
Race of humanity

The last war was so great the wizards of hoods who had always watched over earth had fallen, the shadows attacked their home which lead to the death of all the wizards of hoods. Despite the fact that the wizards had seen their doom, they were still obeying the only law they ever had, protect the humans at all cost, they all tried to hold the shadows in Rivers but the more wizards fell the weaker the magic in River weaken. The commander knew there was not way out of the war but he kept on sending warriors to attack the shadows but he left the young trainee Hood Kripson who was one of the new students at Ancient, but Hood Kripson was not the only trainee but he was the only one that was not in the war but he hada cool job too, he journey with some wizards ti get the citizens of Rivers save but their misson failed when they were ambushed by some set of shadows, only Hood Kripson returned back to Rivers to rport what had happened. He journeyed back to the human world but this time with another reason, he was there to find the last wizard of Hoods, according to the commander, he would get attracked to him. The shadows made their way into the human world, they did not just cause advoke, they realeased humans worst nightmeres the night creatures, Hood KRipson could not defeat them all by his self so he really needed to find Hood Kayler. All Hood Kripson needed to was to teach him how to unlock his hidden powers, as Hood Kripson journeyed round the world, he kept woundering why he coul not be the last wizaed of hooc since logically he was the last, all wizards died in the war and the person he was searching for was just a mere human.Soon he found him but the problem started when Hood Kripson must willingly give his power to Hood Kayler the last Wizards of Hoods.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasy
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The begining

After the storm, Williams never felt the same, at first he thought the storm had given him super powers so he went ahead to take a fight with the biggest bully in his school but unfourtunatly it was the worst day of his life, he was so beaten up to the extent his best friend Peter did not recognised him. The two boys walked home together but even though Peter house in the opposite direction of Williams house, he still prefer to work him home, apart from the fact that Peter do protect him from the bullies, he also like the snack Willias do malke, they were one of the sweatess he had ever tasted. Every saturday, Peter was always the one to come wake them, his loud yelling ayt the gate would always get on Williams nevers butr he could not do anything abouyt it, he had done much much was to him. But that saturday moring was different, Williams was still feeling like he the stirm had given him some kinds of powers. Usually Peter is always the crazy one, always talking aboiut super powers and always thinks that one day he wpould become a side kick. When Williams is friend how he was feel, alll he did was smile and at a point he started laughing because Williams was a science expert and he prefer reading books about scince than novels or any magic stuff so how could he wake up one moring and not only like magical things, he thinks he was one of the so called Wizards of HOOODS. Peter was sure the storm really did something to him, maybe like it hit the reset button in his brain, the stockduring the storm is starting to malke him imagine things, the only thing Peter is pray for was for him not start seing them because when he does they wpould have to carry him to the hospital until he his ok, he would not be able to leave. Peter worst nightmare came to true, on that saturday afternoon, Peter suggested they go get a icecream it the shop accross the street just to get their minds together, Peter was already starting to get confused with the whole situation, Williams mom ssaid that there was no storm if there was while he was away, she would have heard on the radio, Peter thought it was true because there was no weather report that does not comes to the radio, just to keep everyone fine mostly the poor ones who could not affford to buy a smart tv. But the kids around said they saw the strom and the bullies always said they saw it as well and the storm was a good thing because those naughty set of boys and girls who preffered bulling kids were scared to step their feet outside again. Bella quite been a bully after Williams saved her life during the storm, Alfread did not want her to go because he likes her but he was an abusivre guy and that was one of the reasons she was quiting the bully squad. It was hard for the boys to let her go but because she came with her dad, she was on a safe side. Williams and Peter were having a great time and the icecream shop, they also had the oppoyurnity to chat with girls, even with the fact they were both 17 years old, they still do not have a girl friend and their lives sucks, their lives was finially getting better until Williams started again and this time it was Peter was nigfhtmare, he said he saw the WIZARDS OF HOODS decending to earth from the sky. When he said that, the ladies laughed thinking it was all part of the joike until Williams almost jumped out the window saying they were calling him. While Peter was busy dragging Williams not to jump out the window, they messed up the food and the ladies clothes. The ladies were really mad at Peter because he was no longer oaying them attention, he was particular about his friend, the ladies stood at the other side of the red round table, trying to dust the icecream off their body, they were so thinking about their cloth that they forgot that Willams almost killed his self, they were still stand there , alll steering at Peter as he was trying to get his friend to wake up, Peter thought they still wanted a date with the boyth of them next time so he said

