needs to hunt and search his area for his daily needs, but the forest also brought a new twist that brings a new crisis at hand. The monsters that are haunting him in his day-to-day life are getting stronger than ever. The rest of the people that arrived at his location quickly turned into newly rotting corpses after being unfortunate enough to encounter his predators

'This corpse makes it the 25th person that arrived in my location? What the hell can't you guys even kill a mere goblin, I know it's hard but come on didn't you guys find a starter weapon near your body!? This is so sad, I can't believe im talking to myself while I'm staring at a corpse, come on Rei it's just the fifth day. You can't go wild even though you lasted a week's worth of isolation, well I had something to entertain my past self so it's a little troubling,'

He buried the corpse in the area where he finds its body after pillaging its body which stores a candy wrapper or a note that documented their last words. Apart from those worthless pieces of junk, he acquired a new mystery by ransacking their corpses. Weapons, in their bodies, lies weapons that match their build, traits, or personality

"Spear, Broadsword, Mace, and lastly a Metal staff, all of these weapons are great and their attack damage and durability are higher than my Knife. But the only problem is that their all too restrictive, most of the corpses when I appraised them, had some sort of talent in using their weapon. Dealing more damage isn't as good as using a weapon that the person already knows how to wield," Instead of changing his arsenal and equipping a new item that has a lot more range than the knife that he acquired from the goblin. Instead of leaving these weapons to be taken by the monster, he stashed them all in the cave

Aside from the weapons, his cave houses a few items that were dropped by the monsters he slaughtered. Some were useful like the knife that he obtain with his first kill on his arrival in this dreadful environment. Most of what he obtained was either unusable or something that he has no knowledge of applying such an item. By the time the monsters were slowly growing stronger and he remained the sole survivor in his area of the forest. Many items that he deemed to be useless were slowly showing their worth when he finally think of a plan

[Dig scroll - Once the scroll has been ripped, place the paper near the ground and it will dig a hole equivalent of 6 feet and 2 meters wide

Item: One Use Series - Items that fall into this category will on be used once and the item will eventually disappear

Origins: Obtained by fighting a goblin, chances of dropping are 20% lower than the average drops]

"Never did I imagine this thing will be worth keeping, it's a good thing that I didn't throw it away as I did with the other shitty drops. Now the only thing I need is a way for my plan to work, plus I need a few more of these items before I proceed to the next part of the plan," He scouted the nearest goblin village, looking at every corner for any kinds of traps or faults within their defenses. Before he leaves and continued with his daily hunt to acquire his meal along with collecting today's portion of fresh water

"Oh hell no!!? I learned about my past mistakes, no way am I going to cook inside the cave," He cooked the meat in an area near his cave after the last incident that would've cost him his life. He continued his evening snack at the peak of a towering hill, where he continued to cook his dinner, even if he was noticeable. It had a lot of space and an open room where anyone can easily escape in any given direction

'I didn't think having the high ground would've given me this much of an advantage, yeah they can see but the question is can't they corner me? Apart from losing the internet and having to bust my ass to get some food now and then, it feels like my life just went through a few changes. I wasn't even rich or poor, I had to work due to being an orphan and the only entertainment I had in my life was that old 90s tv. There were a few interesting mangas I've read about but I later dropped them, due to it being ongoing and my pay isn't that much I decided against it,'

He reminisces about his past after he realizes that his life wasn't any different from before, the only thing that changed was that he was no longer shackled by his previous world. He wonders if he was transported to a different world or what was the meaning behind the prophecy that he didn't heed. Before he could get absorbed by his thoughts he smelled the meat of the boar that was cooked to perfection. His stomach was full and his body was tired from his daily routine, he closed off the cave which he covered in a pile of mud before he slept on the pile of cloth he took from the corpses he previously encountered on his journey

[System: Your heightened sense of hearing didn't pick any disturbance coming from the entrance of the cave. The system reassures you that your barricade perfectly covers the entrance, the light coming from your torch cant be seen. You've successfully survived for the last five days without any kind of assistance, you obtained the title lone wolf]

