

"Are you sure you're okay up there, Fuutarou?" Shinichiro asked Fuutarou while he was overseeing him fixing a bike. Fuutarou sighed and nodded.

"Yes, Shinichiro-san. I'm perfectly fine. Do you really want me to feel guilty for killing them? They were going to sell me to whatever country in Africa." Fuutarou replied while receiving a wrench from Shinichiro.

" Ending their lives means that they won't do the same thing to others anymore. Those kinds of evil people are better off dead anyway, Shinichiro-san. I'm over here trying to live and be able to see her again." Fuutarou added solemnly. Shinichiro raised a brow at him.

" Meet her again? What do you mean by that? " Shinichiro asked him. Fuutarou looked back at him with a deadpan expression before focusing back at the motorbike he was repairing.

" Take a guess. I'll give you one chance." Fuutarou replied sarcastically. Shinichiro widened his eyes and smirked slyly at him.

" Has my apprentice finally fallen in love? " Shinichiro asked him with a mischievous tone.

" Ding ding ding... Correct. Your prize is fucking nothing." Fuutarou grumbled with a blush on his face. Shinichiro laughed loudly.

"Yo, Shinichiro. You're in a good mood today."

Fuutarou and Shinichiro looked at two people who entered his shop. Shinichiro smirked and stood up.

"Ah, Benkei, Waka. How are you two doing?" Shinichiro greeted them.

"We're doing well for the moment. Who's the kid?" A tall muscular man asked Shinichiro while looking at Fuutarou who stood up straight.

"This Benkei, is the notorious Night Demon of Kyoto. And he's my apprentice and employee of S.S MOTOR. You can tell him anything, he already knows my past as the leader of the Black Dragon." Shinichiro explained while putting a hand on Fuutarou's shoulder.

'He sure doesn't look like someone who killed over 30 people. ' Benkei thought to himself while looking down at Fuutarou. Fuutarou reached out his hand for a fist bump.

"A pleasure to meet you Benkei-san, I'm Uesugi Fuutarou. " Fuutarou introduced himself. Benkei nodded and they fist bumped each other.

Benkei is a 188cm(6'2") tall muscular man who distinctively towers over his peers, a factor that contributes to his typical intimidating aura.

He sports a platinum blond crew cut that extends to a trimmed old Dutch beard and wears golden piercings on both ears.

He has firm and wide eyes, a prominent nose, a tanned complexion, and a grimace that frequently morphs into gritted teeth when displeased. Benkei also has enormous tattoos that adorn both his arms and chest.

"Keizo Arashi, but just call me Benkei. I'm the founding member and the former Guard Unit Captain of Black Dragon. " Benkei introduced himself. Fuutarou looked at the person besides Benkei. He had a bored expression on his face as he looked down at Fuutarou.

" Wakasa Imaushi, just call me Waka, founding member and the former Special Attack Unit Captain of Black Dragon. " Waka introduced himself. Fuutarou hummed and went back to working on fixing the motorbike.

"I'm surprised he's not fanboying over us." Benkei commented. Shinichiro snorted.

"Him? Fanboying? The kid doesn't care about you guys being Living Legends, he's focusing on improving his own strength and improving his family's living conditions by working here. " Shinichiro commented.

'And study hard like my life depends on it. ' Fuutarou added in his head.

"Wait till he finds out about Haki." Waka grumbled, Fuutarou froze and started listening into the conversation.

"Busoshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki, and most importantly Haoshoku Haki. Hardening, precognition, and domination over others." Benkei mumbled.

"Kenbunshoku Haki... " Fuutarou muttered to himself, the three of them hummed and looked at him. Fuutarou looked at them.

" I have that, I unlocked it while I was fighting the human traffickers. I dodged a bullet with it. " Fuutarou explained to them. The trio looked at each other before looking back at Fuutarou.

" Your shift ends here, kid. Let's test your Kenbunshoku Haki."




" Is this really necessary? Blindfolding me? " Fuutarou asked as Waka wrapped a blindfold around his eyes.

"It is utmost necessary that you have a blindfold over you." Benkei replied. Shinichiro spun the stick he was holding and stood behind Fuutarou.

"What did it feel like when you used Kenbunshoku Haki?" Waka asked Fuutarou as he and Benkei stepped away from him.

"I was able to predict when and where he was going to shoot his gun at. It all feels so clear to me. " Fuutarou explained.

" What you did was sensing his intent. It's one of the variants of Kenbunshoku Haki. The more killing intent is exuded by a given enemy, the more predictable their attacks are." Waka explained.

" If what you say is true, then you should be able to predict Shinichiro's attack starting now. " Benkei declared seriously. Fuutarou suddenly widened his eyes as he felt killing intent behind him.

