
Quick transmigration: A way to the end [BL]

⚠️ Dropped for now Angel wanted to die. But he couldn’t. He had been travelling from world to world for more than 2000 years, suffering from the worst fate someone could ever think of. And he didn’t even know why. What did he do to deserve such punishment from the heavens? During his painful trip, he was able to accumulate enough power to free his chains. He was finally free and he felt good. Just a few more worlds and he’ll come back to his world, and have a peaceful eternal sleep. But for now, he’ll just take revenge on those who wronged him. After all he’s been through, he deserves to lash out for a bit, right? ———————— 1. Business arc 2. Cook arc 3. Ancient era arc 4. Pirate arc 5. Idol arc 6. ABO arc 7. Piano virtuoso arc 8. Fantasy arc 9. Origin arc ———————— Updates: Every Fridays - Boy X Boy - Sex scenes - Violence, murder - Mention of rape, trauma

SleepingUgly · LGBT+
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21 Chs

1.6. The parasite in my bed

He coughed and held his stomach in pain. Serves him right for invading my personal space without any shame. God knows he deserves worse than that. He looked at me with tears on his eyes as if I was a monstrous person.


He looked so pitiful that it was almost cute. But I didn't waver and did my best to stay angry at him.

"You're lucky. I could have hit lower."

His complexion turned pale for a second. But he soon laughed like I had said the most hilarious thing in the world.

"That would be really bad for you, though."

I raised an eyebrow in wonder.

"What do you mean?"

A wicked smile formed on his lips. I quickly regretted asking this question —I felt like I didn't want to hear his answer after all.

"I wouldn't be able to satisfy you if you did."

Yeah, I was right. I shouldn't have asked. I glared at him with a lot of murderous intentions —he was laughing his head off— and grabbed a pillow to throw it at his face. But I immediately realised that it wasn't a good decision since he pulled on my arm and made me fall on the bed. I hurriedly tried to get up but he was faster than me and wrapped his arms around my waist, preventing me from running away.

"Hey! Let go!"

I struggled with all my might. But the more I tried to get out of his embrace, the more he tightened his hold.

"I don't want to."

I stopped struggling, out of breath. Maybe I should work more on my stamina. I always knew I was lame at sport but didn't think I would be literally dying after fighting for less than a minute. So I tried to use my strongest weapon, my annoying personality, and started to fake crying.

"Why… why do you do that to me? What did I do to deserve the wrath of the gods?!"

"I already told you, your acting doesn't work on me."

Damn it! Looks like I'll have to do it more seriously this time.

"Why are you insisting? I thought my behaviour towards you was enough to make you give up on me. Moreover, you know full well that I'm not the kind of person who would have one time things."

He calmed down and looked at me.

"And who said it would be a one time thing? Do you think I would bring food everyday to someone if I wasn't serious?

"I know how much of a slut you are, though."

He averted his gaze in guilt. Of course I knew, you stupid. Amory is the kind of person to fuck someone and throw them out once he's done. He had sex with so many people that he would be multibillionaire if he were paid for it —without taking into consideration his real job. I wouldn't be surprised if he had slept with the whole country.

"And you know full well too that I'm not the kind of person to care for those I just want to have sex with. I'm not that desperate."

Well, thinking about it, it's true…

"I should have told you how much I adore you from the start."

I felt a tingling sensation in my heart. Fuck, that guy doesn't make things easy for me to reject him. I sighed.

"Even if you really do have feelings for me, I still won't accept you."

He smirked, full of himself.

"We'll see that. Now sleep."

I sighed even louder.

"Fine, go away then."

He looked like a dejected puppy whose favourite toy was taken away from him. How can I resist such a thing, huh?! That's inhumane!

"Ugh! Okay, you can sleep here… But no touching or I'll castrate you, understood?"

He smiled brightly and nodded. Finally, he let go of me and I could breath normally again. I laid on the other side of the bed —as far as possible from him— and turned the light off. There wasn't a single noise for a while until I heard the cover rustling and I felt Amory coming closer to the point where I could faintly feel his breath on my neck.


He grumbled.

"I'm not touching."

I half turned towards him. He clearly didn't look okay with the rules I had set up.

"Right. But still, you're too close."

"So annoying…"

I got up, displeased. It's not like I don't want him to touch me. I just know that if he does, I'll succumb. And if I succumb, I won't be able to stop myself from falling deeper and deeper. I took the cover with me —leaving him without anything— and laid down on the sofa. I could hear him complain for a bit until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was back into the bed, tightly wrapped between Amory's arms. That guy waited for me to sleep to do as he pleases.

I got up and went to take a shower. When I came back in the room, Amory was awake and had ordered breakfast, even though it was noon already. I ate and started working on my computer for the rest of the day with a mirthful Amory also working at my sides.