
Quick transmigration: In search of LOVE

I've never felt love in my life. I was always told that love was a burden, something useless. And I began to think that maybe it was true since I've never received love from anyone. "Love only exists in the movies". It was one of my mother's favorite sayings. And she kept reminding me of it every year of my existence. Having never really known what love was. We gave her a chance to start over. To have a close-knit family, loyal friends and even a husband ╰(*°▽°*)╯ to count on. System connection to host. 10% ... 25% .... 43% .... 48% .... 54% ... 87% ... 91% ... 100% Connection established welcome to the "looking for love" system !!! Arc -1- High School Arc-2-underground world Arc-3-Hitman Arc-4- Black Eagle (Bonus !!!) 2 chapter every week or more! ฅ^-ﻌ-^ฅ * This picture does not belong to me * And sorry for the mistakes it's not my native language.

Lilitee · Fantasy
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61 Chs

I had a nightmare so reassure me

Ruby's side 

The day went by at lightning speed, but despite that, it was satisfying.

The moments shared, the complicity around the puzzle, the smiles exchanged and the small thoughtful gestures filled every moment with warmth and happiness. Before I knew it, evening was already here, shrouding the house in a soft darkness.

The moonlight shone timidly through the curtains of my room, creating moving shadows on the walls. Lying in bed, I had trouble getting to sleep. Thoughts swirled through my mind, thoughts that I tried to avoid at all costs.

But now, in the silent darkness of the night, they took hold of her mercilessly.

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on my breathing to calm my restless mind. But as soon as I fell asleep, the nightmare engulfed me.

I found myself in a dark, cold and austere room. In front of me, my parents sat in stiff chairs, their faces frozen in expressions of impatient expectation. My mother's gaze, icy and critical, seemed to penetrate his soul. My father, usually so distant, now had his eyes fixed on me, filled with silent demand.

-Ruby, why are you so useless?, her mother asked in a sharp voice that seemed to cut the very air around them.

Ruby tried to respond, but no sound came out of her mouth. She felt trapped, like a mouse trapped in a maze with no way out.

"Why do you keep disappointing us," his father added, his voice a menacing whisper that echoed in the dark corners of the room.

I wanted to scream, to free myself from the stifling pressure on my shoulders, but my vocal cords seemed to have been ripped out. I was alone, helpless, faced with the immensity of their overwhelming expectations.

Suddenly the room began to spin around me, the walls distorting like tumultuous waves. I felt a cold panic grip me.

Then, with a muffled cry, I woke with a start, his body trembling with fear and cold sweat. I stood still for a moment, slowly catching my breath, trying to clear away the vestiges of the nightmare that lingered in my mind.

The silence of the night surrounded me.

The pale glow of the moon bathed my balcony in a silvery glow as I stood there, seeking respite from my nightly torments. My nightmare still haunted me, I needed fresh air to soothe his restless mind.

So I got up from my bed to head towards my balcony.

As I gazed up at the starry sky, I heard a slight noise coming from the nearby balcony. Intrigued, I turned and saw Sheng Xing leaning against the railing, a cigarette in his hand.

"Sheng Xin," I called softly, hoping not to disturb him.

He turned his head towards her, a warm smile lighting up his face.

-Ruby, he replied, his voice carried on the night breeze, I didn't expect to see you here

I observed him feeling less alone in the darkness of the night.

-I can't sleep, I admitted to him, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.

-Do you want to talk about it?, he asked me worriedly

Ruby felt a weight lift from her shoulders as she shared her thoughts with him.

"I had a nightmare," she whispered, her heart sinking at the mere thought of her parents and their oppressive expectations.

Sheng Xing listened carefully, his attentive eyes reflecting tenderness.

-It's as if I was expected to be perfect, I admitted to him, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

-Thank you for having enough confidence in me to talk to me about it, Sheng Xing said to him before adding in a sincere tone, you are already perfect Ruby, you need to know that

-And you don't need to prove anything to anyone, he added

His words resonated within me, calming the torments that were agitating my mind. For the first time in a long time, I felt understood, accepted for who I really was.

-Thank you, I whispered a glint of gratitude in my eyes before adding, you are like a light in the darkness

He smiled at me tenderly, his eyes shining with a light that I didn't understand.

-I feel the same thing, he whispered to me

He held out his hand to me so naturally that I took it. Maybe the restless nights wouldn't be so dark with Sheng Xing by my side because he was like a bright star in the dark night.

-You are like my protective star, I thought inwardly

No doubt observing my fatigue as he noticed my eyes close, he tickled my nose.

-The night was made to recharge and not to torture yourself with nightmares, he said to me in a comforting voice

-Ruby, you should go to bed, he added in an affectionate tone, I'll be here if you ever need to talk

I gave him a grateful look, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders knowing he would be there if I needed him.

-Thank you, Sheng, she whispered, her voice soft in the night.

With a reassuring smile, I detached myself from Sheng Xing's hand as he watched me walk away to return to my room.

 Once I was out of sight, he picked up his cigarette again, inhaling the smoke deeply. He let his thoughts wander as he gazed at the stars, a gentle night breeze caressing his face.

He too had his own demons that haunted his dreams and constantly reminded him why he got that scar on his back.

Every caress,

Every touch of attention,

Every sweet word,

Makes me fall deeper and deeper,

But if it's him then I'm ready to fall.

He's like a rose, and I know that all roses have the power to hypnotize. But that doesn't scare me.

Liliteecreators' thoughts