
Quick Transmigration - Counter Attack Of Various Characters

Living forever and wandering from one world to another on the whims of a system that bound itself to you without a single 'by your leave' isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Su Li dies of chronic illness and is bound to such a system. Now, this could be considered a blessing in disguise for others. However, the trouble is that she isn't interested in a system and to compound it all, two men - two distinctly different men - keep on following her on this world-hopping business. Two men as incompatible as fire and water, as different as the sun and the moon. The only thing they share in common is Su Li and their sheer determination to not leave her side. One of them remembers their past worlds each time they start anew, whereas the other doesn't. One of them says that she lights up his dark world and the other says that she is his entire world. One of them says that it doesn't matter if she loves him or not, she is his to cherish and pamper. The other says that she is the only one he would ever love. Though sceptical and wary, Su Li decides to put her best foot forward and make the best out of her circumstances. Why are these two men trailing her? Will she be able to get rid of the shackles placed on her by the system? Will she repudiate her deal with the system? Will she find out the answers to all her doubts and questions or will silence and melancholy be her only answer? --------Line Break-------- An excerpt from the book : "You care that much about Zixi? Because of him, you are ready to discard concerns about your own safety? Is it worth it? Is Xun Zixi really worth it?" Su Li was agitated by Li Rong's unceasing questions. She weighed her words properly and said in a hoarse voice, "It's worth it." Suddenly her eyes glazed in tears and she repeated her words, "He is worth it to me." Li Rong was stunned to see her in tears and was rendered speechless by the conviction behind her answer. "Well, I can't change your mind. You won't leave him in a lurch and I can't turn my back on you." They rushed back the way they had come and prayed that it wouldn't be too late on their part. ************ You can join me on discord at: https://discord.gg/QRgX3DZ Looking forward to seeing and interacting with you on there!

Shiksha_Jerath · General
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135 Chs


After that heart - to - heart talk Su Li didn't pay any attention to the going on's at home and carried on with her own things. Though the information she had received indicated that both Yu Jian and Yu Yan were responsible for the car accident that left Yu Yue comatose, she felt that it couldn't be completely true.

Even if Yu Jian favoured the younger daughter, he couldn't have been callous enough to plot his other daughter's death. She was his own flesh and blood after everything was said and done. Also, she felt as if the system hadn't given her the complete information and she didn't trust it since there were no true freebies in the world.

How could it be that as soon as she reached the end of her mortal coil, she was given another opportunity? Even if she was dead to the outside world she herself knew that her soul lived on with all the memories intact so somewhere something fishy was going on.

More importantly from what she had observed Yu Jian didn't look like someone who would forsake the other person after their usefulness was over and if he really had a hand in the incident the system wouldn't have just asked her to leave him alone. In essence, the crux of the non - compete clause was that she couldn't hurt him economically or emotionally.

Therefore, giving it much thought she decided to see what kind of an attitude he had towards her and Yu Yan. If he was impartial and fair she wouldn't mind showing him some semblance of filial piety and be a docile daughter and as far as Yu Yan was concerned, she decided to give her a maximum of three chances.

If Yu Yan still didn't correct the crooked ways she'll show her what it really meant to go against one's own blood. After all, the only constraint the system had set upon her was to look after Yu Yan's physical well - being but there were many other ways and means to hurt her where it really mattered.

In the last few days, Yu Yan had transferred her schools and had started attending the new one. It was a place which was exclusive to the rich children. Unlike other schools, it didn't have a provision to accept students with excellent grades but were unfortunately improvised financially.

Yu Yan loved the school as it was completely different from the one she attended prior to this. After the banquet at home, almost everyone knew she was Yu Jian's daughter so it gave her a strong backing. She felt as if she could spread her wings and soar into the sky. She knew that some people grumbled about her behind her back but nobody pointed her less than desirable origin to her face which showed that it wasn't important where one came from.

People recognised her worth and she made a few friends. Life outside the residence was wonderful. The only thing Yu Yan was dissatisfied with was that the other day she again failed to get a rise out of her sister and then the next day father informed her that the twins - Zixi and Mei were placed under her charge. When she tried to probe him about Yu Yue's reaction he simply told her not to worry about it and that other arrangement would be made for her.

Yu Yan couldn't fathom the reason behind his decision. If it was said that he placed more importance upon on her or was trying to compensate her out of guilt, she wouldn't believe it since this went beyond it, as the two siblings had been trained for his legal heir and she didn't believe she herself had that much weight inside his heart.

On the other hand, if it was that Yu Yue had shown her dissatisfaction to him in private and he took the decision in a pique of anger, there had been no movements from either side to reconcile or agitate each other. This left her with a feeling that she couldn't grasp either of their thought process which was not in her interest.

Yu Yan had asked Zixi to inquire about all things related to Yu Yue from her daily routine to all the people she was close to. The results were less than desirable. Yu Yue wasn't excessively close to any of her male friends so nothing on that front would work and all her female friends were people she herself couldn't go against right now.

Therefore, she couldn't work from the inside to use someone already close to Yu Yue to give that entitled girl a new emotional blow.

The next few weeks passed uneventfully. It was as if everyone was waiting for some sort of signal to start making their moves either overtly or covertly. Meal times were spent with Yu Jian trying to break the ice that had frosted over the relationship between his two daughters but to no avail.

It wasn't as if Yu Yan hadn't tried to cajole her elder sister. Even Yu Yue herself hadn't said or done anything to warrant her father's displeasure rather, she was quite cordial with her younger sister. However, this polite behaviour had a sense of alienation to it.

Even though Yueyue was deferential and compliant to all of Yu Patriarch's words the way she had been before a new member had entered their family but Yu Jian could see that their father-daughter relation wasn't comparable to what it used to be. Since that day she had never entered his study of her own accord whereas before she would always come to him for even inconsequential matters.

Yu Jian had made up his mind to let the situation be until Yu Yan's birthday but if there were no changes after that then he'll sit them both down for a family meeting and try to clear the air.

Yu Yan's eighteenth birthday was here. Since the day she had entered the doors of this place, she had been looking forward to it. She had anticipated that her eighteenth was to eclipse all other eighteenth's. She had dropped enough hints to sink a ship to her father in front of Yu Yue.

Though it wouldn't be as extravagant an affair as that of Yu Yue's, still, close family friends would be invited. The celebration would be held at the main residence as opposed to Yu Yue's initial advice of holding it at a hotel. It was her birthright to use the residence to entertain her guests. Father hadn't said anything for a few minutes after that talk but then he had no objections and thus she had received his tacit approval.

Yu Yan had even called some of the more useful people from her orphanage and the school she had attended while staying there. She had made some plans that would only come to fruition with their help.

Father's gift to her was three per cent shares of the company with an increase of .5 per cent for every year she would work at the company with the upper limit being set at twenty per cent. She was also informed that after working for half a decade she could either keep on climbing up the ladder or she could venture out and do her own things.

This didn't please Yu Yan at all. She had seen him transferring eighteen per cent of the shares to Yu Yue on her birthday in one fell swoop whereas her upper limit was already set at a meagre few points more than that.

Yu Yue's birthday present for her younger sister was a complete traditional stationary set. Expensively treated paper bound in the form of eighteen diaries. It had Yu Yan's name monogrammed in the paper which she herself thought was a nice personal touch but it looked as if her gift fell short of the expectations Yu Yan had held out for her from her cordial behaviour towards her.

Anyways Su Li herself had done her part to not give anyone a chance to find faults with her or say that she was stingy.