
Preparation and Poring

Looking at that harmless letter, Tyo heart beat increased. Maybe, just maybe he can found some answer from all of this. He then open the letter and look inside. Inside the letter there's a blank paper. Feeling that he got pranked, Tyo start to get angry and say.

"What is this piece of shi-" Tyo word got cut off when suddenly the blank paper start to shine and lit up the whole room. Tyo, blinded by the bright light closed his eyes, and when he open it again he realize that he is not in the storage room. He is a white space, lookin down he can't see the bottom of the space. Tyo feels like floating but he's not, like there was an invisible platform holding him from falling. He look all around him but still only found white and white. And then a small orb of light start to appear in front of him, the light is not bright, like the light itself cant escape from the orb. The orb then start to change shape to a person, surrounded by light. Tyo cant make sure if that was a he or she, and he have this strong feeling that the light in front of him is god. And like reading his mind the light then said.

"Yes, i guess you can call me god"

Startled, Tyo say "wha- did you ju-" not letting tyo finish the god quickly cut him and say.

"Yes i did, the reason i called you here is to give you an explanation. About why you've been summoned here, in rune midgard. Where in your world is this is just a game. But i can assure you child, that this world is real. Yes i give you a little something extra. Some call it gamer power, some called system. You can called whatever you want. It will help you in your new life. And the reason i bring you here is because i want you to lead a new life. I want to see how far you can go in this new world that you used to love to play. But still this world is full of dangers, so please be careful. You and i dont want your life to end early right" the god the chuckled.

"So all of this just so you can see me doing things and stuff? Like for your entertainment?? Not saving the world that will plunged into the darkness?"

"Hahaha, you can say it like that, but im sure that bringing you here is not for that only reason maybe you can find the reason or maybe you not time will tell child. it will not be always peace in midgard. In this world where the light and darkness always fight and struggle for dominance. You will find hardship in this world, but still i hope you prevail, im sure you already find some gift which i give you when you open your storage. And why the storage and not the inventory, you can say that god works in a strange way which you cant comprehend" the god laugh a bit then continue. But still fighting all the powerful monster which you call mini boss or MVP from the game is quite hard alone, even with help." The god then add "how about, ill give you some task, and if you can fulfill the task i gave you. Ill give you reward, you can call it quest if you want. You can give it to me via the storage rune, just throw it all there. How about that?"

"Well i dont Have anysay either way, so yes why not, so god, can you explain more about my system, does it work like the gamer manhwa?

"To answer that is a yes and no child, you dont have that ridiculous gamer body or mind. You feel pain, you have a mortal body afterall. Your hp indicator is a way to help you asses the damage you've taken to your body, if somehow you got shot in the head, or decapitated, you die. There is no second life here. The yggdrasil leaf from the game, can only safe a person from a brink of death. If the person already died you cant bring him back to life again. You can increase your status by doing things like lifting or doing complicated stuff. Just explore it yourself. And you can learn skill with effort, there is no rule that a mage cant hold a sword. This is a real life, there is no game restriction that hold people to learn thing. Its just you have the help of the system to make you learn skill faster. I think thats all for now. You can ask more when you complete some of my task now offyou go child, enjoy your new life. Dont get tied with your past"

Suddenly the god is gone and tyo realize that he back at storage room in a daze. He let the talk sink in, he remember the talk with god. Then Tyo see the storage again. There he see the Old blue box, and mystery chest ready to be opened. When he try to put out the item, another letter showed up which only showing a word [quest]. Tyo then forgo to take the box and chest in favor of reading the letter. Tyo open the letter and read it.

[Bring 20 poring jellopy]

[Reward: Observe Skill]

[Time Limit: 2 days]

"Oh wow, neat, it will make my life easier to have this skill. its easy enough for a starter quest.. it should be easy enough.. poring was like, the level 1 mob monster, onto the chest then! I wanna see what i will get opening those baby when i back to the inn"

In a giddy Tyo start to take out all the box and chest and put it in his inventory, then go out from the kafra building. Knowing that he lack preparation, he start looking for a shop that sell some potion and some other life saving item. Tyo walk to north east of fountain in city center and see a building with sign named general store. Tyo walk inside and found many item for display, from row of potions in the shelf with varying color, red, orange, yellow, white, green, and blue. Some stored in a bottle, and some stored in a vial which have the same color but with much denser liquid. There's also a bigger potion with three different colors on the other shelf, with cream color, dark green, and light orange. The shop also sell some tool that look like a bear trap back on earth. Bundles of arrows with different material, colors, and shape. Tyo remember back in the day that the red potion is the least potent in healing, then orange, yellow, and the most potent one white potion. The green is an antidote, and blue potion is for mana potion. Then the other three potion in a bigger bottle back in the game is a potion to increase attack speed, Tyo dont know if the effect is the same here. Tyo then walk to the counter where the shopkeeper is, and ask for all the item explanation. The shopkeeper then gladly giving Tyo the information about each item. The red potion if for minor cut and bruise, orange can heal all light injuries, the yellow can even mend bones and cure internal bleeding even its just temporarily, then the white potion, if the usage is fast enough it can save most of fatal injuries and even attach a cut off limbs. The cream, dark green and light orange is called, concentration, awakening, and beserk potion. It will give you a hightened sense and reaction at the cost of mental fatigue.

