
Prologue: Oh My System!


An unknown period of time had already passed since she woke up in this place. It was thoroughly dark, however, she could see her surroundings clearly, there was no sound and devoid of any life, the deafening silence was becoming more and more eerily quiet.

Xi Sheng raises her right hand that is almost transparent: "So this is what it's like after dying huh? Totally different from what I've expected. Well, it's not like I anticipated dying at this age."

If her memory serves her right, she is having 'fun' with her friends when a woman shouted her name and something metallic pierced her head. To sum it up, the cause of her death is a gunshot that penetrated her head. She could even recall the feeling of how her brain was shaken up and the sounds of the bullet squashing her brain.

Xi Sheng whistle: "Just thinking about it makes me shiver. Geez~"

Uncertainty permeated her eyes. The reason why she's too calm is either: the truth that she's already dead hasn't sunk in yet or maybe she already accepted it. Either of the two, her current state is desirable.

Xi Sheng stood up and walked aimlessly. If this was truly the life after death, then might as well call this purgatory. There was no one here, only her. She could enjoy being here all alone but not in the long run, no man is an island after all. [1]

From walking, it became running. Her eyes are becoming more and more distorted. She doesn't feel any exhaustion from running but the fatigue was building up in her mind. Yes, this is just like the after-effect of solitary confinement. [2]

From time to time, she would look back from behind. Instability can be seen in her face. Her eyes are wide-opened and twitching. Even though she knew that she's the only one here, she kept running and running.

Xi Sheng cursed through her breath: "Damn this..." Her hands formed a fist. She never felt this weak before!

She doesn't know why but this place evokes that feeling like something is out to get her and even if she runs, that thing was constantly beside her. Xi Sheng stopped from running. She just stood there still. She tried to calm herself down and clenched her teeth, a cold smile bloomed in her face. She's already dead anyway, in what world could kill her again?

Xi Sheng exclaimed: "Only a pervert will stalk someone like this."

She looks around her surrounding but no one showed up. "Are you sure you don't wanna reveal yourself now? I'm harmless."If I f*cking manage to spot you, I swear to myself I will beat you to pulp you damn motherf*cker...

Xi Sheng blinked her eyes. Her vision suddenly flickered several times, before a blurred human figure appeared, gradually drawing near her. A delicate and handsome man suddenly emerged!

He's wearing a pure white lab coat without a slight crease on it, while his right ear has three different piercing styles. He looks cool and elegant.

Xi Sheng put her guards up and readied herself. She narrowed her eyes and asked the man in front of her: "Who are you?"

The other party didn't respond. He just smiled, and he stretched his hands towards her like he was asking to give him her hand. Xi Sheng exhaled.

She smiled foolishly and acted like she met her saviour: "You should have revealed yourself earlier. Thank goodness it was just you..."

She slowly gives her hand while having second thoughts. If she gives her hand, this man won't transform into some crazy shit, right? He wouldn't suddenly turn into a madman or a lunatic, right?

When Xi Sheng touches his palm, a glowing light blinded her. A seemingly cold and heartless mechanical voice resounded in the void of nothingness.

[The Contract has been fulfilled. No. 4's life force is now bounded in the Wish-taker System.]

The other party fell silent, however, his next words made Xi Sheng startled. "Host No. 4, let's do our best."

What? Did he just curse her? [3]

She bowed her head a little and whispered: "First, I just died and then was shunned here in the middle of nowhere. Second, my mind was thrown into paranoia and then you appeared, that scared the shit out of me. Third, I just touch your hand and my life is already bounded to that god-knows-what..."

She felt that it happened way too fast. She just digested the fact that she just died, and some crazy stuff happened already.

The man furrowed his brows and tilted his head: "No. 4?"

Xi Sheng tightened her grip in holding his hand. She raised her chin up containing a smile that wasn't a smile. Xi Sheng exhaled and remembers the promised she made to herself: "No.4? I think you've mistaken me for someone."

She slowly withdraws her hands, but the man quickly took it back again: "That's strange. You're clearly No.4. Aren't you host Xi Sheng? If that's your name then you are really no.4. You died from a----Ouch! No. 4 what are you doing--?! Stop! Argh, stop!"

"F*ck, you dare to jinx me huh?! No. 4 my ass you sh*t! You think I was born yesterday huh?!" Xi Sheng snapped.

She throws punch after punch and slapped the man without a pause. She was gripping his right hand tightly while using her other hand to thrash him. On another hand, the man can only protect himself by using his other hand to shield him from Xi Sheng's attacks.

"No. 4 you've gone insane! Ouch! Stop don't pinch me!"

"Damn it! Do you have a death wish? You punk! You dare to curse me again! See if I don't beat you to a pulp!"

Xi Sheng unconsciously raised her right foot and besieged the most precious treasure of the man.


The man retreated his hand and falls into his knees. He lied down and formed a fetus while trembling. God knows how it hurts worse than hell.

Xi Sheng:"..." I think I overdid it.

The other man lied there silently. His eyes becoming lifeless:"..." The next generation of my family.... my precious seedlings...

Xi Sheng wanted to apologize because the look in his face was already bleak like she murdered his entire children. Well, she somewhat did...

She scratches her head and decided to help him. "Look... I'm really sorry but it's not my fault---"

[Initializing transfer...]

White specks of lights engulfed her transparent body. Xi Sheng was shocked but before she faded, she saw the other man biting his lower lip and teary-eyed. Revenge was written all over his face.

Her one last conclusion was:'Men became a beast when their family is threatened.' [4]


[1]No man is an island- People say that no man is an island. This means that no one person can survive on their own without help from others. This is true, no one person can survive on their own. The human race was created to interact with each other and has been doing so since it was created.

[2] Solitary Confinement Form of imprisonment distinguished by living in single cells with little or no meaningful contact to other inmates, strict measures to control contraband, and the use of additional security measures and equipment. In addition to the effects that loneliness will cause in the brain, solitary confinement also has an important component of sensory deprivation. Solitary confinement as a punishment is closer to a form of torture, with serious consequences for neurological health.

[3] No. 4- The number 4 (四, pinyin: sì; Cantonese Yale: sei) is considered an unlucky number in Chinese because it is homophonous to the word "death" (死 pinyin: sǐ; Cantonese Yale: séi).

[4] Men became a beast when their family is threatened- a pun or a passage with double meaning.

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