
Ragnarok:Struggling To Survive

With the greatest Prophet's last remaining breath he told us a great change will come the weak will perish the strong will survive don't run, don't hide, fight back and survive. Then a few years later, his warning was right the world had changed as we know it. every person had heard a voice in their head saying, that the wait is over as earthquakes soon appeared in every part of the world before sending them to a random place Monsters appear that gave birth to living breathing calamities did I forget that they kill and eat humans? The world expanded and a few unknown races came to our planet, a leveling system that has a motive of helping the inhabitants I'm Rei kirigaya. this is my story about the new world that transpired a mystery that I have no connections to, yet I travel to seek the truth. Traveling in this mysterious world that once was known as earth I climb every obstacle and face many difficulties. I wonder what awaits me in the end of it all [Disclaimer, I don't own the cover]

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A Night To Remember

On his second day in this mysterious forest, he was faced with a brand new hurdle that he has to survive. Monsters, what else was waiting for his death to arrive, instead of these foul fiends thats lurking within his dwelling? Once the moon has risen and the sun has disappeared from its spot, the monsters are in their most active state. And what better start for their evening than to hunt down a new human for them to sink their sharp and ravenous fangs

"Graaaaah!!!" The goblins were furious and chased after him through the forest where he was met by different types of monsters that were chasing after him

'Shit, shit, shit, are you freaking kidding me!!? Night time seriously their most active schedule is during the night? Well fuck me, looks like an evening jog won't hurt my bones, it feels like im back to my usual routine,'

Sprinting for his life, Rei finds himself being chased by a dozen of different monsters that had all of their attention pointed in his direction. No matter what he tried to shake his pursuers, even if he enters a small opening or change his path to another. He wasn't able to escape the overwhelming numbers that came from all of his sides, and that's when he thought of doing something that was able to let him escape through their chase

"There's no time to think it through," Using the superhuman strength that he acquired from his appointed stats he leaped through the ground and manages to hold onto a durable branch. From the moment he got chased he notices that not a single monster came from the trees, which made him realize that most of the monsters were unable to climb. Rather their bodies weren't built to balance their weight by stepping into such a limited space

[Status: You've been running for around 20 minutes without stopping to catch your breath. Your body has been exhausted, we suggest that the player should rest and recover his stamina gauge. Current stamina is 18/5, your body would've broken down if you weren't able to escape the horde of monsters]

'What to do now, I'll get bored in no time if I can't find something to entertain myself, for the time being, I can't fall asleep. I've seen one of the goblins that followed me, was wielding a freaking bow. I for one am, not a suicidal maniac, at a time like this it's great that I didn't forget to bring my knife. Also this poison sac, I didn't leave this since one of the goblins might be dropped it and painted my cave with a shitty smell making it the most poisonous area I could find. I don't want to relocate that cave is already good enough for me,'

Soon after, he fully recovered his stamina, eye didn't want his time waiting for the right moment to appear, he landed back on the ground. And seeing his knife at the monsters that were near his range, drenched with the potent poison he acquired from the poison sac. His enemies soon fall to his blade, instead of lowering his guard even for a second. He didn't take the risk and moved to another location where he encounters a dozen or so monsters, curious about their great sense of locating his area he activated his appraisal to learn more about their traits

[System: Dozens of monsters that have the trait hunter's nose is within your area. The hostile targets that have this trait have a unique sense of smell that can determine their prey and their predator. We suggest that you act with caution, a single mistake can cause your life]

Knowing full well what he was about to confront, he did the unthinkable and covered his body in the blood of the monster. Masking his scent along with using a few leaves to disguise himself as their surroundings he manages to arrive at their back. Taking the first move by thrusting his poison-covered blade he struck his enemy that was paralyzed by one of the effects. Using it as a meat shield he holds its body to block the shower of arrows descending to his spot

