
Start of the <Race> {Rewritten}

In a dark place where rays of light are passing through the windows, dimly brightening the place. A long table with different kinds of people sitting and chatting with each other can be seen.

In the middle of the lively atmosphere, a person at the head of the table spoke in a loud voice so that everyone could hear him.

"I know that we all are getting bored, so I suggest that we start a new game. Does anyone have a suggestion"

"Oh, a new game?"

"Why don't we throw some eaters to the multiverse, it would be amusing to see how they deal with it"

"No, it would be even better to let the evils out, don't you think so too?" asked a middle-aged man to the kid opposite him.

"No, it's become too boring to do that?" said the boy

"Then, what do you suggest we do?" said the man at the head of the table.

"I suggest we choose apostles between mortals and let them fight for us"

"What do you mean 'fight' for us?"

"Aren't many gods doing this kind of thing nowadays? and it would be entertaining for us since there is nothing that we can't do."

Hearing what the boy said, everyone was silent for a few minutes



"Are we allowed to choose anyone we want?" asked a bald man amidst the silence.

As if spurred by him everyone at the table began to ask questions to the boy and the leader.


"You can choose anyone you want but you are only allowed to bestow your apostle one wish!!" the leader yelled.

"This meeting is now dismissed, come here after you've all chosen your apostles" said the leader and disappeared as did everyone else except the boy.

The boy stood after everyone left and walked out of the room, unlike the others. He seems to be muttering something while walking through the massive space, He seems to be searching for something.

"I wish I can find someone good" Grumbles the boy.


Karlos from multiverse [Xena]

Carter from multiverse [Portia]

Yamato from multiverse [Itrea]






Lucas from multiverse [Eaira]

"Hmmm, this boy seems to be perfect for me" said the boy.

"Now what kind of powers should he ask from me?"


In the multiverse [Eaira], universe 12054504, planet K181896

A 16 years old boy with black hair and blue eyes in a school uniform could be seen running past everyone to a local store, he seemed to be in a hurry because of something.


"LUCAS!!!, how many times have I told you not to slam the door when you enter the store".

"I'm sorry uncle victor, I'll try to not slam the door next time" Lucas replied with an expressionless face as if this was a daily occurrence.

"So, why are you here now?💢" Victor asked showing an angry face, but not that serious.

"I came here today to get the new game that was released yesterday" told Lucas

"What's the name of the game?" asked victor

"Oh, the game's name is 'warlord,'" said Lucas while looking through victor's shop.

"Hmm, I see warlord, is it? Here you go. That'll be 400 xrytos"

"Thank you, uncle victor. I will be going now"

Lucas then again ran to an apartment complex and directly went to his room and opened the game and sat down in front of his pc to play the game.


When he started the game, he noticed that it was asking me to fill up a survey. he frowned

"Why do I need to fill up a stupid survey to play a game? Lucas complained.

'let's just fill it up and play the game' thought to himself before eyeing the survey.

[Are you an orphan?]

"Of course not" I answered the question while thinking about who would ask such a question in a game survey.


He broke the mouse unconsciously.

'Haah! Things these days aren't strong enough, breaking when I just apply a little force' thought Lucas

He takes a new mouse from the desk and focuses on completing the survey

[Do you watch anime?]


[Have you played any other of our games?]

'No, I don't even know your company, how would I play your games, I just bought the game because it looked cool' thought Lucas





[Do you want to have the power to destroy worlds?]

'No, what's the point of destroying the world. I want the power to destroy entire multiverses'

[Thank you for filling out our survey, please enjoy playing our game]

'Finally, the survey seems to be ov-' as soon as he thought that he a voice coming from behind him.

"That's an interesting answer you have there, my friend"

A childish voice interrupted his ongoing thoughts. His body jolted and he immediately turned his head. A kid with violet hair and green eyes was behind him smiling like he saw something interesting.

"How did you get inside? And why are you smiling like you saw some exotic animal?" Lucas asked him.

"I am here to give you the power you wanted just now" said the boy

He couldn't believe his ears, 'Am I hearing things, or have I finally gone mad' he thought

"No, you haven't gone mad…..yet" replied the boy as though he could read Lucas's mind

"So, do you want the power or not?" asked the boy.

'The boy seems to be able to read minds' thought Lucas.

"Yes, I want all the power you can give me, even more, if you can"

"Very well, I now formally invite you to the <Race to the strongest> an event for the beings of higher planes. I will also give you the ability to read your <records>" said the weird boy.

Just then Lucas saw a holographic screen asking him whether or not he wanted to join this so-called race.

[Do you want to join the <Race to the strongest>?]


Lucas doesn't even hesitate before agreeing to it.

[Congratulations for joining the <Race to the strongest>]


To be continued...

Next chapter