He leaped to his right sensing when and where Shinichiro was going to attack him with the stick. Shinichiro swung horizontally as soon as Fuutarou landed on the ground.

Shinichiro hummed and continued attacking the blindfolded Fuutarou who kept dodging and dodging his attacks.

"Fuutarou-kun. I want you to attack him back, can you do that?" Benkei asked him while all of that was going on. Fuutarou didn't answer and kept dodging.

Suddenly, Fuutarou delivered his signature move, Killer Hook to Shinichiro who widened his eyes and raised his right hand to block the left foot that almost hit his head.

'Damn, the kid's got strength alright.' Shinichiro thought as he felt pain in his arm.

"Shinichiro's still pretty weak at taking hits huh." Waka mumbled as Fuutarou and Shinichiro continued their bout. Benkei didn't answer.

After a while, Shinichiro ended the fight because he had seen enough. Fuutarou sighed in relief as he took off the blindfold.

[Kenbunshoku Haki: Lvl 3

Haki depletion speed reduced by 9% while using Kenbunshoku Haki.]

"I kinda understand what being blind is like now." He whispered to himself. Shinichiro patted his shoulder.

" Dude, you dodged like 100 of my attacks just now. You're pretty good at this. " Shinichiro complimented. Fuutarou shook his head.

" It's not enough, I can definitely do better. Next time I'll dodge 1000 of them without even sweating!"



" Yo, Cloud Kidnapper! Welcome back to Shibuya! " Mikey grinned as he dapped Fuutarou up. Fuutarou laughed as he hugged him for a while.

" Mikey! Glad to see you again! I missed you guys and the things we did together!" Fuutarou shouted back at the blonde haired midget as the gang gathered around the two of them.

"Hey, Fuutarou! Mikey told us about what happened in Kyoto. You okay bro? Did they hurt you?" Draken asked Fuutarou while they dapped each other up. Fuutarou shook his head.

"I'm perfectly fine, Draken." Fuutarou replied confidently.

"But are you okay up there though? You're a certified killer now man." Baji asked while pointing at his own head. Fuutarou sighed.

"It's either me or them, Baji. And I wanna live. It's that simple. " Fuutarou replied simply. Baji nodded, getting his point.

"So what happened while I was gone? Get into any fights recently?" Fuutarou asked them.

"Nah, things have been calm lately. It's boring as hell. Remember the gang of elementary school girl harassers we beat up? They're all in jail now." Kazutora grumbled while flipping a coin. Fuutarou smirked at the good news.

"Ha! Good luck to them, hope they don't drop the soap in there!" Mikey joked, making everyone laugh hysterically with him.

They started walking around the neighborhood aimlessly while asking Fuutarou about his short time in Kyoto and the details about his fight with the human traffickers.

"You changed, Cloud Kidnapper." Mikey commented, making Fuutarou hum and raise a curious brow at him.

"You've become extra serious all of the sudden. What really went down there?" Mikey asked him nonchalantly. Fuutarou sighed.

" I met a girl." Fuutarou explained simply. Baji nodded.

" Understandable. Have a good day—Like hell that explains everything, bro! Tell us everything! " Baji glared at him. Fuutarou laughed.

" Okay okay. You got me. Listen well everyone, this is what loving a girl can do to you."



" Man, that shit was wholesome as fuck. Now I wish I can love a girl. " Baji grumbled. Kazutora meanwhile had an expression of pure disbelief.

" Damn, she kissed you on the cheek. You lucky bastard. " Kazutora commented. Mikey huffed and crossed his arms.

" What's so special about the promises? It's like your life is inspired by an anime or something." Mikey grumbled. Fuutarou chuckled and stayed silent while his friends voiced their complaints.

'I'm doing just fine mom, don't worry about me in heaven.'




One year later, it was April 15th 2012. This day is also Fuutarou's birthday. The birthday wasn't some big flashy party, it was the most normal birthday possible.

The Uesugi family sang happy birthday to Fuutarou and ate the cake Isanari baked together.

The debt was 25% paid off now. With the free advertisement from Shinichiro, Isanari's bakery sold out almost everyday. The customers were mostly delinquents from different gangs.

Fuutarou grinned as he looked at the envelope which had the words 'salary w/ bonus' written on it. It was his birthday gift from Shinichiro. He received a lot of gifts from his friends. Baji gave him a skateboard while Kazutora gave him an ear piercing device and earrings.[Pic]

Draken gave him a lot of cool clothes while Mikey gave him an actual punching bag as his birthday present.

Takebayashi and Sanada gifted him some sketching supplies and some workbooks. Raiha gifted him a bracelet she made herself. Last but not least, Isanari gifted him a phone, but not just any phone. It was the iPhone 5 which was released in Japan a few weeks ago. It cost ¥22,000.

"Alright, let's not waste anymore time. I have to start studying for the midterm exams now."

To be continued...

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