
Quick Transmigration - Counter Attack Of Various Characters

Living forever and wandering from one world to another on the whims of a system that bound itself to you without a single 'by your leave' isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Su Li dies of chronic illness and is bound to such a system. Now, this could be considered a blessing in disguise for others. However, the trouble is that she isn't interested in a system and to compound it all, two men - two distinctly different men - keep on following her on this world-hopping business. Two men as incompatible as fire and water, as different as the sun and the moon. The only thing they share in common is Su Li and their sheer determination to not leave her side. One of them remembers their past worlds each time they start anew, whereas the other doesn't. One of them says that she lights up his dark world and the other says that she is his entire world. One of them says that it doesn't matter if she loves him or not, she is his to cherish and pamper. The other says that she is the only one he would ever love. Though sceptical and wary, Su Li decides to put her best foot forward and make the best out of her circumstances. Why are these two men trailing her? Will she be able to get rid of the shackles placed on her by the system? Will she repudiate her deal with the system? Will she find out the answers to all her doubts and questions or will silence and melancholy be her only answer? --------Line Break-------- An excerpt from the book : "You care that much about Zixi? Because of him, you are ready to discard concerns about your own safety? Is it worth it? Is Xun Zixi really worth it?" Su Li was agitated by Li Rong's unceasing questions. She weighed her words properly and said in a hoarse voice, "It's worth it." Suddenly her eyes glazed in tears and she repeated her words, "He is worth it to me." Li Rong was stunned to see her in tears and was rendered speechless by the conviction behind her answer. "Well, I can't change your mind. You won't leave him in a lurch and I can't turn my back on you." They rushed back the way they had come and prayed that it wouldn't be too late on their part. ************ You can join me on discord at: https://discord.gg/QRgX3DZ Looking forward to seeing and interacting with you on there!

Shiksha_Jerath · General
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135 Chs


It had been more than a fortnight since Su Li had come back to the residence. She spent most of her time with Xun Zixi and Mo Qing. She had started learning the ropes of the business world from both of them.

Even though Su Li could ask for help from the system if she hit any snags but she wasn't willing to trust the system. A year ago she had been in pain for a month straight without any rhyme or reason and she could feel that the reason for her pain was the system. She had gone for a full body check - up at that time fearing something was wrong with her.

After all, she was deadly afraid of her health deteriorating for any reason and was even more afraid of physical pain. But the results had come out alright. Nothing was wrong with her body.

It was then that she had realised that the blasted system was the most probable cause for the pain she was going through. That had increased her mistrust of the system further.

She had called Yu Jian at the time to ask if the business was running well and his response had been positive and she hadn't thought that Yu Yan was in any kind of physical danger.

After all, Su Li had seen some pieces of the shattered lamp dig into her hands and the system hadn't issued any kind of punishment. Hence she hadn't thought the other girl was in any kind of physical discomfort but how wrong she had been.

If Su Li knew at that time that the pain being inflicted upon her was because she hadn't taken care of Yu Yan's physical well-being she would have really gotten up close and personal with the idiot who had dared to harm that girl.

A few days ago she had questioned Mo Qing about everything related to Yu Yan. It was then that this fact had been disclosed to her. She was so angry at that point that she wanted to slap and curse the person behind the scenes.

Who would be such an idiot to hurt a young mistress of an affluent family so badly?

If they really wanted to exact revenge for some perceived slight, why not do it in a painless, bloodless manner?

She had asked Mo Qing to look into the matter.

Zixi was looking through things on his phone when he saw Mo Qing entering the residence with a peculiar look on his face. He had known Mo Qing for more than half a decade and it was the first time he saw him with such a look.

This got him curious so he tried to probe him.

"Why are you looking as if something happened that you can't wrap your head around?"

"Miss Yu Yue is too pure-hearted. Is it that she doesn't realise the cruelty of the world or is it that she believes in the inherent goodness of people?" Mo Qing asked him.

Listening to this non - sequester Zixi was even more intrigued. Anything that had to do with Yueyue was his top priority so he motioned with his chin for the other person to continue.

"A few days ago she had enquired about Miss Yan. She was fine listening to everything until the part where I told her about the bar incident that happened to Miss Yan last year. She started behaving a bit strangely after that and asked me some pointed questions like the time of the incident, was Miss Yan hurt, did she visit a doctor, was she hurt anywhere physically." Mo Qing told Zixi everything as it had happened.

"When I informed her that Miss Yan and everybody else in the group had been beaten black and blue without exceptions she had been truly angered. At that moment it was as if she wanted to find the people responsible for it at that very second and return to them tenfold for what they had dared to do to Miss Yan." Mo Qing continued in a gossipy mood.

"That girl didn't even take into account her blood - ties with the eldest miss and forced her to stay away from the main residence for so many years but Miss Yu Yue still was so worried and angered on her behalf. I say is she really such a Mary-sue character to not understand that the other girl has a different mother?" Mo Qing questioned Zixi with a serious countenance.

Zixi hadn't heard the rest of the babbling that came out of Mo Qing's mouth after that. He had already decided after the incident with Yuanzhi that if he ever found a single clue pointing that the other girl had a hand in it, he would let her experience the same thing but on a larger and wider scale.

It hadn't been difficult for him to get her other three friends to open their mouths. He had to be extremely sneaky while kidnapping and Woking their mouths open. Within a month, Zixi had his answer but he hadn't acted on the information rashly.

If he had done something with days or months of the incident, the first suspect would have been Yueyue. Even if nobody knew the truth about the matter, people who had reached high positions in their circle weren't idiots.

Moreover, Yueyue had just left the country so it could have been constructed as her taking her revenge and venting from a far off place without getting her hands dirty and people would have said that she did it with confidence because she had plausible deniability. He hadn't wanted his actions to impact her in any way.

He had patiently waited for an appropriate time to take action. He had waited for more than three years to contact a few ruffians to give her a taste of her own medicine. He had believed his play had a better execution than that interloper's and that it wouldn't arouse anyone's suspicion.

It wasn't her alone who had gone through the ordeal, other second or third generation freeloaders had been there as well though she had to face the brunt of it.

Now it seemed that his deeds had come back to haunt him.

Zixi knew Mo Qing's efficiency so he was sure that he had found the inconsistencies in the matter. It wasn't as if other people hadn't investigated before and found them as well.

The difference was that those people didn't know who had been the true target of that play so they hadn't been able to find the reason or the person behind it but in this case, the predator, victim, reason and the person playing at detective were under the same roof.


Damn his luck!

Zixi didn't know why Yueyue wanted to find the person behind it all but from her reaction, she had surmised that the incident was connected to that brainless person somehow. He knew he had to come clean to Yueyue before she found out the truth on her own.

It would spell disaster if she thought he had crossed his boundaries. He asked Mo Qing about everything he had investigated till now and it's results. Afterwards, he sent him away with the work he had been assigned by Yu Yue and told him that he would take over in his place to tell the young mistress about his findings.

Zixi went to the room and knocked on her door. She allowed him to enter and asked him why had he come to see her. He could see it in her eyes that she was impatiently waiting for Mo Qing to come and disclose all that he had found. He didn't know the reason why she was so concerned about it.

Maybe she was worried that somebody was targetting the Yu family or was she worried that this would have an adverse effect on her own image.

If she was truly worried about that interloper, he would have to take steps to wake her up from her delusions.

No matter what, Zixi wouldn't allow anyone to harm the girl who occupied all his heart and soul and anyone who dared would have to face the consequences even if she was disappointed in him after he disclosed everything to her.