8 Chapter 8

"Can you make sure the house is clean when I come back, Luke is coming to watch the game." Kyle says, wiping a mark from his trainers, pristine as always.

I could've mentioned that I did the house yesterday, I could have argued and told him no, but instead I agree. Submissive, just how he likes them.

"Sure." I nod, devising not to argue about something so trivial.

"Great." Kyle sighs, kissing my forehead quickly before rushing from the kitchen. I follow him out, waving him off as always.

"Oh!" He says, abruptly turning to me again.

"Nip into the city and grab some junk food, you know what Luke likes, right?" Kyle asks, although his attention is clearly elsewhere as he texts on his phone.

Silently, I push down my irritation and nod.

"Do you want anything grabbing?" I ask, already putting on my shoes and coat.

Kyle dresses like a human, even though our bodies run a lot warmer. I remember the first time I left the house without a coat and scarf during winter, Kyle refused to let me go anywhere until I looked more 'mundane'. It's kind of habit now, knowing he'll only complain if I don't get all wrapped up.

"I have everything I need." Kyle states, briskly exciting the house without another word. I watch him leave, noticing how he still texts even as he practically jogs.

What's he in such a hurry for? Luke isn't exactly the most presentable person.

His cold shoulder attitude kind of makes me uneasy, especially since his talk of marriage and kids last week. It's been weeks since my heat, and things have got a lot easier between me and Kyle, but lately I feel like all the progress we've made is collapsing. He says nothing is wrong, that it's just work. I want to believe him, but my gut instinct is telling me there's more to it.

Sighing heavily, I grab the keys and lock the door behind me. Even if I have practically no energy today, I still make my way into the city. Kyle likes his football, and Luke is like a hooligan for it, I personally don't see the attraction but it's whatever makes Kyle happy.


Three hours later I finally arrive back at the house, two bags on each arm. Unlocking the front door, I quickly remove my coat and shoes, wiping the sweat from my forehead as I puff out a breath of relief.

How do humans cope with so many layers of clothing?

Kicking the door shut, I pick up the bags and take them to the kitchen for later, pouring the snacks into a pile on the island counter. I set out plates and glasses, with napkins and cutlery, knowing they'll only nag for me to get it out for them.

Tying my hair up, I take out the cleaning products and begin scrubbing the house, even if there's very little to none dirt on the floors and surfaces. Whatever Kyle wants.

Over an hour passes before the front door opens, signalling Kyle and Luke's arrival. Silently cursing, I dust off the last cabinet and turn with a smile as the two men enter the room.

Kyle glances at my clammy form, his eyebrow raised that he doesn't understand why I'm sweating. It kind of infuriated me, but I say nothing, especially in front of Luke.

"Long time no see." Like says, his friendly green eyes flickering over my features slowly.

"Snacks are in the kitchen, I'm going to take a bath so please don't call me down." I say with a sigh, already heading past both of the men.

The moment I'm out of the room Kyle starts joking around with Luke, chatting harmless nonsense as they set the flatscreen up for the football game. Personally I'm glad that Kyle is distracted, at least this way he's not asking me to do something, or even grab him something that he could just get himself.

Locking the bathroom door behind me, I run the bath, pouring a little bubble bath into it before stripping my clothes off. The water doesn't take long to fill the bath, and I climb into the slippery bubbles, sinking down into the warmth and comfort of the water.

The silence, the heat, it eases the tension in my body enough for me to be able to relax. For a while I forget about the way Kyle has been acting, forgetting about him isolating me in every way possible.

I lay in the warmth for a while, enjoying the soapy bubbles that soften my stiff, sore feet. I can't remember the last time I didn't spend the day running around doing 'chores'. Sometimes I feel more like his maid, than I do his girlfriend.

Sighing, I drag my now soggy wrinkled up skin from the cool water, pulling the plug as I wrap a towel around myself. With the closet to the bedroom joined to this bathroom, I head inside to dry off and get dressed. Choosing sweats and a jumper, even if I know Kyle won't approve on my choice, he's a little picky when there's guests.

Crouching down by the few books he owns, I slide the least boring one from the small shelf and sit on the window ledge as I read. The lamp glows dimly over my shoulder as the sky turns dark outside, the moon bright and high, gazing down on my still form.