" same time same day next weeek we would not be free but we would creat time " he said not still paying them any attention,

" Are you nkiddding me, who the fuck do you think you are, you this low class assholes who can not afford to buy acommon icecream all they know how to do is beg always at the icecream shop " one of the girls said still stand, with an angry face

" we only wanted to use you that was all, what made you think you can afford us " as pronounced the afford, it was obvious she was talking about their bodies, she kept on moving her hand about her chest, trying to impress him but it was too flat, it was like rubbering your hands on a wall

" well 1. He can afford you guys and 2. You guys are just some set of bony fishes, no breast no butt so how do you expect a girl to pay you attention or enjoy fucking you " she rolled her eye as she joined Peter in helping Williams up. Speakinging about hot, she was the defination, not too slim and she had some future behind her even itwas not that much and she got some juicy fronts too, Peter was shocked when he saw her, he kept on steering at boombs as they both carried williams out of the ice cream shop. As they were crossing the road, Peter almost got hit by a car since he did not take his eye of her boobs, she just smiled. They were so close to his house when he woke up, he shocked when he saw Peter and his friend steetring at the sky and they could see what he has been seeing, the wizards of hoods.

They thought Williams was crazy until they started seeing it then so very wired happened, something they would never of thought of, as the clouds got darker, the more Wizards they saw. Out of shock, we ran pass his house and we got a dead end, we made a quick turn around but there he was, standing in the middle of the road not scared of the loud scary thunder that was striking, the thurnder made him look more cool as the great angry wind blew his up a little, he would have been a very hot boy if he had taken some time to shower and brush his hair, we were sure he was not there to show off his stink self, as we tried to get around him so we could get into the house, a long stick with a glowing green diamond that was bright enough to get someone blind apperaed in his hands. So many thinghs went through their minds like Was he going to beat them to death with the magic staff ? or he was going to use it to block the road so they cpould not pass ? What exactly did he want with them?, Soon all their questions were answered when he pointed the staff at William, Peter and his new friend tried to move Williams away but they were not able to move and Williams was not worried, he was not even trying to free his self. They thought he was under the weird looking man spell, they knew he was not when he washaving a really good dialouge with him

" You are one of the Wizards of Hoods right?" Williams asked steering at the man in a werid cloth, it was made from an animal skin,

" Yes you seem smart than your friends "

" Thanks for the complement but i have been waiting for this a long time " he said witha bold voice looking straight into the Wizards eye

" I noticed you were ready that was why i am here, all I need now is a name that only you know about and you hadly use it"

" that would be the name my dad do call me, Killer, I stil have not figured out why he do call me that " he said witha sad expression as he rolled his eye

" no problem, Kayler it is " the wizard said taken his eye off williams, williams was sure he said Killer not Kayler but it was fine since he was not sure what he was doing and he thought no matter what he wanted to do with it he might be able to change in the future. His thought was disturbed when he heard some else voice in his head saying,

" You can no longer change it again " it said with a really loud voice like it knew me, he looked at the weird looking guy but he was meditating and he was floating, it should be easy to float at this current time because of the angry wind that was blowing across, that was enough to prove the fact that he was one of them but the way he got into his head really got him amazed but that was not still enough to confuse him, for the second time he heard another voice in his head, it was more of a famine voice, so tiny and fragile and it really do not like talking loud. Williams was still calm until the so called wizard started faded away as the wind slowly passed by, he tried to chase the wind screaming and running after it then he woke up.