
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Reality stone

The daring Peter Quill rushed to answer the question again. The other people no longer hesitate, and before the end of the countdown, they have made their own choices.

Steve Rogers also chose Thor. After all. Even a guy he just met trusts Thor so much. If Steve Rogers didn't choose him, then he will feel bad.

Stephen Strange chose himself, Compared to Thor's performance in front of Thanos, Stephen Strange feels that he has performed well enough. Maybe he has a chance to kill Thanos in the future. !

T'challa was the last one to make a choice. Unlike others, he chose, Captain America.

This surprised Steve. After all, he said before that he should be the first to be excluded from these four options.

"Captain, I think you have always been the leader of the Avengers, so I believe you," T'challa said.

Steve Rogers nodded and said, "Well, in any case, I will be able to surpass the future self now!"

The countdown is over, and they all stared at the light screen nervously, waiting for the correct answer to be revealed. In this round of game arena mode, each question is critical.

["The correct answer is-D: Thor Odinson!"]

["Congratulations to player Peter Quill for the correct answer and gaining 4 points. Congratulations to player Steve Rogers and Player Thor Odinson for answering correctly and each getting 1 point. Player Stephen Strange, player T'challa 1 point will be deducted for the wrong answer!"]

Peter Quill immediately cheered: "Very good, great! Thor, I didn't choose the wrong person, hahaha, thank you for letting me get my points back!"

He was playing with -4 points on his back, and the pressure is naturally very high. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous but Now that he won the bet, he felt extremely excited, he climbed from the last place to tied for third place!

Thor was also very excited: "Yes, yes! I know that I can do it, as long as Thanos does not kill me, as long as I am still alive, I will find him for revenge!"

Steve Rogers was naturally happy for him: "Thor, you are right, we should have the will to make a comeback!"

Stephen Strange is very upset right now. Two questions have been answered incorrectly one after another. Although neither is a quick answer, it is already -2 points. And that is why he poured cold water on them: "Don't forget, what this question is about, the future Thor almost killed Thanos, he failed in the end and missed the chance to come back!"

"Haha, I know you are in a bad mood right now, sometimes thinking too much is not necessarily a good thing!" Peter Quill smiled sullenly.

At this time, the scoreboard was displayed on the light curtain. Steve Rogers and Thor both answered the questions correctly, but because there was no rush to answer, both had only two points, but they were also tied for the first place.

T'challa and Peter Quill both had 0 points, tied for second place, and Stephen Strange came last with -2 points.

After Peter Quill's first question was answered incorrectly, and -4 points were deducted, everyone felt that this guy was gone but he caught up to them with the second question.

It can only be said that in this arena mode, although the risk of answering is very high, the profit is also very large. If you can answer right, you will be able to quickly overtake everyone.

And with the example of Peter Quill succeeding in overtaking by answering, everyone else has begun to consider, whether should they also take a few chances by answering first.

Stephen Strange was anxious, but he was still thinking that at least he should take the negative score and consider the answer, otherwise it would be the end if the answer failed.

Under the mixed mood of the players, the video of the correct answer began to be played on the light curtain.

At the beginning of this video, the scene shows Thor, who was seriously injured. The timeline is obviously after he was violently beaten by Thanos, the Asgard refugee ship was destroyed, Loki was strangled to death, and he was Drifting into space.

the physique of the Asgardians are strong. After suffering such a serious injury, he drifted into space for a while and even survived.

It was Peter Quill and the others who saved Thor, and everyone saw Gamora.

She is the adopted daughter of Thanos. She has long known that Thanos wants to clean up the entire universe by destroying half of the life in the universe.

Gamora was also a victim of Thanos' cruel purge, she was determined to stop Thanos' crazy actions.

In the video, Thor revealed that Thanos has obtained the power stone and will soon find the next Reality stone that has been kept by someone name a collector.

The collector is in the knowhere, so Thanos will definitely go there!

"Very well, now everyone knows the whereabouts of the reality stone!" Stephen Strange saw this and couldn't help but complain: "The live broadcast will completely mess up the situation!"

Thor cared about another piece of news: "It turns out Thanos didn't kill all the people in the refugee ship, only half of it?"

T'challa frowned: "Thanos must be watching this video now. Will he act immediately and go to the knowhere to compete for the reality stone?"

Steve Rogers said: "The situation is not so bad. The timeline in the future should be more than five years away from us now. Maybe the current collector doesn't have the reality stone ."

As they talked, they continued to look down.

In the video, Thor, Peter Quill and the group decided to split into the Knowhere and Nidavellir.

Thor claimed that only the dwarfs there could make weapons capable of killing Thanos.

Seeing this, Thor from outside the video slammed his palm with his fist, "Yes, that's it! I just thought of this too!"

Before Stephen Strange questioned Thor that Thor could not defeat Thanos without Mjolnir, Thor also thought of going to the Dwarven Kingdom to build weapons.

As expected, his future self will do the same.

Power stone, comment and review since you have come a long way

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