"Did I get Isekaid or something?" He considered the possibility of such an event occurring, it was somewhat strange if he was transported to another world. He didn't experience his life flashing before his own eyes, he didn't get hit by a truck nor he met an entity that'll grant him a second chance

"There's no way, then what the hell is happening to me? What the hell is this place, that I got transported into," He denied his theory before he even tries to assume the possibility. Even though his area was outlandish from his point of view, he noticed a few things that made him think otherwise. Animals that only exist within his world, accompanied by a few herbs and plants that contradicted his theory, in the end, he doesn't have any kind of clue to his situation

'There must be a logical explanation or does the word logical even apply to this situation of mine? If there's an explanation then I wouldn't care what kind of danger will I have to traverse. Heck, my life is already been a shit show even before this great change arrived to screw me all over. I'm not the type of person who overly gets absorbed with his thoughts, that's when I know that my sanity is slowly slipping away from my grasp,'

He took a deep breath of fresh air before he closes his eyes after a long day have passed since he felt the warmth of his bed. For a few days, he kept on using his time to scout the area around the area of the goblin village. Observing their every move at a safe distance, thanks to his heightened sense of sight he can see his target from a view where no one could've detected his presence. Even going so far as to apply a dozen of goblin blood to ensure that not even a goblin would be able to find his presence

Day 5


Day 8

"Here they come," After spying on the goblins for as long as he can endure, he memorizes their schedule and the movement of every goblin. Hiding near the bushes he made a sound that caught the attention of a few goblins near his area. They were getting closer by the minute and that's when he finally made his move

"Graaah!!!" One of the goblins was unfortunate to have stepped into one of the traps he placed which tied a rope within its leg. That was connected to a large rock that sends it up into the tree, having their attention on their captured ally. They didn't notice him coming from their back, outnumbered by the enemies standing in front of him. He chose to aim at their weakest point, slashing their necks if he couldn't reach them in the short time he possesses. He quickly redirected his swing and severed their arms and break their legs before he hides back in his surrounding areas

[System: You've spent 5 unused stat points to increase your attack, by 13 - 18 your body is receiving a newly gained power. You've spent 2 unused stat points to increase your stamina by 18 - 20 your body is slowly leaving the level realm of average and entering the altered state. Congratulations on being the very first user in assigning his unused points to many different stat. For such a feat the system has rewarded you by granting you another skill called [Basic dagger arts] we wish for your survival]

He could feel his body being influenced by his newly acquired skill, by the time the goblins gathered in a single group. He entered to finish off the remaining group, his skill was unbelievable even though his body didn't receive any sort of training. He can unconsciously perform a series of perfectly targeted attacks along with his footwork and his body moving like a well-trained fighter

[System: You've been influenced by the skill named [Basic dagger arts] you're currently experiencing the passive ability of the skill. Which gives you an accurate movement of your feet, the skill has now uploaded the list of techniques to the user's brain. Transferring has been completed, you can now use the skills that your body can perform]

Upon adapting to his newly acquired skill, he wasn't afraid of facing his enemies without any need for his tricks. Wielding a knife in both of his hands, he undergoes a stance that forces him into a single spot. Seeing this for their very eyes the goblins didn't waste their time and attacked every corner that remained vulnerable. It surprises them to learn that it was all a trap to lower their guard against his plans, having most of their weapons focused on a single area

Made it easier for him to dodge and the fact that their bodies are closer to one another made it clear that they would've accidentally struck their allies. Making all of their swings to struck the ground in hopes of stopping what might cost the end of their lives. It was too late for these creatures to escape once he finally showed his fangs, making them encircle him was the time their fate was ultimately sealed

"Basic dagger arts, circular bloom," He performed one of the techniques that made his body perform an attack that struck everything near his body. A circling stance resulted in an image of a blooming red flower that originated from the blood of his enemies. By the time he exits his technique, he found the items that he was trying his hardest to acquire. With that, he left and called it a day after he pulled out his middle finger and disrespectfully pointed it toward the corpses of his enemies