
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

god-king odin apologize in public

"Loki! You shouldn't let, let... What did you just use to attack me?" Thor scratched his head, thinking hard, but he couldn't remember what just attacked him.

Loki was even more shocked.

He only remembered that he controlled a weapon to attack Thor, who was blocked by the golden beam of light.

It failed, and the weapon was erased inexplicably... Wait! What exactly is that weapon?

My memory has also been erased!

Loki's mouth twitched twice, realizing that he seemed to have caused a disaster.

Tony, who was watching the play next to him, frowned and asked Bruce: "Have you also forgotten? What did we just fight with?"

looked around, the streets were in a mess, and there were ruins of houses and scrapped vehicles everywhere.

Such a terrible scene proved that the opponent they had just fought was not simple, but in a blink of an eye, Tony and everyone lost all their impression of the Destroyer.

Bruce frowned similarly, "That thing hit the game, and then it was wiped off. It was wiped off very cleanly, leaving no traces."

Isn't it? Even the memories of that thing in their minds have been deleted!

The two glanced at each other, both shocked and fearful. They also beat the golden beam of light. They didn't take it seriously at the time. Thinking about it now, it seems that they have passed by death.

But now the most surprise is Odin. When Loki controlled the Destroyer to attack Thor, Odin did not rush to stop.

If he wants to, he can stop the Destroyer at any time. This is an artifact he created with his own hands, of course, he has a way to stop the destroyer.

Odin wanted to use the Destroyer to temper his son, and at the same time to test the power of this quiz game.

As a result, the trial failed.

Odin was not surprised that the Destroyer was destroyed, but what he did not expect was that he had lost all the memories of the Destroyer!

He only remembers that he used to spend a lot of energy and materials to build an artifact, but he can't remember the appearance of this artifact and how to make it.

this quiz game can erase my memory silently...

is that mean it can also erase me?

Odin pondered in fear, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

"My king! Loki has gotten into a disaster!" Frigga also realized that the problem was serious.

Odin snorted coldly, "I should teach him a lesson!"

At the same time, the indifferent voice resounded everywhere.

["The player Loki Laufeyson has no heart of awe, provoking the game, and is punished by the second level of punishment: deprivation of divine power! Deprivation of magic knowledge!"]

"Oh! No!" Loki felt that all his power was taken away. He raised his hand to perform magic and witchcraft but found that he had forgotten all the magic and witchcraft.

Thor shook his head: "You should listen to me, Loki, you are out of luck now!"

"I, I have Mjölnir!" Loki held the hammer tightly, and this hammer could bring him some sense of security.

Thor's face turned black when he heard that, Mjölnir, who originally belonged to him, can now display the power of Thor no matter who is holding him.

In the palace, Frigga murmured: "Loki just lost his divine power and magic. This punishment is not too heavy."

"He should be fortunate that he didn't attack it directly, otherwise it would not be a weapon that was wiped out, but Loki. By then, we would have completely forgotten him!" Odin also breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, he heard an indifferent voice speaking in his ears:[ "Odin Borson, as the maker of weapon is also punished by the second level of punishment, depriving the Gungnir (spear of heaven)! Write a review of 30,000 words, Apologize in public!"]

As soon as he finished speaking, Odin felt that he had lost his feeling for Gungnir, the spear of heaven.

His face changed drastically, and the next moment he ran out of the bedroom like a gust of wind. ran directly to the square in Asgard, and took out a review book that was written at some point in his arms.

In front of countless Asgardians underneath, under their surprised gaze, king Odin sincerely bowed and apologized, and this picture was also transmitted to all parts of the universe by the light curtain!

Watching Odin respectfully apologize and review like a schoolboy who made a mistake, Thor and Loki looked at each other, both wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

" my father will never do this, he can't apologize in public!"

"Even a fool can tell, he was forced!" Loki added silently, "Asgard is embarrassed again this time..."

"It's because of you, Loki! It's you who got into trouble and hurt father!" Thor accused.

Loki showed a smiling face to the sky, regardless of whether the scene of the game can be seen or not, he sneered: "I just wanted to make a joke, definitely not disrespectful to you... well, I apologize too."

God King Odin has already reviewed and apologized in public, and Loki felt that he would not be ashamed to say that he was sorry, or that Asgard's face had been shaved off by Odin and his sons.

The 30,000-character review book was not long, but it does make Odin live like a year.

He couldn't think that, as the strongest of the Nine Realms, the ruler of Asgard, the God of the gods, there would be such a day.

"...I, Odin Borson, I am very sorry that I was not able to teach my children and caused him to make such a mistake. I hope all the children will not imitate when they see it..."

what is this all about?

Odin was full of black lines, but he was still more frightened. He couldn't control his mouth or his body now!

it's.feels like a string puppet, speaking according to the content of the review book, you can't stop it at all!

He has only one thought in his mind now, "When this game is over, I must teach Loki a lesson!"

Odin's apology review did not arouse much attention on earth.

Except for a few people, most people will not associate the one-eyed old man in the light curtain with the mythical God king Odin Borson.

But in the vast expanse of the universe, it has caused a great uproar. The God-king Odin is not an unknown little person in the universe, but a big boss.

Now, like a well-behaved elementary school student, respectfully reviewing, it is a rare sight in a century.

Those big figures who silently followed this temptation are also honest at this time, and of course, they can see that Odin is involuntarily doing this.

this quiz game can play with the God-king Odin like a puppet, and make him embarrassed in the universe, then of course it is easy to kill him.

What if you change to be yourself?

Thanos held his chin with his hands, staring deep at the beam of light, and muttered, "The plan...will it be postponed?"