Tyo then buy ten red potions at 50z each, five orange potions at 200z each, two yellow potions at 550z each, and one white potion for 1200z. After giving the shopkeeper 3800z for all the item. Tyo then go to the back alley to store all the pot in his inventory.



Red Potion x10

Orange Potion x5

Yellow Potion x2

White Potion x1

Old Blue Box x10

Mystery Chest x3

After checking all his item, he look at the sky..

"Man i need a watch... just what time is this, 1 or 2pm maybe? I think i can finish this before the night come, its just a poring afterall, hehe" tyo mumbled and walk to the south of the prontera. On the way to the south gate Tyo keep looking left and right, he feels like he is traveling in time, but with a fantasy addtion to it. Not even 15minutes have passed, he see a sight he never seen before, a cat well of course you all gonna think that, whats so special about cat, well you see, this cat is walking with two legs and wear clothes, and the more amazing thing is, it can talk! Just whats is going on? He never see this creature before when he play the game. He need to ask god about this asap, with more conviction Tyo swear he gonna finish the quest today. Then Tyo realize just how far he gonna walk from the center to city to the south gate, it was more or less 10km, average person take about 10-15minutes just to walk a one km. He cant walk that long, he cant waste more time, so looking for a different means of transport is a new priority. He immediately see a row of many carriage by the side of the central road. The carrieage it self is using the peco-peco bird to pull the carriage. Some using two, some using 4. Maybe i can rent one he thouhgt. Tyo go to the open carriage pulled by two pecos.

"Sir how much it take to go to the south gate?" Tyo ask.

"Its 25z" the helmsman reply

"Alright then take me to south gate"

"Okay, just sit tight back there"

After about 30mins, Tyo stand in front of massive gate and sturdy tall wall, the wall maybe 20meters in height. Tyo never see a wall that high before. Just what it want to keep outside to make such a big wall. Tyo walk out of the gate, and see a lush green forest with thick vegetation, bird chirping here and there, the air so clean. and some stone and dirt road for the carriage. Back in jakarta, there's no way such scene is exist. After marveling for a while to the cautiously walk in tho the forest near the proximity of the wall, dont want to get lost early in my new life.

Tyo check his status first and thinking should he start allocate the point.


[Name : Tyo]

[Level : 1 (0/100)]

[Hp : 250/250]

[Mp : 50/50]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 5]

[Vit : 5]

[Int : 5]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 10]

(I remove the job, and job level, there is no restriction in learning skill here, so i feel like it need to be removed.)

"Hmm, for now lets put 5 points to agi" Tyo the put the poins and now his status looks like this'


[Name : Tyo]

[Level : 1 (0/100)]

[Hp : 250/250]

[Mp : 50/50]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 10]

[Vit : 5]

[Int : 5]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 5]

Tyo felt like his body became lighter and can move faster. Tyo then continue his walking, until he see a pink blob muching some grass. The blob is called poring, a slime like creature with a small black eye and a mouth (google if you dont know what poring is). Tyo steeled his heart, take out his dagger and prepare to take his first kill. Killing will now be a part of his life, Tyo sure he will kill many many more in the future. Tyo then slow his breathing, sneak his way to the unsuspecting poring. And then a notification start to pop out.

[ding. A stealth skill acquired]

Tyo heart almost jumped out from his body, and tensed, but luckily Tyo didnt utter a single sound. 'Goddamnit system almost give me a heart attack'. I'll check it later, when ill finish this fight first. Tyo start to stealhly move towards the pink slime. And when there's only about 2 meters distance between him and the poring, Tyo do a mad dash and stab at the body of the poring. Tyo then feels a membrane which holding the shape of poring is gone and the poring body start to liquified.

[ding. Dagger mastery skill acquired]

Before Tyo can marvel at his first kill and check all the skill he get, he felt an impact to his left body and sprawled to the ground. He see his HP indicator showing [227/250], he just see that he lose almost a tenth of his total Hp. Tyo felt like his left side will leave a nasty bruise, he never felt this much pain before. The adrenaline start to pump into his body which lessened the pain and Tyo then staggered and try to get up. He then see his attacker, another poring. The poring is prepared another attack by tensed its full body and try to slam Tyo again. This time Tyo rolls to side and evade the attack. 'Need to finish this fast, while my adrenaline is still working' Tyo think while eyeing the poring. With renewed vigor, Tyo hold the Dagger tighter and prepare to evade then strike the poring when its start to land. The poring the strike again, this time Tyo only move his body slightly and prepare to stab at the poring. The poring miss its attack and Tyo start to dast at the landing spot where the poring at. Tyo quickly catch up and stab at the poring again. The poring died almost instantly and now Tyo learn from his mistake, keep being vigilant at his surrounding. After checking that there's no monster around. Tyo relax his body and start to wince at pain at his left rib. He took out a red potion from his inventory and chug it. He felm somethinh warm enveloping his body, and feel his pain start to recede. He saw his hp go up till its full again. Tyo then take the two jellopy from the liqufied poring. Its look like crystal with the size of marble. He put the loot in his inventory. Then he check his status.


