
Silent Cry

The sun was at it's peak when the beacon was activated, the blue light emanating from the empire's tallest tower caught his attention. Moskov had to stop and and scoff. The Moniyan empire will never stop until they hunted every single abyssal creature there is and that included him. He scowled in disgust to think of a certain assassin that had him clutch his spear. He relied on the blasted thing to counter said assassin and he was relieved his skills didn't lack when it came to knock back.

Just then, something whizzed in the distance as he stepped back and hid behind a sturdy trunk of a tree, obscuring him from anyone's sight. Speak of the devil and he shall come, well in this case she shall come. The familiar burst of cables and the subtle crack of it grasping a wall hit his ears as a certain blonde haired woman came flying across the empire walls and into the castle.

Fanny was her name, the Moniyan empire's trump card and a very skilled assassin, next to Natalia. Looks like the empire was going to have another one of it's meetings, implying that another wave of battle was going to happen.

Moskov hoped to skip this time, he didn't want to deal with the matters that had to do with the empire or Alice's plans on taking it. The purple haired man turned, silently wishing that this time if ever Alice wanted to participate in said battle that she'll bring with her someone else and leave him to his own devices.

Meanwhile, inside the castle walls clad in gold and silver lining, Fanny landed smoothly on the concrete, pushing her blades back into their sheathes. The beacon meant something was up, it was either a battle or a meeting of some sorts, she always dreaded whenever the blue light is emmited, nothing good ever came of it.

the gravel crunched under her boots as she hastily made her way towards the huge canopy doors with delicate engraves of the empire's insignia, she pushed the door open immediately greeted by the familiar quartz walls and marble floor. the main room of the castle was spacious with a huge round table in the middle with the window opposite to it, revealing the empire's glory, ten plush red chairs surrounded the table and a map was laid out in front, she looked around to find three people already there.

First her eyes fell towards a female elf with a boy in hand, she had silver hair that shone like the moon and blue eyes that reflected the light of the sun.

Next to her was a man with blonde locks, delicately combed to the side, blue expressive eyes that pierced every demon he ever hunted down and the legendary sword that slain enemies too many to count. The last person was a buff man, engulfed in gold armor, the chains on his hips clinked as he turned around to face Fanny.

"Ah, finally you decided to show" Tigreal said, moving to sit on one of the plush chairs in front of the table. "You say that as if i am always late" Fanny smirked, also taking a chair for herself and sitting down. Tigreal chuckled "Hardly" he added.

"It's good to see you spinning flying lady" Alucard remarked, mockery clear in his voice "That's still not my name Alucard, seriously, how do you expect me to believe you're a demon hunter when you fail to even remember the legendary name that is Fanny" Miya chuckled beside the demon hunter, covering her mouth with a hand "She has a point" She reasoned. Alucard pouted mockingly as if hurt by the comment. "Hey i thought you were supposed to be on my side on this"

"Alu, i'm on everybody's side...well except for the abysmal creatures of course"

"Alright every one settle down, we have a meeting to commence" Tigreal interrupted, prompting Miya and Alucard to sit in front of him. "So what's the problem this time?" Fanny asked, now in a serious tone.

"As much as i hate it but we have to take care of this problem as soon as possible" Tigreal started, pointing at a little river in the map "The residence of this area are in danger, my sources told me that the apocalypse queen Alice is planning on yet another bloodshed, no specific time or day had been given but it seems like she will be having a different ally with her this time" Tigreal said, he was hopeful that Alice was with someone else other than the infamous Spear of Quiescence, it always proved a challenge for Fanny to ever kill Alice if the spear person was by her side watching her back. He was certainly a strong marksman but he doubt that he'll be able to evade Fanny's attacks for too long.

"Well that's a surprise, Moskov almost never goes anywhere without Alice in battle, it's proving to be a challenge but i always loved a good one to keep me sharp" Alucard remarked "Exactly, we can use this to our advantage, this time Fanny can counter from the back lines, i don't know who this companion of her is so it might be best for you to arrive in battle last to give me more time to analyze this new threat and come up with a decent strategy" Tigreal shot Fanny a look of determination. This was their only chance to find a certain weak spot in Alice's attempts in taking the empire, of course, the brave warrior would never let that happen, she may have slain her enemies, gotten allies of darkness and even successfully taken down powerful clans but there was one thing she didn't have, it was the loyalty of her allies.

"Should we bring in Natalia?" Alucard asked, looking over at the map that was laid before him, it was a series of greens and blues for land and water respectively, the different shapes of the land he knew they dominated over gave him a feeling of relief, at least the empire's vicinity was safe for now.

