
Quest Maker of Soul Land

Willingly dying at the hands of his only teacher to repay all his debt, Jason simultaneously plans his reincarnation and finds himself in the body of an 'evil' cultivator named Ja Sun wanted by one of the three strongest power of the Douluo Continent— Spirit Hall. But hope isn't lost. His trait from his previous life never left his side and now he will make missions in the Douluo Continent and live another life, this time, a life not owed to anybody. *** Note: I do not own the cover art. Timeline: The events of this fanfics take place eleven years before the start of the main novel. Of course, I do not own the Douluo Dalu universe. Since I am writing about the timeline never covered in the major timeline to completion, many things may be a part of the fanfiction but not mentioned in canon. *** Ps: After seeing a few complaints, I realized to add two warnings. The mc is definitely a trained fighter and not innocent since he can kill but he doesn't go around killing that much even when others love to do it. I know, it's strange since it's a cn novel but honestly we have enough men who love to cut roots. And, the character of the individuals from main novel will be slightly AU. For instance, Xiao Wu would only hug and keep chirping Ge, Ge. (Spoilers) The fem mc and others, well, I tried to put more personality, make their tongues sharper but it turned out AU. I accept that and realized that it needed to be mentioned, too. Hope you all enjoy the fanfic. *** Read 60 advance chapters and support the novel @ Patre on.com/Fanharem

FanHarem · Book&Literature
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383 Chs

Liu Erlong (Spoiler Alert)

Name: Liu Erlong (Yu Erlong)

Age: 28+

Spirit: 80

Attained Realm: Self (Increases the Attack/damage of spirit skills by 10%)

immortal Herb: Infernal Delicate Apricot

Name: Fire Tyrant Dragon→Infernal Dragon King

Type: Beast Spirit

Attribute: Fire→Ultimate Fire

Appearance: A crimson dragon with beast-like limbs extended to sharp crimson claws. Piecing red eyes, spiked tail, and a pair of giant fleshy wings that emerged from thick scales. Unlike the deer-like horns, Liu Erlong's martial soul sported straight horns from the top of its skull as if its skull had extended out itself.

{A/N: Western dragon like Igneel.}

Use: Grants the constitution of Infernal Dragon King.

Spirit Transformation: Liu Erlong's claws grew sharper and her scales thicker. The crimson scales covered every part of her body without leaving a single inch of flesh chin down exposed including her back from where protruded spike-ended wings from her back, leaving her left one alone. Meanwhile, crimson scales framed the side of her head and if she had any hair at the moment, the scales would have been mimicking her hairline. From these scales protruded extremely tiny horns on top of Liu Erlong's head. A crimson tail with an inverted-heart shaped devil end juts from the base of her spind.

Domain: Infernal Drake Domain

1) Creates a ring of Ultimate Fire that seals of any path of retreat.

2) Increases the user's strength by 20℅ and decreases the enemy's strength by 20℅

2) [After Rank 70] Sets anything in sight on Ultimate Fire with a thought.

First Spirit Skill: Fire Claws→Infernal Claws

Use: Cover the user's two upper claws with licks of dangerous ultimate fire that increases the damage from the claw attacks. The flames constantly consume spirit energy to enhance the claws.

Year: 200+

Color: Yellow


Second Spirit Skill: Fire Lord's Crunch→ Infernal King's Crunch

Use: The entire body is surrounded by ultimate fire that turns into the dragon's gigantic muzzle biting towards the opponent. It is a single direction attack with a range of 5 meters facing from the user's body.

Year: 800+

Color: Yellow


Third Spirit Skill: Flame Bombardment→ Ultimate Bombardment

Use: Creates a giant sphere of fire controllable by the user within the range of 20 meters according to the user's wish but once it touches anything, the sphere explodes, shredding anything close to it into pieces and even causing the flames to 'splash' outwards. Can be used as an area-wide attack or a single-person attack.

Year: 3000+

Color: Purple


Fourth Spirit Skill: Fire Dragon's Roar→ Infernal Dragon's Roar

Use: Produces a terrifying phantom of an Infernal Dragon King behind the user that lets out a silent roar. Masquerading as a mental attack, the skill is actually a sound-type attack that even distorts the air around the user, making the targets have their visions turn dizzy and their ears temporarily disabled if not retreated quickly and causes the surrounding fire elements to travel through the sound and injure the affected opponent's senses.

Year: 9000+

Color: Purple


Fifth Spirit Skill: Horn Obliteration

Use: Extends Liu Erlong's horns to 30 centimeters that store and collect fire-element in the surroundings to unleash it in a single line like a laser. The speed and strength of the skill can be increased by allocating more spirit energy than the skill requires.

Origin: Fire Horned Tyrant

Year: 20000+

Color: Black


Sixth Spirit Skill: Trail Shot

Use: Jump speed in a single line.

Origin: Draconic Demon Bird.

Year: 30000+

Color: Black


Seventh Spirit Skill: True Spirit Avatar; War Dragon's Armor


1) Allows the user to enter their true spirit avatar where the user gains resistance to all the regular elements by a 100℅ and grows 50℅ resistant to Ultimate ones. Increases mental, physical, and spiritual parameters by 200℅.

2) The scales or skin harden in various regions to grow into the likeness of the war dragon's armor. Increases the defense of the user by 100℅ in all aspects and increase resistance to physical attacks by 200℅.



Spirit Bones—

Lava Salamander Left Arm bone.

Age: 49000 years.


1) Eruption: Increases the range and effect of any subsequent attack by a 100% and adds a fire-element to the attack. If the attack is already fire-attributed then the increase of the attack is by 150%.


Exploding Mantis' Right Leg Spirit Bone

Age: 39000 years.


1) Explosion: Creates a massive explosion around the user without inflicting harm to the self. The strength of the explosion and its strength it dependent on the spirit energy utilized.


Dragon Child's Spine

Age: 96000 years.


1) Dragon Aura Boost: Boosts the user's strength and defense with a special draconic aura that is also resistant to various elements by 50%. The user's physical, mental, and spiritual attack and defense is increased by a 100%.


War Dragon's Skull Bone

Age: 100000+ years


1) The Furnace of War: A domain skill that increases the user's strength by with every attack endured in any form and sap strength from the enemy.

2) Three-horned Mystery Gaze: Increases the user's dynamic vision and allows the user to predict the attack of a single enemy a second beforehand.



Self Spirit Skills:

Storm Steps