[System: You've used 8 unused stat points to increase Speed, and your weight is being lessened. You feel like your body has entered a new level that grants your body a feeling of weightlessness, changing stats from 12 - 20]

Paired with his heightened sense his newly gained speed made it harder for the monsters to land a single strike upon his body. Their numbers slowly reduced to the size where he can easily overwhelm his enemy with his agility. If only these monsters weren't that cooperative with one another he would've easily taken them down without a hitch. That was before he receive a critical injury that came from his back and the arrival of the animal-like monster he saw before. A wolf that was four meters tall was alerted by the smell of the blood which made the other monsters arrive at their spot

"Strategic retreat," He ran from the opposite side in hopes of finding a way to escape his predicament and at his lowest point, he found it. With the help of his heightened senses, he was able to pinpoint something that could help him escape his fate. Instead of doing anything that would tire his body he went on a straight path that'll lead him to his death

He bet his life for the very first time since he arrived at this mysterious forest that only lurks a shit ton of monsters that surprisingly have a good appetite for the human body. Into the shadows, he goes with not a single source of light to be used upon his surroundings only the light of the moon can make him see what he was about to experience in this hell of a place. He shredded the smallest monster he could easily carry and used it as a means to mask his scent

'Okay, I just need to wait until it arrives, luckily for me, these fools aren't that good at seeing in the dark. Not a single one of them has any trait like a night owl or something like that, let's patch my injuries while im waiting. I'm losing a ton of blood in the process of being chased, it's a good thing that I found a few corpses near my cave, one of their clothes has been torn apart. I can only imagine how painful their last dying breaths are,'

Taking the raggedy cloth he acquired from his search, he slowly place it on his back, gently as possible without any more of his blood to be squeezed. The monsters that are currently surrounding him in the dark are confused about his whereabouts, they kept searching for their prey with not a single luck to be found. At this moment in time, he could only trust his sense to survive, he drenched his blade in another layer of poison and used his physique to his advantage

"You little freaks did a number on my body, arrgh that cut stings, be prepared for what's to come," He tightened his cloth only to the point where he can easily move his body, his hands weren't tired and his blade was waiting for its next victim to arrive. Up the trees, he goes, he could see the entirety of his area before he plummeted back into the darkness

Accompanied by his poisonous dagger he thrust his blade into their soft and smooth flesh before jumping back to the tree and continuing his method. At some point, he was caught in the middle of a trap when he was doing his best to eradicate the monsters chasing his scent. Just when he thought it was a monster that was alone, he found himself overwhelmed by a ton of its kind. Locking every exit he could've used he was stuck in a circle filled with gremlin-like monsters. Out of breath and tired, he was about to fall for their attacks, yet his bet saved his life just when it was about to end

"Graaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" Trees fell after a scream echoed throughout their vicinity, it awoke from its slumber. A monster that not even he could match in strength, it was the monster that send him flying on his first arrival in this forest. Only its scream alone was able to drive out the monsters that tried to hunt him down, even if they were desperate to fill their body with his nutritious meat. These monsters acted like an animal, once they stepped into the territory of a predator, they'll immediately turn their tails. Once they saw the sight of the monster ripping the others to shreds and ending their lives with a single swing

That was the last memory he had that night when he arises from his nap, he found his body clinging to the top of a tree. The sun was shining and the monsters that were chasing after his own were nowhere to be found. They left and went back to their respective habitats which he did so as well, instead of taking a rest he made a few adjustments to his cave. Instead of a few leaves, he covered the entrance with dirt making it look more like a normal cave

'After experiencing a dozen near-death situations, I can finally take a dip in that riverside I don't care if I'll have to fight another sea serpent. I rather kill that than the ones I've fought in the evening, this experience of mine will come to be a rule. The prehistoric people must've had a tough and painful life, being sent into a place where I can die and half of the people I saw are dead. I need to set some ground rules if I want to survive, that night will be remembered, instead of a tale I'll make it as a rule,'