"No, not yet. the less allies we have in this battle the better, we'll just have to push the threat back long enough to gain advantage" Tigreal said.

"Wait...if Alice is not going to this battle with the spear of Quiescence we could hunt him down, take him out before he decides to accompany her in any more battles, that way we can eliminate one problem at least" Miya suggested, her eyes raked across the people around her.

Tigreal was silent for a few moments, mulling over the new idea "That might actually work, he's on his own. the spear of Quiescence is rumored to always roam alone if he's not with Alice, always caught up with the thought of revenge to find his enemies and slay all of them" Fanny added

"And if we take him down, we'll have a bigger chance of countering her without him having to use that blasted spear of his" Alucard remarked.

The room fell silent, each person thinking over the new opportunity.

"It's a great ides, thank you for sharing it Miya" Tigreal paused and placed his elbows on the table, his chin came to rest on his clenched fist with his arm supporting the weight.

"Yes it could work if we have the right tactic" he continued. Fanny waited patiently before speaking up once again "So what should we do? " She asked.

the warrior in gold smirked at the idea of a certain ally he had in mind.

"I think it's time we bring in Kaja"

The soft glow of twilight time blanketed the land, the sky was a series of soft shades of blues and purple, implying the coming of the cool night. Moskov had to take several breaks from traveling east ever since midday, he looked in confusion at being surrounded by nothing but sturdy trees and thick patches of leaves that blocked the moon's light from ever reaching the ground. There should be nothing from miles on end, it was in the middle of nowhere and no village could ever survive in such conditions, but as Alice instructed he had to keep going. After a few minutes of continuous walking Moskov's ear perked up at the sound of multiple person yelling nearby. In a blink of an eye he was gone from his spot and had teleport atop a thick branch out of instinct to avoid being spotted. He surveyed the area and saw four people, three of them were men dressed in chain mail armor, iron boots and gold helmet lined with silver trimmings, the shape of the front was made to cover most of the eyes deeming them unrecognizable. However what really caught his attention was the fourth person or...creature. It was a female creature, with dark blue flowy hair that could be mistaken for black if not enough light shone on it, silver eyes that were in slits like a cat being provoked, but what stood out to him was the huge puffy black wings on her back, his eyes traveled to the feather's tips to see the sharpest of blades, like knives protruding from each feather cascading from black to a shiny silver. Moskov's head tilted slightly in confusion.

he had never seen such species before, yes there are various different species in this land he even came across the species known as Leonins, a petite group of people with cat-like attributes such as fluffy cat ears and tails in all different shapes and sizes, he even came across creatures of different hybrids, The Centaurs were on of them, people with the top half of a human and lower half of a horse. But this was new to him, something that might have stayed away from the eyes of the outside world.

the creature was pinned down by the three men, one retrieved a rope from his rucksack and started tying the wings together while the other man began to screw corks on the sharp bladed tips "Unhand me this instant!" the creature yelled, she struggled against the offending hands that clawed at her to stay put "This would go a lot faster if you cooperate at least you beast" the man said, he sat above her keeping the poor creature in place while the other two scrambled to move faster the second man hurried to tie the cloth over the creature's mouth to muffle the screams "Gerard we need to get this thing back to camp, i can't believe we managed to catch one of the Damatorums, Chief Eveister will surely promote us for this" The man tying her wings declared, followed by a series of laughs and agreement between the three offenders. At the mention of the name, Moskov smirked, It looks as if he was in luck today, the creature finally went slack of exhaustion after putting up a decent amount of fight, her eyes drifted lazily around until she saw Moskov's glowing golden orbs.

Surprised, Moskov hastily placed a finger over his mouth gesturing her to keep silent. She held his stare, her silver slit eyes burning into him until she finally averted her eyes as she was tied by the hands and dragged away.

Moskov sighed in relief and set off to follow the three soldiers, keeping his distance and occasionally having to teleport from tree to tree to avoid the crunching leaves on the ground.

The moon was almost at his highest when they finally reached a clump of trees, hiding what lies beyond. "Check the perimeter" one of the men said and began to walk around to check for anyone who followed, Moskov sank further into the leaves and stayed as still as he could.

"Clear" the man said and opened the set of leaves in front of them to reveal a village, wedged between two mountain ranges, perfectly hidden from sight.

"So this is why it's proved difficult to locate this clan" Moskov thought to himself, and as the 4 people entered he took a deep breath and moved to follow.

Next chapter