
Fallen Angels

"I'm ready to fight you," Orion said to the woman, and immediately after, she rushed him getting to him in under a second.

Orion didn't expect the sudden burst of speed, the woman in front of him now slashed, cutting him deep in the chest, Orion knelt on the ground while grabbing his sword. Orion swung at the woman but she dodged with ease and slashing him in the chest yet again.

'I'm no match for her, what I'm I suppose to do.' Thought Orion whilst getting up from the ground, putting pressure on his cuts, Orion looked at the blood in his hand then threw the blood at the woman's eyes.

The blood hit its mark causing the woman to be blinded long enough for Orion to swing his sword at her.

'I'm going to hit her' Orion thought but was sadly mistaken.

"Did you really think that just because I couldn't see that you would be able to land that swing," the woman spoke at the same time as she jumped back, evading the strike.

'That was the best I could come up with, wait I still have the vine rope from earlier, she probably wouldn't expect a ranged attack from me, but I have to get her to expect a normal attack' Orion thought as he used all his strength to run at the woman, trying to strike her but she dodged every time.

"You have a lot of gusto for someone close to bleeding out," said the woman, kicking Orion back.

Orion landed on the ground about 5 meters away from the elf, 'this is my chance', he quickly attached the rope to the handle and got up from the floor. He ran at the woman, grabbing his sword swinging it at her again, but this time when she dodged, Orion swung again, however, unlike last time he wasn't holding the grip but a vine rope.

The huge sword hit the woman straight in the chest making her fly to the side. The woman collided with a tree.

The woman then got up like it was nothing and said "Nice job cadet, you got me that time, smart think using that rope, didn't think you would do that. I don't think we have formally met, my name is Captain Elaine Greydark, and welcome to squad 0,"

"I thought it was strange that you asked me to fight you, but I never thought you would be Greydark, I expected Greydark to be a man honestly,"

"What, can women not be captains now?"

"No that's what I meant, sorry ma'am if I have offended you," said Orion apologetically.

"Relax, Orion was it? I'm not that sort of person and drop the ma'am, you can call me Elaine, after all, we are in the same unit. From how I see it we are already like family" Elaine said, laughing at him putting her saber away.

Just then Orion collapsed though from the bloodloss, 'shit now I have to carry him' Elaine thought to herself as she got to where he collapsed and picked him up and his sword as well.

Two days passed and Orion woke up in the infirmary, but then he heard a man speak.

"You were out for two days, that captain Greydark really did a number on you. You had 4 broken ribs, a punctured lung, your hands were fractured, one of your shoulders was dislocated, a multitude of cuts on your body and not to mention the amount of blood you lost kid, I have no idea how you are still alive" said the man which Orion could only assume was the doctor that treated him.

"Doctor is the cadet awake, yet," said a familiar voice.

"Yeah he just woke up, you sure did a number on this kid Elaine. Even for me, it was a hard task to heal him up." Said the doctor to Elaine as she walked through the door, going over to where Orion was.

"Sorry Florence, ill keep better care of him next time. I wouldn't want a new member of the squad to die so early" Elaine said to Florence, "so Orion how you holding up, you look good enough to walk, do you want to see your new family?"

"Elaine not so fast, you can't just take him from the infirmary, he still needs to stay here to rest, I know you think that healing magic can heal any wound and instantly make you able to do things again, but the magic stitching still needs to take hold, you can take him tomorrow ." Florence talked to Elaine.

"But Florence pretty please, I promise I won't bang it up. Come on for me." Elaine said in a seductive tone coming over to Florence and leaning forwards to which allowed Florance to see Elaine's cleavage pretty well.

"Did you notice you said it instead of the kid's name, and my answer is still no Elaine, and besides you know I'm gay," said the doctor.

"You are no fun Florence but fine, I'll come back in tomorrow to pick him up though," Elaine said in a defeated voice going out of the infirmary.

"Sorry kid I know she can be a handful but she means good, even if she doesn't always act like it."

"So what should I do now," Orion said while going into a sitting position on the infirmary bed he was in.

"Don't try to move much, you still have broken bones and the stitching I put in earlier. I did put a magic barrier to the parietal lobe though so you won't be feeling much of anything for a while, as for me I'm going to my quarters, it's late" said Florence, as he got out of his sit heading for the door.

'What an interesting woman, I feel like I won't be bored for a while.' Orion thought to himself going back down to a laying position and closing his eyes.

Morning came, and Orion was woken up suddenly, "Orion wake up already, today is the day you will meet your new team."

"What, who is it," Orion said, he finally woke up enough to see Elaine's face centimeters away from his, and tried pushing her away but felt something soft and heavy.

"Orion if I didn't know better you were trying to seduce me," Elaine said, looking at Orion's red face as he realized what he was doing, immediately after Orion took his hands off her breasts.

After a long silence, "So you said we were going to meet the team," Orion changed the subject to help break the tension in the room.

"Trying to change the subject, clever, but yes we are, so let's get going. Hope you are hungry" said Elaine as she walked out the door signaling for Orion to follow her.

'That was so embarrassing, hope she doesn't dislike me now' Orion thinking to himself.

"So are you coming or not, stop laying there acting all embarrassed and come already. You only touched my tits, you're a man aren't you, stop being embarrassed and come on already, they are waiting for us." She screamed at Orion who was taking too long to get up.

Orion got up and followed Elaine out the door.

After a couple of minutes of walking, Orion saw a part of the base which he had never seen before. The 2 then arrived at a dead-end and Elaine bent down, after that she stood back up to put her hand on the wall.

"Elaine what are we doing here its just a dead-end, also what exactly does squad 0 do, I thought there were only 12 squads," Orion asked and then the wall started to open and revealed it was a door all along.

"Squad 0 is a special squad see, it doesn't quite work the same as your ordinary squad, we are more of the trump card for the human brigade, and you have passed all the trials to get here, and I'm happy to tell you that, you are the new member of squad 0 or Fallen Angels," Elaine said walking into the black hallway that appeared after opening the door.

Orion followed her inside and after a bit of walking saw a light.

"Everyone meet our new member Orion Alfheim, I hope you guys can get along with him," said Elaine to the 3 that were in the room.

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