
Prologue: Gamer of the Century has left the chat

In a large Esport Arena venue, levitating holographic screens were built-in on a tall and wide pillar that was connected all the way to the rooftops. This tall pillar is standing greatly at the center of the venue, allowing audience around the arena's sets of seats to look at the screen without much difficulty and with equality.

Playing on the holographic screens is an image of a young black-haired boy with a pairing set of eyes. He is surprisingly pale-skinned that he looked sickly, but he looked healthy due to his happy expression painted on his face.

This young boy is none other than Leo Qertius, the Gamer of the Century! He is also known as the gender-bender of D.Va, or the real version but male version of D.Va from the widely known game OverWatch by Blizzard.

However, Leo possesses half Chinese and half British heritage inside of his blood vessels, therefore he wasn't exactly D.Va, but he is pretty close to her in terms of their life.

"Hey Leo, I'm very shocked that you can still be conscious after playing for twenty-five hours straight of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. I don't think it would be very bright if you don't rest now..." One of Leo's teammates, Morinel Velect, spoke out to show his concerns. Mortinel is Leo's team leader, so it is only natural that one of his responsibilities is to check on his teammates' health and lifestyle.

Unfortunately, taming and controlling Leo is like a lion trying to chase after you if you suddenly annoyed it.

"Yeah, caffeine will help me awake, don't worry, and also, as long as I keep eating carbohydrates, I will survive since carbohydrates is our body's main source of energy." Leo replied back with a tired and slow voice. His large eye bags made him look like he was beaten up by a couple of haters to leave out a punch mark on both of his eyes. His body was too skinny and his hair was a bit greasy and super messy.

It was all too clear that he was tired even thought he didn't say so...

Leo was lucky to have rich and beautiful parents, but somehow he didn't managed to become as beautiful as his own relatives.

This fact is extremely harsh and bitter, and also the main reason why girls will never date him unless he is willing to give up money to spoil them.

Briefly speaking, he was too ugly that he will never find an honest and kind wife that isn't a gold digger!

"Well, if you feel exhausted or dizzy, just let us know." Mortinel gave Leo a pat on the back with a dazzling smile painted on his face. Unlike Leo, Mortimel is a natural handsome human being with a genius brain along with the talent of gaming.

Leo could only sigh deep within before nodding his head and then taking his seat. At least his friend doesn't brag about his obvious winner in life appearance...

Once the competitors arrived one by one and had taken their individual seats, the audience around them roared and cheered loudly, obviously unable to wait for them to start anymore. "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our 20th Annual Tournament of Glory of Evagenlion, we are now getting into the finalist of the tournament and hopefully we all will be able to watch another great performance of two legendary leagues!" The announcer-or host roared out through his mic. "This Annual Tournament's finalist round is Team Pyrkagiá versus Team Aeterna, please give them a big round of applause and vote now on which team you think will go back home with the Platinum Trophy and One Billion Dollars for this year's Greatest Esport Tournament." The announcer spoke out a bunch more sentences before going silence. He was waiting for the audience to finish voting as well as waiting for both of teams to have a moment of calming themselves to ward off some of the pressure.

When the voting time had ended and both of the teams had finished off calming their heartbeat and mind, the finalist round of Glory of Evangelion had started.

Leo's hand and body movements quickly became slow and caused his aiming skills to decrease by tenfolds.

His heartbeat began to lose its natural rhythm and his chest began to tighten, causing him to feel like he was being suffocated.

He stopped playing and backed out from the computer desk, trying to calm his body down. All of his attempts had failed and he began to feel immediate dizziness, his vision had started to turn blurry as well.

Leo's teammates had stopped playing as well when he began to act unwell and strange. They all tried to calm him down while Mortinel requested a time-out as well as a medical team to come over quickly.

"Stay with us, Leo. You have to take your time to breath in and out, don't rush too much and just relax, everything is going to be okay..." Mortinel instructed his about to faint friend, but unfortunately Leo's weak and exhausted body had failed him before the medical team even arrived to support him...

Darkness and bitter coldness wrapped around Leo's consciousness and line of vision.

He was confused and his head was hurting like crazy. He could only remember that his teammates were surrounding him and giving out instructions to calm himself down, however, that plan unfortunately did not work out.

When he had blinked and opened his eyes, darkness had already blinded him and the frost biting cold was clinging onto his body.