[Name : Tyo]

[Level : 1 (10/100)]

[Hp : 250/250]

[Mp : 50/50]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 10]

[Vit : 5]

[Int : 5]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 5]

'Hmm, 10 exp, so its 5 per poring, and that agility sure help me alot'. Tyo then check his skill to see its description


Dagger mastery lvl 1 (exp: 5%)

Increase the profiency, knowledge, and mastery when handling dagger like weapon

Stealth skill lvl 1 (exp: 13%)

Increase the profiency, knowledge, and mastery of being unseen, unheard doing sneak and hiding.

(So i once again remove the basic skill that novice tree used to have, since i remove the job level and job from the status)

'This still doesnt explain much.. well, another question for the god then' Tyo close the tab and continue walk to look more poring to kill. He see anoter three poring hopping in the grassy area near the border of forest. He can kill one in surprise but must fight the rest. Tyo then sneak his way again until he judge that he can dispatch one safely. Tyo quickly run to the nearest poring stab and cut its edge deep into the poring body. The poring quickly died, and the two poring immediately alerted from the sound. The two then boing to near where Tyo at, and tensed its body preparing for a slam attack. Having learning from his mistake earlier, Tyo already prepared to recieve the poring attack. This time when one of poring try to slam its body, Tyo evade and strike at the same time. His dagger strike true and cut through poring body, the poring is already dead before the body touch the ground. The other poring didnt stay idle and strike almost the same time the second poring got the cut. The poring hit Tyo left shoulder, Tyo felt like his shoulder has been hit by a heavy hammer. Tyo grit his teeth and endure the pain, Tyo run foward to where the poring bounce back after slamming him. He then stab the poring killing it. He then sitting near a tree panting. The fight lasted not even a minute. Tyo check his hp and found that he lost 40 of his health. He took another red pot and drink it all, making his hp full again. 'At this rate, i will run out of potion and still not finish the quest. Never knew that a supposed noob monster can worn me like this, i need to fight smarter' he got 15exp from killing three poring making his exp bar making it a quarter full and loot the jellopy again. Tyo recall how the fight went and try to see the weakness of his enemy. 'Hmm, the poring seems to always tensed its body first then launch its self. I can use the time they tensed, evade the attack while positioning my dagger on they strike path, i just to hold my dagger tight and they will cut itself. Sparing me more effort to kill it, lets try it then' after thinking for a moment and making a strategy Tyo got another information from his head.

[ding. Int +1]

'Haha nice, a bonus' Tyo then once again look at his status.


[Name : Tyo]

[Level : 1 (25/100)]

[Hp : 250/250]

[Mp : 60/60]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 10]

[Vit : 5]

[Int : 6]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 5]

'So its increase my mana by 10points, by that logic, 1 vitality will increase my hp by 50 points, then how i calculate the rest. Well another question itseems'

After 3 hours And spent 3 three more red potions. Tyo now dead tired and start walking to gate. His strategy seems to work and the poring always doing the same patern. So Tyo have more easier time dealing with poring. All his skill is increased with every use, with stealth having the most rapid progress. Tyo also leveled up from killing all the poring Tyo then check all the panel and see.


[Name : Tyo]

[Level : 2 (0/200)]

[Hp : 250/250]

[Mp : 60/60]

[Str : 5]

[Agi : 5]

[Vit : 10]

[Int : 6]

[Dex : 5]

[Luk : 5]

[Stat poin : 7]


[Dagger mastery lvl 1 (86%)]

[Stealth skill lvl 2 (21%)]



Red Potion x5

Orange Potion x5

Yellow Potion x2

White Potion x1

Old Blue Box x10

Mystery Chest x3

After checkhing all his stat, skill and inventory, to just want to take a bath, eat and sleep. Tyo then walk towards the south gate, the sun is almost set. Tyo rent a carriage to the cozy honey spending another 25z. In the inn he greet the innkeeper and his wife. He ask for a simpe meal, costing 10z. He sat waiting for the meal, the meal then come, it was a bread with a soup. Tyo didnt think much and just ate, he is so tired after today. Tyo ask the inn keeper where the bath is, the keeper said that they dont have it here. But you can have a bucket of hot water and a towel to clean the body. Tyo ask for a bucket to be brought to his room. Tyo then increase his stay to this in by six day, making it a week. After paying 300z. Tyo walk to his room, clean his body and then go to sleep. Tomorrow.. Tomorrow he gonna give the god his loot and get his reward. For now he just want to sleep...

Many fix, to fit to the story..

without me knowing it, unintentionally i make many mistake. Writing is a new experience for me, and i keep learning to make it better as the stories go, so i appreciate any feedback you guys give.

Is so far i do okay, what should i improve?

Just leave your thoughts. And enjoy reading.

Thank you

IceReapcreators' thoughts