
Quill .1

⚠️ DISCLAIMER: First of all. I'm just gonna use the names of British Royalty and some info are true. But I am warning you. I have no idea what happened or how women were treated in the old British. So yeah, just warning you readers.


"Oh? What's that James?"

"This my lady, is a quill. One of the rarest kinds in fact. Given to my family and passed down from generation to generation, by one of England's greatest Kings. Richard Cœur de Lion"

The little girl stumbled to a stop. She looked up to the old man writing and pouted.

"But James...King Richard is known for his great military skills and leadership. He must be always busy with military and all that..."

The girl rambled on and on about the impossibility of King Richard I being interested with writing. This made the old man stop writing and looked at his master.

"My lady, you see. It was quite the shock to me too when my late grandmother told me the quill came from King Richard I. But it all made sense when my grandmother told me why and how King Richard I got to like writing"

The paragraph made the little girl perk up in curiosity. Her little eyes widened and looked at her butler. Her gaze set firmly on the quill.

"Please, do tell!"

She said and the old man sets the quill down and nods his head.

"Very well...After King Richard came back from Third Crusade. He found himself to be at lost. After fighting and leading such an intense event. The adrenaline vanished and he missed the feeling. So he tried to find ways to make this missing excitement. But he could not, as he were to be always busy with royalty duties. Leading his Kingdom to it's glory.

But one day, did he finally got the time. But, although he thought of different ways to get the missed feeling. He failed miserably. Then, he found his sister, Duchess Matilda writing with such a beautiful quill, this quill"

The old man pauses then points towards the quil that was set aside. Then the old man took in a sigh and continued,

"He knew his sister would get punished for writing unknowingly. Without permission. So he didn't snitched. And he is the king. And instead he approached Matilda and watched his sister write.He was reading everything she wrote. It was a story. About a political romance. A historical harem. He was amazed at how Matilda was fastly writing in cursive words and felt joy seeing ink spread with the quill's help. Because of this.

Once Matilda finished. Richard asked to borrow the quill and Matilda said yes but not to tell anyone. Women Rights are different back then you see. You are very lucky to have been born at this time. Where women are free. Anyways, ever since then. Richard started writing more and more. He even has his own books that he personally wrote. That only his sister Matilda is allowed to see."

The old man finished making the little girl pout in disappointment. She wanted to hear more. It fun History after all. She loves books and loves writing too. So of course, this was exciting for her.

"James, can you promise me that you'll never have kids and you'll pass that down to me?"

The little girl requested, and the old man couldn't be any happier. He has pictured the little girl as his own granddaughter. Of course, the request made his heart melt. But an unfortunate event happened while the butler was coming back to the little girl's mansion after a short vacation. It broke every servant and noble's hearts. As James was a father figure to all inside the mansion. But the one who was more devastated was the little girl. On the reading of his will. As promised, he passed his quill down to the little girl.

James was already at the age of 60 and died at that age. But, he didn't have children of his own neither a wife as he dedicated his time on the little girl. The driver of the car James was riding on though, was safe and alive. The driver told everyone how happy James was, how bright his smile was and also cheerfully rambling about the young miss of the family.

Sad :(

KookLlamacreators' thoughts