I've always liked to read, but Romeo and Juliet is scorched into my memory I've read it so many times, therefore making it very uninspiring.

Some time passes before the door opens, and naturally I assume it to be Kyle so I don't bother raising my head.

"Well, this isn't the bathroom."

My head snaps up in alarm, my entire body tensing.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask in a snappy tone, taken by surprise of his arrival.

Luke stares at me with smouldering green eyes, a glance that burns over my entire body slowly, as if he's seeing past the clothes. My skin crawls, and I make no move to stand, not wanting him to look at me anymore than he is doing.

"Kyle said to use this bathroom, it's the closest one and I'm busting for a piss." Luke states simply, stepping closer with every word.

I shuffle further into the window ledge, bringing my knees closer to my chest. I've never felt threatened by Luke, he's usually the friendliest person. Right now, he's creeping me out.

"On the right." I whisper, pointing across the bedroom to the last door on the right.

Luke doesn't even blink, instead he only smiles slightly, his hand reaching for my hair. I move away, but the window blocked me from doing so, and Luke blocks the only other escape, trapping me with ease.

"What are you doing? Get off." I say, gulping in slight fear as he strokes my hair, caressing the soft curls. My heart begins to race, panic setting low with my stomach, I felt nauseous.

"You deserve so much better." Luke mumbles, frowning at me with troubled eyes.

I say nothing, remaining still. After a few seconds Luke moves away, heading over to the bathroom. I quickly scramble from the window ledge, hurrying to another room away from him until he's gone back downstairs. God knows what he'll try next.

That night Kyle came to bed with his phone in hand, distracted as he changes and climbs into bed. For a few minutes I lay silently, pondering over whether I should tell him. I don't want to make it into something it isn't, and I don't want to cause him to fall out with Luke, but surely he should know what Luke did?

The silence becomes heavy, and I turn abruptly. Kyle jumps slightly, his screen going dark as his wide deer like eyes turn to me.

Did he forget I'm here? I wonder silently.

"Something happened earlier, and I don't want to cause trouble or anything, but I feel like you should know." I say softly, my heart speeding up.

Kyle frowns, giving me a short nod.

"Luke came into the bedroom, and when I asked what he was doing in here, he said you told him to use this bathroom. I showed him where it was, but he came towards me and kind of stroked my hair, it was...strange." I admit, my voice small with confusion and embarrassment.

Kyle only stares at me with the same blank eyes he's been giving me all week.

"He made a move on you, what about it?" Kyle finally says when I don't continue.

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, not expecting his calm response at all. Kyle isn't one to get angry, but it's like he's not even bothered that his best friend made a pass at me.

"He made me uncomfortable." I admit, slightly speechless for words. His reaction is what confuses me most, I wasn't sure what to say to him.

"Everyone makes you uncomfortable." Is Kyles blunt answer.

My jaw slackens in surprise, again taken back. It's like he's completely unfazed.

"Have I done something?" I question, frowning deeply.

"No." Kyle says, resuming his previous texting.

"I must have, because you've been acting indifferent with me all week." I say, finally opening my mouth despite knowing it might not be for the best.

His response is calm, without care, and hurtful. His eyes remain on his phone, not even glancing my way.

"You fucked my brother, excuse me for being a little distant on occasion." Kyle states blankly.

I flinch, as if he'd just slapped me straight across the face. A hit would have hurt less than his words. Despite Kyle telling me that weeks ago that he understands it was heat, that he didn't hold a grudge against me, it's clear that he does.

Tears sting my eyes, and as much as I wanted to scream at him, I didn't. After all the effort I've put into making things right with him the past two months, it seems pointless to keep going.

"Rosa is coming over again tomorrow, she wants to talk to you." Is all Kyle says, no apology or even a slither of guilt in his tone.

Turning my back to him, I switch off the light and pull the covers to my chin, feeling uncomfortable laying in the same bed as him. It all feels wrong, especially after his comment.

I lay awake most of the night, silently crying. I wasn't sure if I was crying about Kyle, or for myself. I could never tell him the truth about anything, he'd judge me the way he's judging me now.

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