
Cinderella is a Coquettish Green Tea (9)

Disoriented, Xie Han tried to focus his eyes, the ripe blush on his face and his dazed demeanor made it evident that he was not sober.

There was a sharp wind and his eyes closed unnaturally.

In the next second, he stopped moving, and his body stilled with imperceptible tautness. It seemed that there was a hand clenched around him, like a silver knife rubbing against the surface of his skin, slowly but without affection, causing Xie Han to erupt into goosebumps.

... It's cold...

The fragile neck was grasped by the freezingly cold fingers, firmly tightening, he could feel his rapid heartbeat from the pulse squeezed in the man's hand.

The pain stimulated Xie Han's chaotic brain, and a strange force spread from his blood to all parts of his body, causing him to tremble uncontrollably.

"...Who are you"

The man whispered in Xie Han's ear, his words were vague, but his voice was charming and strange, wrapping around his ear like a poisonous snake.

"Open your eyes and look at me." The man held Xie Han's palm sized face in one hand.

These words seemed to have pressed a switch, and Xie Han's heavy eyelids suddenly lost their restraint, and he opened his eyes easily.

The cascading clouds covered the sky and covered the glaring sunlight.

In front of him was a tall and beautiful man, with long silver hair hanging straight down, with long and narrow eyes with slightly hanging tails that pierced the soul with pupils that were bright red.

"Who sent you." The man showed a satisfied smile without warmth and stroked Xie Han's lips with his fingertips.

Those two pieces of soft meat pouted, with the glamour and temptation that only a succubus should have

But this did not prevent the flash of killing intent from appearing in the man's heart, he was sure he had never met this man but why was there an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he looked at the drooping cat's eyes.

Xie Han was still in a daze, but the system suddenly shouted in his sea of ​​consciousness.

[Fuck, what is this? ! ]

Xie Han:...? you ask me?

[Why did the ultimate boss show up here...] The system looked at the world's background information at this time, so confused that the voice was a little static.

The system that had been hidden in the system space fell into brief disbelief looking at the identity of the characters on the screen.

[It's still the hidden lord of the demon clan.]

Xie Han was also confused, and this dazed expression reflected in their silver-haired eyes.

The short blond hair hung down softly, and the ceramic-white skin is even paler under the sunlight, even the blood vessels under the skin can almost be seen at a glance.

But his face was flushed, and there was a layer of water in his eyes.

In addition, behind him there is a slender black tail, swaying playfully.

The man grew even more vigilant and the hand clenched around the fragile neck was even harsher, he had only just awakened and naturally, he had no interaction with the rest of the demon clan.

The fact that this little thing appeared was already suspicious enough.

"Which demon clan sent you here"

The little black tail kept swaying, naturally attracting the man's eyes, with a ghostly feeling, a large hand moved, and immediately behind Xie Han came a strange feeling.

The silver-haired man's face was cold, holding the top of Xie Han's exposed black tail with her hand, the pointed tip was pressed wantonly and with a sharp gaze, he stared into the choked and pitiful face.

"A succubus,"

The shock in Xie Han's heart dissipated for the most part and was instead occupied by confusion.

His tail...

Why did it come out?

A slender black tail protrudes from the hollow of the thin shirt at his tail vertebra, smooth, soft but fragile. At this time, the silver-haired man was holding it in his hand, and it was as novel as grabbing a new toy.

"Tell me who sent you?"

Xie Han suddenly sneered, although he was suppressed by the other party, there was no sign of fear or timidness in his eyes,

"You ask me, then tell me who should I ask?"

"Then why are you here for?"

The sneer at the corner of his lips became even more explicit, " Do you take this place as your own, I walked to relax not to be harassed by a lunatic like you."

The silver-haired man didn't falter, "But here is a forbidden ground, no guests should come here."

Xie Han looked around, this indeed did look like the inner courtyard, far away from the gathering. In his drunk daze, he had inadvertently wandered far into mansion grounds.


"Who are you?" Xie Han couldn't help but ask,

"It doesn't matter who I am."

As he said that, his eyes wandered across the boy's face, and stopped for a moment on the blush that had not yet had time to retreat.

It was an embarrassing performance, although the little demon in front of him tried his best to show his strength and ruthlessness.

This made Luke inexplicably think of a hedgehog that was full of spikes but had a soft belly.

The blacktail was squeezed unconsciously, Xie Han jolted, angrily pushing an elbow out and shoveling it into the man's chest, the unexpected force pushed the silver-haired man's back and one hand swung out of the way!

Luke felt the sharp sting.

Before he came here, the rose bush had been growing wildly in the back garden, the thorns standing upright and not being cut off.

There was a tingling pain at his fingertips, and suddenly there was a strange gust of wind. A bead of rotten red blood slowly meandered down the cold white wrist.

The cold breath sprayed on his face, however, after seeing the bead of blood, Xie Hans's eyes dilated instantly.

Xie Han was stunned, and the inconspicuous Adam's apple rolled under Luke's hands.

Silver and white were smeared with a gaudy red.

At the same time, a feeling of immense hunger broke through the shallow pond in his heart, and there was a tendency to increase rapidly.

The sharp tiger tooth suddenly itched and grew in his mouth, narrowing his gaze, he struggled and lunged fiercely at the opponent's exposed neck!

In the next moment, the scene in front of Xie Han's eyes turned around in an instant, and she was thrown onto the ground with a low thump,

Xie Han, who had fallen onto the ground was about to bounce up but was violently pushed back down.

His hands were caught on top of his head, and his frantically thumping lower body was also suppressed by Luke's legs, and the boy's body was completely enveloped in darkness.

Although the difference in size was slightly larger, Xie Han was still struggling intensely, and his legs kicked and lunged, almost breaking free from his restraint.

He was occupied by that inexplicable hunger, and the urge to bite and eat the prey was stronger than ever. The two dark pupils glared, and his forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, with the silk gold hair sticking messily to his face.

A small part of his waist was revealed from the lifted shirt, where a pink petal-shaped birthmark lay quietly.

[Host! Host]

[Calm down]

Luke's dark eyebrows raised and the blood-red pupils suddenly narrowed, "You–"

At this moment the flutter of footsteps interrupted the tense atmosphere.

A middle-aged servant came around the corner and exclaimed when she saw the sight before them. Xie Han snapped from his reverie and shook away the hands that had loosened.

His heart was racing and without even looking at the other man, he stood up and hastily walked through the door, ignoring the startled servant.

He desperately needed solitude to think straight.

Unexpectedly, Luke let him go,

After the boy left, Luke stood alone in the clearing where people came and went. The servants walked past with a small package, bent over to greet him, and hurried away as if afraid of something.

"Yo Luke, I've been trying to find you, why did you wander off here?"

When his name was called, those red eyes that were used to hiding their emotions moved slightly and his gaze landed on the tall man behind him

Prince Edward abruptly stopped in his tracks, the teasing words swallowed into his stomach because he felt that those eyes were filled with a dangerous storm.

[Host...are you unhappy?]

"Why should I be unhappy?"

"I finally found a suitable meal"

His voice was soft and lazy but the curvature of the corners of his mouth rose similar to the little poisonous hook of a scorpion.

The two intruders left and gradually the clearing was restored to silence. There was a rustle, the old servant, dressed in inconspicuous clothes, originally with a package in his hand, sneaked away.

Not long after, the woman came by the clearing again. The package originally in her hand was gone, and the servant hurriedly left from the other end of the courtyard.

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