
The Forest

In the forest, the sun soon came up and with it came a loud snap as a tree fall, and with that, the woman woke up to discover that she was falling at a rapid pace her only thought was 'what's going on?' but by the time she woke up enough to be able to figure out was happening she was already on the ground with the tree fallen right next to her. The wolf just looked at her with curious eyes that looked like they were either in awe of her stupidity or honestly wondering if she was okay. Honestly, it was tough for her to even tell what the wolf was thinking most time, so she just assumed it was the former and asked it

"what are you looking at!!".

The giant wolf then falls on the ground and she swore that it was laughing at her. Then she once more set out, just moving straight being hopeful that she would find something.

After a couple of minutes of walking she spotted something in the distance, it appeared to be the ruins of a village that was raided recently. So she came closer to the village and looked for something interesting, however, she found nothing, it was like a ghost town with no one around. After a couple of minutes of searching, she did find something though and that was tracks that looked humanoid in shape however they were much bigger than hers. So as any sane person would have done, she decided to follow the tracks.

4 hours of following the tracks later she had an idea 'Hi, couldn't I ride this thing, I mean it looks big enough'. As soon as the woman came close to the beast it just dawned on her how big this thing actually was, it was at least twice her size, and couldn't believe she actually killed it herself. The woman then tried to execute her plan but as soon as she tried the wolf dodged and made the woman fall on her face and with that she could hear the wolf's howl like laughter, 'well that didn't work' she thought. She got up from the ground and dusted herself off then she headed off again following the tracks.

After following the tracks for the rest of the day she came across what can only be described as a field of death, there were bodies of different creatures everywhere and even some that looked kind of humanoid, they were big and 2 heads taller than her with 2 massive tusks protruding out of their mouths, they were red-skinned and with bulky muscles. There were more bodies however other then the red-skinned giants that made it look like it was a battlefield, after a long pause to look at all the bodies she found that some beings looked different then the red giants they had grey skin instead and looked more elegant and much more slander with the most beautiful faces she had ever seen, well that wasn't saying much since the only faces she had ever remembered seeing were that of the red giants. So what else could she do but continue as she saw nothing of use to her since all the armor wouldn't be able to fit her anyway?

After an hour of walking the woman came across a campfire looking like the coals were still warm she assumed something was here recently so again she chose to walk following the tracks.

In the distance, she heard a cry that was deep and loud that resounded throughout the entire field coming from the forest right ahead of her, after a couple of moments a rumbling can be heard from the distance that sounded like it was heading right for her. Terrified for what that deep rumbling was she started running at her full speed but she was too slow and the rumbling was right behind her now. She looked back and she saw what looked like a herd of small creatures that had black exoskeleton with hooves and no eyes with giant ears that extended long above their heads. She couldn't think of anything else but 'I need to run' so that's exactly what she did. She ran and ran and ran some more until it felt like her legs would give up on her and that's when she saw them.


"Captain!!!" Said a hulking red man holding a battleaxe

"what is it Guro? Report to me what you saw" responded Tunto the leader of the red men.

"Captain I saw a couple of the black orc scouts about 3 klicks north of us and I also spotted some elven rangers to our east, what should we do captain?" Reported Guro

"That sounds good, the elves still haven't figured out we raided their weak village of Silvia and the black orcs are probably still wary of us setting up camp in their territory, I wouldn't worry about them though, for now, we should just set up camp for the day" answering Guro's question as Tunto sat down to have has lunch which was a massive boar that he had slain prior. Just then both Tunto and Guro heard a piercing scream coming from the north. immediately Tunto asked "Guro do we have any men stationed north of us"

Guro responded quickly, "yes, Tunto we have Gal'Thuk and Naret stationed over there"

worried Tunto screamed to the rest of his red orc raiding party "we are moving out, let's go and prepare for combat!!!!!".

The red orcs rushes north at incredible speeds almost like a blur and reached the location of the scream in less than 3 minutes. At the site of the incident they saw only one red orc body and it was that of Gal'Thuk.

"It's only Gal'Thuk body which means Naret is somewhere nearby spread out and find her, if you can't find her in 5 minutes come back and we must assume the black orcs have taken her to be a slave and if that happens she is already as good as dead" yelled Tunto in a depressing tone knowing full well that they probably won't find her.

As soon as the 5 minutes passed everyone gathered around once more sharing the same down look of someone who has lost both a proud sister and brother in arms.

"Today we shall celebrate the loss of both Gal'Thuk Torusuk and his sister Naret Torusuk, for they were proud Red Orcs that fought countless battles, and for they were stronger than the strongest waves and faster than the fastest winds, for they brought honor to their names and died fighting, however, those bastard black orcs fight dishonorably and killed Gal'Thuk and captured his sister and are probably doing despicable things to that proud red orc female. One day they shall feel our might and die by the flames! For we are the sons and daughters of the god of war and we shall get his glory back once more! we shall destroy our enemies and we shall be prosperous once more. For what are we!" Tunto gave out his speech.

In unison, the rest of the orcs shouted at the top of their lungs "We are the red orc clan, sons and daughters to Gremor the god of war, the once leader of our proud clan of warriors. Our proud sister and brother are now fighting in their eternal battle against the other gods and they shall bring back our honor".

As soon as the red orcs finished with their talk of the dead they heard a rumbling coming southwest of them, as the rumbling got closer they spotted a red-haired female being chased by a herd of Trujuk, "captain what should we do about the Trujuk coming our way, and about the female as well" Guro asked "it's not a problem but I don't see anywhere we can go to get away from that herd, might as kill them all and about the woman, after we are done killing the Trujuk capture her and bring her to me" answered Tunto while getting into has a battle stance.

So if you can’t tell this is my first ever novel that I have tried to write, I don’t have a lot of experience in creative writing but I wanted to make a book I can enjoy reading when I’m done. If you see something that doesn’t quite make sense or something not written correctly please tell me in the comments.

Love panda

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