
Chapter 11: Second Arrangement, Banana Tree_2

But isn't Qin Yu quite amazing for being able to easily see through these tricks? The cat lay in the Golden House, watching the big screen, and stroked its whiskers.

Soon enough, the PD announced the results.

Zhang Li, Qi Zhiyuan, and Chen Yifeng were in one group, Wu Han, Qin Yu, and Su Qing were in another group, and Jia Sheng and Han Chen were in the third group.

Nailed it!

The cat nearly tore off its whiskers in excitement. It felt like it had found a true master of mind games.

This level of scheming was next level!


As soon as the results came out, there were indeed wails heard far and wide, with at least half of the group displeased - including Wu Han and Su Qing.

Both of them looked at each other and curled their lips disdainfully.

Qin Yu saw this and felt a shiver in her heart, wondering if they had a feud.

No matter what, with the group sorted, it was time to look for shelter further into the jungle.

Because the production team had just received news that the upcoming sea weather would be changing quite a bit, with stronger tides and winds, making camping on the beach dangerous. Therefore, they would need to change locations.

So, deep into the jungle then?

Since they were divided, they had to divide their assets as well. Each person got a banana; the flour was shared, but Chen Yifeng didn't mention the papaya.

—He had just given it to Qi Zhiyuan to eat.

Qin Yu remained silent on this matter.

"There are lots of bugs in the jungle, Elder Sister Su, are you afraid of bugs?"

Qin Yu tried to break the ice and spoke to lift the silence on the road.

After all, they shared quite a history of catching crabs and borrowing fire from each other. Moreover, she looked like a harmless cabbage with a zero danger rating, so Su Qing couldn't just ignore her. Su Qing replied indifferently, "Not afraid."

Then a spider landed on her hand.

For the next five seconds, Qin Yu fully witnessed what was called panic, pandemonium, and a ruthless heart.

After those five seconds, with a pale face, Su Qing covered her swollen hand and asked awkwardly, "Are you embarrassed?" She pursed her lips, eager to avoid the camera, and exclaimed, "I'm only afraid of spiders."

Wu Han retracted his shocked gaze and said, "I can tell. You're really scared. You almost killed yourself."

This guy was really annoying.

Su Qing glanced at him and didn't respond.

Cat: "I just discovered that the spider was flicked over by you with your finger! How naughty!"

Qin Yu: "That's called contrast cuteness! What do you know!!"

Although Su Qing was in a bad situation, Qin Yu had to help clear her name, and this approach would work

It's just that Su Qing's reaction was too intense, making her appear terrified of spiders.

Well, insects might be a bit dangerous, so they should find another way.

She had to think long-term.

What if she threw a big bug over and caused Su Qing to beat herself to death?

"Wait, there are bananas over there!" Su Qing's food-finding abilities were still commendable...

Unfortunately, they seemed a bit unripe, but grilled bananas could be eaten too.

However, all they had for tools were a watch, raincoats, and flour, which were of little practical use.

Fortunately, the banana tree wasn't tall, and there were only the three of them.

"We don't have to pluck the whole thing. Just pick a dozen or so, and that should be enough, along with the banana leaves."

As Qin Yu casually said this, her hand was actually pushing the banana tree. She spoke while pushing, and when she finished speaking,


The banana tree fell.

Qin Yu: "....."

Wu Han and Su Qing: "....."

Should they feel embarrassed or rejoice at this point?

"Strange, I really didn't use much force. Wait, I did push hard, but my strength isn't that great..."

Qin Yu thought it was better to be a gentle and refined woman. Tough women would ultimately be treated like men, so she tried to explain, getting close to the broken part of the banana tree to inspect it.

"Hey, was this tree chopped before?" Su Qing also found it strange and moved closer to take a look.

When both the girls said the same thing, Wu Han examined it more closely, "It looks like it was chopped down with some sort of stick, but the other party didn't persist... Was it someone from the other two groups?"

"It doesn't seem like it. Would anyone else easily give up if they found this tree?"

Su Qing obviously didn't agree with him.

Wu Han remained noncommittal.

It didn't seem like it was worth paying attention to, right? Was it really important?

All they needed were the bananas, right?

"Why do I feel something's off? Are there other people on this island?" Qin Yu didn't say anything on the surface, but she expressed this thought to the cat.

"Don't ask me, I don't know. Just relax. This is just a newbie mission. All you need to do is help Su Qing get through it and not let her situation get worse. It's best if you help her win the most Banana King!"

The cat seemed impatient, and Qin Yu even heard the sound of it drinking.

"Did you just go out and get another bowl of chicken soup!"

The cat didn't reply.


Qin Yu cursed in her heart.

They managed to pick the bananas off the tree, and as they went deeper, they picked some small tangerines, but nothing else. However, since it was still morning and they had time, it was more essential to find a garrison.

But the jungle was full of vegetation, and open spaces were scarce. They had to walk quite a distance before they spotted a slightly more open area.

"Alright, let's settle for this place." All three of them agreed, but they had so little equipment that all they could do was collect wood.

Fortunately, Qin Yu was already experienced, and what she didn't expect was that Su Qing worked hard too, never complaining about hard work. She didn't need to worry about clearing her name after all.

All three of them worked hard, and they soon had a place to sleep on.

"Shall we find food first or start a fire?"

Wu Han, unlike other guys, knew enough to ask the opinions of the two girls.

"It's still early before the sun goes down, so starting a fire would be okay. I think we should find food first."

As soon as Su Qing said this, Wu Han raised an eyebrow, "Is it because you're hungry?"

Is this guy sick?! Relying on his popularity, does he think he can bully her, who is so infamous in the entertainment circle?

She had nothing to lose, so Su Qing snapped back, "Not just me, Qin Yu is also hungry! Right, Qin Yu? I heard your stomach rumbling."

Qin Yu: "...."

What happened to being kind-hearted?