
Chapter 3

He stood there a moment and silently stared at me before answering. " I don't believe I can do that general!" He answered me. " I am the legally appointed state police commissioned to the president of the state of Colorado." He stated. At this the silence was broken by the whine of the tank turrets behind my back as they lowered their main guns at the group of state police on the courthouse steps. Then hundreds of clicks as the army and marine troops with me removed the safeties on their rifles.

" Well Colonel," I began. "I represent the president of the United States. I am also commander in chief of all US armed forces. By order of the president I am to restore federal control to the remaining United States, starting with the great state of Colorado. I am also ordered to use force of necessary to accomplish these orders. Though I would much prefer this be done in a peaceful manner if possible. So the question is. Will you submit to the orders of the federal and legal state government? Or not?" I gave the ultimatum.

After a few moments pause sweat could clearly be seen running down the faces of the Colonel and his men. At first one of the colonels men lowered his rifle and went to attention, then others began doing the same. One man muttered. " I didn't sign on to fight the US Army, count me out." The Colonel then suddenly went red faced with anger and ordered his men to fire on my troops and I. When nothing happened he turned to see his men all standing at attention with rifles slung over their shoulders. Close by another man had been standing by a state police cruiser, heatedly arguing with someone over the radio. In disgust he tossed the microphone back through the cruisers open window and stormed up to the Colonel I had confronted on the steps. " Colonel Huston!" He said to the man in front of me. " By order of the governor of Colorado I am to order you to stand down immediately. Failure to do so will result in your immediate arrest for treason against the United States." He was told. Visibly deflated the colonels face fell, and he dropped his rifle to his side to hang there limply.

Just then the man who had been on the radio gestured at a few nearby troopers to come over. After a brief discussion they took the defeated Colonel by the arms and gently led him away. As the man who had arrested the Colonel walked up to me a loud approaching roar filled the sky. The troopers and civilians milling about all stopped to look up, hands shielding their eyes from the sun. With a screeching boom several flights of F-35A lightening II's and a squadron of F-22 raptors flew by overhead. As they passed I smiled to the man asnhe continued the last few steps to me. Taking his hand I introduced myself to him and smiled. " It's great to meet you, general!" He said to me. He then informed me his name was Garret Lawson. Until the attacks had happened he has been a US Navy reserve officer, a fighter pilot out of Denver. " It's a sincere pleasure to meet you commander Lawson!" I said to him. " Consider yourself recalled to active duty. I have a squadron of US Navy FA-18 E/F's sitting out at Peterson airforce base. I have a few of your fellow Navy pilots for them. However I don't have a squadron commander. How would you like the job? " I asked him. " I would love the job." He said "Fine son." I pointed at my Humvee. " Go see Major Chad Klowescic over there and tell him your assignment. Also let him know I said to make sure your base has the necessary supplies that you will need. " We saluted and the man rushed off. I sighed again and turned to the courthouse doors. Alright captain Lance." I said to the marine near me. " take your men and captain yolwz Army squads with you and clear the courthouse. I want anyone involved with these executions brought to me." He saluted and began giving commands. Shortly army and marine troops in combat gear were pouring through the doors into the building.

It didn't take much time and my men had found all of the ringleaders of Colorado's illegitimate government. As per the president's orders a military tribunal had been convened, and all 10 found guilty. The governor asked me to imprison the men instead of the penalty of death. However I ordered them executed by firing squad. Many law abiding citizens had been murdered by their regime, I found it only fair to return the favor.

In the following days I moved my Headquarters into the courthouse and the new Colorado governor's office was also installed there. He declared Colorado springs as the new state capital as well. I spent most of those days deploying my forces around Colorado. I setup strong outposts at Walden up north by the north platte river. At fort Morgan on the south Platte River in the Northeast near Wyoming. Also at Burlington in the east near Kansas, and alamosa in the south on the Rio grande river, and grand junction in the west on the Colorado River. I was also ordered to protect the farms in the eastern part of the state and the president organized a new US mint in Colorado springs. With this newly printed money it was hoped to boost the states economy. Grocery stores to a certain extent could continue to operate and other services could continue while accepting payment for their services.

It was early autumn when I received a summons to see the president. He and his staff had taken over a historic hotel downtown for his residence and for state business. I could clearly see the stress he was under as I walked into his office. "General Maxwell. It's a pleasure to see you again, sir." He said to me. I smiled and mumbled the same to him." General I believe it's time for us to move South into New Mexico and restore order there. I have met with several prominent men and women who've told me some horrible stories of what's going on down there." He said to me. " Indeed Mr President. I have also heard some disturbing news from down there as well. Kirtland Airforce base in Albuquerque has fended off numerous attacks on the bases perimeter by some unknown group. I've had the base reinforced with security personnel. I also ordered the base in lockdown, no non military personnel are allowed to enter or leave the base to protect the families living there already and the base itself. As you know the airforce has nuclear weapons stored there. The safety of those weapons is Paramount." I told him.

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