"Hello, Host. I am Beta and I am your System to guide you during your missions and tasks." Beta the System suddenly spoke out inside the endless darkness surrounding Leo. He didn't know whether he should be happy that someone is here with him or be scared that he didn't know whether this Beta is a threat or not.

"This must be a dream, right? After all, I can't lose that tournament and stain my perfect record of 100% WR in winning Championship Tournaments!" Leo replied back, hitting his already poor pained head to experience even more pain. But no matter how much Leo tried to pinch, slap, or punch himself, he didn't seem to be able to wake up from this nightmare.

Beta stared silently at his host with a pair of orbs showing empathy. Ah...this poor lad is going to get tortured quite a bit.

"Host has downloaded Mobile Legends: Bang Bang on his high-tech cellular phone and had reached the number one spot in the international leaderboard in a day and an hour. You have been chosen to save our universe." Beta spoke as short and brief as he can be before mentioning something that will be ingrained into Leo's memories forever. "Host died because of a type of brain malfunction due to extreme lack of sleep. Host does not need to worry as long as he can save our universe, he will be granted three wishes and use one of those wishes to go back home if it is what Host truly desire to happen." Beta had dissolved any remaining questions inside of Leo's curious mind. He was still pretty nervous and shocked after Beta had finished speaking.

He had died way too early than expected!

At least...he is given another chance to live in order to save Beta's universe? Not to mention he will also be given three wishes if he becomes the Savior of Beta's Universe! That isn't too bad when you think about it under a positive light.

"I pledge to save your universe and get those three wishes." Leo vowed in upmost sincerity and unrivaled confidence. There is no way he will throw away this opportunity.

"Host will be receiving a Quick Transmigration System that is me, Beta, but feel free to call me the MLBB System. Your mission is to transmigrate into different worlds, save the heroes that will be in the Land of Dawn, and to give those heroes a better path during their time inside their back story. Anymore questions that you need to ask, Host?" Beta gave Leo a chance to ask him something, but it seemed like Leo understood and quickly prepared himself for this ride since he shook his head to deny the offer. "I'm good thank you. Now, let's not waste any more time and start this game!" Leo answered and confidently spoke up. He was excited, anxious, and eagerly curious at the same time!

All he has to do, is to save the universe right? Should be an easy job if he looks at it like a video game.

Now the reality of having your waifu as your actual wife is not a fantasy anymore for Leo if he accomplish saving this Mobile Legends Universe!

"Young Miss, good morning and here is your breakfast for the day. Your magic class will start a little late since your teacher's way here has been delayed, please be patience." An old man stated softly. When Leo had opened his eyes, his body felt very unfamiliar and weird...

He unconsciously placed his hand on his chest and then felt something that isn't supposed to be there. It was soft and squishy just like a woman's...wait, he now has a bosom?!

Leo jumped out to whatever he was sitting on due to impulse before stumbling down because of his sudden carelessness.

The butler who was standing in front of him gave him a worried and very concerned look. "Miss Guinevere, are you feeling unwell? Would you like to call a doctor for a check up?" The old man that is the butler suggested with a hurried tone.

He didn't know why his young miss had suddenly acted so strange and peculiar. She was sitting in poise with an aura of dominance while waiting for her breakfast until suddenly she touched her chest and jumped out of her chair for no reason...

Leo slowly moved his head to look at the old. He smiled awkwardly before going back to his seat to sit down. "I am terribly sorry for my behavior just now. I thought I had saw a very large spider..." Leo then did a false cough with a try hard innocent expression painted on his face.

The old butler's eyebrow twitched a bit before he gave out a smile. Miss Guinevere, there are no pests in your family's main residence...

However since Guinevere can act a bit childish at some point, he decided to let her be and forget about what had just happened.

Leo, in the other hand, was panicking from head to toe.

He didn't know that he will be able to transmigrate into a girl's body, let alone one of the heroes in the game!

Well, at least he will be able to understand women more after this experience?

Leo: ;-; The quicker I finish, the sooner things will go back to normal...

Yo guys! Enjoy this other entry of mine that is more into the Webnovel's vibe, hopefully you will all be able to enjoy it.

To those who are new to Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Reincarnation, Transmigration, and Quick Transmigration novels, do not fear! I will try my best to help you out!

Vividitycreators' thoughts